Examples of the the word, deduct , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deduct ), is the 7989 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 5–6 days long, with 1 day off. Quite often, tree planting contractors will, deduct ,some cost associated with the operation of the contract directly from
  2. The GST they have collected in any given period of time, they are allowed to, deduct ,the amount of GST they paid during that period). This avoids" cascading" (
  3. If a woman died without sons, her husband had to refund the dowry but could, deduct ,the value of the bride price; the dowry would normally have been the largest of
  4. Was the total figure for the second half of 1917,Wolff had neglected either to, deduct ,the 75,681 British casualties for Cambria given in the Official Statistics from
  5. A conventional rocket motor lacks an air intake, there is no 'ram drag' to, deduct ,from the gross thrust. Consequently, the net thrust of a rocket motor is equal
  6. Lunar year is approximately 355 days). # Deduction of Debts: The owner should, deduct ,any amount of money he or she borrowed from others; then check if the rest
  7. Both the FA and the Football League have the power to restrict transfers and, deduct ,points from clubs, most commonly for clubs going into administration or
  8. Collect tax and pay it to the government. A purchaser has an incentive to, deduct ,input VAT, but must prove it has the right to do so, which is usually achieved
  9. Not only exemption from payment of tax but also the donors to such trusts can, deduct ,the amount of donation to the trust from their taxable income. The legal
  10. Adding to the stat or skill level you must roll under while negative modifiers, deduct ,from it, making things more difficult. For example: a player makes a pick
  11. Familiar tax credits. Certain states allow individuals and/or businesses to, deduct ,a certain amount of their income taxes to donate to education. Depending on the
  12. Individual must pay the entire 2.9 % tax on self-employed net earnings, but may, deduct ,half of the tax from the income in calculating income tax. Beginning in 2013
  13. Repay the loan, the borrower has no accession to wealth. 2. The lender may not, deduct ,(from own gross income) the amount of the loan. The rationale here is that
  14. Her children, if any; otherwise returning to her family, when the husband could, deduct ,the bride-price if it had not been given to her, or return it if it had. The
  15. Program individuals can deduct up to $500 and couples filing joint returns can, deduct ,up to $1000. About 20,000 children received scholarships in the 2003-2004
  16. Subject to VAT and does not pay tax on sales. Such sellers therefore may not, deduct ,VAT included in the purchase prices of his inputs. In Iceland, VAT is split
  17. In Shenzhen, but the Automatic Add Value Service is available to automatically, deduct ,money value from a customer's credit card to reload an Octopus card. The two
  18. In danger, France decisively intervened on its own behalf, as in the attempt to, deduct ,the value of the Dutch fleet, surrendered in 1799,that the British had
  19. Legislature drew up a new constitution that denied railroads" the right to, deduct ,the amount of their debts i.e., mortgages from the taxable value of their
  20. Revenues unless their markup exceeded 25 %. Thus, corporations must be able to, deduct ,operating expenses even if individual citizens cannot. A practical difficulty
  21. To $75,000 each election cycle. These funds were kept in a famous locked ", deduct ,box" to be used at Long's discretion for political purposes. Once his control
  22. A national VAT system. All buyers pay VAT and if the buyer is a company, they, deduct , the VAT. A company can buy consumer items they need in small quantities, like
  23. Can post a cash bond. If the defendant posts his own bond, the Court will, deduct ,fines and costs from the bond before returning any balance. # Combinations -
  24. Is a different card game from the previous game, this time the user has to, deduct ,the Dr. Black's killer, their escape vehicle and their destination. * Clued
  25. Output tax),consider the tax on the purchase invoices as input tax and can, deduct ,the sum from their own VAT liability. The difference between output tax and
  26. The waist, is worn. Many dance studios forbid underwear. Gymnastics judges can, deduct ,points for visible underwear. History The first known use of the name leotard
  27. A judge deduct s points for each fault. For example during a drive the judge may, deduct ,points when the sheep move off-line. During each element they can only lose as
  28. Protection Act of 2006),in 2006 and 2007,conservation easement donors may, deduct ,the value of their gift at the rate of 50 % of their adjusted gross income (
  29. Landowners with 50 % or more of their income from agriculture may be able to, deduct ,the donation at a rate of 100 % of their AGI. Any amount of the donation
  30. Of the Savings and Loan crisis, permitting a savings and loan association to, deduct ,a loss from an exchange of mortgage participation interests. In Personnel
  31. Depreciation allowances and other costs which capitalists may annually, deduct ,in calculating taxable gross income. This is obviously a theory very different
  32. To much heavier crucible) and unknown activation energy, it is necessary to, deduct ,about 75-100 °C from the initial start of the observed isotherm to suggest a
  33. Means that there are advantages for firms to be levered, since corporations can, deduct ,interest payments. Therefore, leverage lowers tax payments. Dividend payments
  34. Necessary deduct ion is for business expenses. If businesses were not allowed to, deduct ,expenses then businesses with a profit margin below the flat tax rate could
  35. Individuals and employer matching taxes. Section 3102 mandates that employers, deduct ,these payroll taxes from workers' wages before they are paid. Generally, the
  36. Upon the amount earned and filing status. Taxpayers are not allowed to, deduct ,their federal income tax from their Alabama state tax, but can deduct federal
  37. In taxation: * Tax deduct ion, variable tax dollars that you can subtract, or, deduct , from your gross income. ** Itemized deduct ion, eligible expense that
  38. Dates anyone and receives gifts from her boyfriend, the social worker has to, deduct ,any money or gifts Claudine is receiving from whomever she is dating. Then
  39. During competition When a foul is charged, the referee in their discretion may, deduct ,one or more points as a penalty. If a foul incapacitates a fighter, then the
  40. Systems use a small radio transponder mounted in or on a customer's vehicle to, deduct ,toll fares from a pre-paid account as the vehicle passes through the toll
  41. Multimedia from control by private interests ". Meaning U. S. Citizens can, deduct ,donations to With. Org from their taxes. With. Org Foundation projects *Ogg - a
  42. To arrive at their taxable income. In other words, the taxpayer may generally, deduct ,the total itemized deduct ion amount, or the standard deduct ion amount
  43. To deduct their federal income tax from their Alabama state tax, but can, deduct ,federal Social Security and Medicare taxes. The state's general sales tax rate
  44. Of these rules may be ruled" fouls" by the referee, who may issue warnings, deduct ,points, or disqualify an offending boxer, causing an automatic loss, depending
  45. That this is the case, when somebody asks you what time it is, you are able to, deduct ,five minutes from the time displayed on your watch in order to obtain the
  46. Gross income directly by the cost of goods sold. In addition, businesses may, deduct ,most types of expenses incurred in the business. Some of these deduct ions are
  47. Investigation involving QPR's acquisition of Alejandro Carlin threatened to, deduct ,points from the side and put their promotion into jeopardy. The investigation
  48. Being repaid may be obtained via garnishment or attachment of earnings, which, deduct , debt service from wages. Inflation - the reduction in the nominal
  49. The maximum amount is set at the level where the operator must begin to, deduct ,taxes. A hand pay could also be necessary as a result of a short pay. Hopper
  50. In the Arizona School Tuition Organization Tax Credit program individuals can, deduct ,up to $500 and couples filing joint returns can deduct up to $1000. About

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