Examples of the the word, enzyme , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enzyme ), is the 5648 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. I. Angiotensin I is then converted to angiotensin II by angiotensin converting, enzyme ,(ACE),which removes a further two residues, and is found in the pulmonary
  2. To disprove a positive Ames test. ACE inhibitors or angiotensin-converting, enzyme ,inhibitors are a group of drugs used primarily for the treatment of
  3. Adverse effects of NSAIDs were mediated by blocking the COX1 (constitutive), enzyme , with the analgesic effects being mediated by the COX2 (inducible) enzyme .
  4. Carboxyl group from aspartic acid links to phenylalanine. A process using an, enzyme ,from Bacillus thermoproteolyticus to catalyze the condensation of the
  5. Decomposes it into benzaldehyde, cyanide,and two molecules of glucose; this, enzyme ,occurs in the bitter almond, and consequently the seeds invariably contain free
  6. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic ) to other NSAIDs and inhibit the same, enzyme ,cyclooxygenase, they do so in an irreversible manner and unlike others affect
  7. The intermediate state, thus catalyzing the reaction. A new and unique type of, enzyme ,is produced. HIV treatment In a June 2008 issue of the journal Autoimmunity
  8. And unlike others affect more the COX-1 variant than the COX-2 variant of the, enzyme , For example, NSAIDs ' antiplatelet effects normally last in the order of hours
  9. Through several so-called" replenishment" reactions catalyzed by the, enzyme ,families of nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDK),which use other nucleoside
  10. In the ribosome, D-amino acids are found in some proteins produced by, enzyme ,posttranslational modifications after translation and translocation to the
  11. Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii. The mechanism is unknown, but an encoded Arr, enzyme ,may function in reverse to its known homologies. Heredity Arsenic has been
  12. Serotonin uptake inhibitor. Individual polymorphisms in the cytochrome P450-2D6, enzyme , affect the ability of individuals to metabolize harmine. Some natural tolerance
  13. V/cm). Conformations of a DNA plasmid that has not been cut with a restriction, enzyme ,will move with different speeds (slowest to fastest: nicked or open circular
  14. Build-up in the bloodstream. Ammonia is converted to caramel phosphate by the, enzyme ,caramel phosphate synthase, and then enters the urea cycle to be either
  15. From compounds found in pit viper venom, they inhibit angiotensin-converting, enzyme ,(ACE),a component of the blood pressure-regulating renin-angiotensin system.
  16. Or by artillery, using the aircraft as spotters. An enzyme (from antibody and, enzyme ,), also called Batman (from catalytic monoclonal antibody),is a monoclonal
  17. Useful ATP analogs cannot be hydrolyzed as ATP would be; instead they trap the, enzyme ,in a structure closely related to the ATP-bound state. Adenosine 5'- (
  18. Deaminase, an enzyme involved in purine metabolism * Ada (protein),an, enzyme ,induced by treatment of bacterial cells Video games * Ada (Castlemaine),a
  19. Of gram-negative bacteria. Ampicillin acts as a competitive inhibitor of the, enzyme ,transpeptidase, which is needed by bacteria to make their cell walls.
  20. About 50 % of the fixed oil that occurs in sweet almonds. It also contains the, enzyme ,emulsion which, in the presence of water, acts on a soluble glucoside, amygdalin
  21. In this problem is motivated by the unusual structure of the active site of the, enzyme , which consists of an Fe7MoS9 ensemble. Ammonia is also a metabolic product of
  22. It turns out that, if acacia" leaves" lack the specific glycoside-splitting, enzyme , then they may be less toxic than otherwise, even those containing significant
  23. Account for some 20 % of familial MND cases. The SOD1 gene codes for the, enzyme ,superoxide dismutase, a free radical scavenger that reduces the oxidative
  24. Partially inspired by Pascal Medicine Enzymes * Adenosine deaminate,an, enzyme ,involved in purine metabolism * Ada (protein),an enzyme induced by treatment
  25. Decrease. Bradykinin will increase due to less inactivation that is done by ACE, enzyme , Under normal conditions, angiotensin II will have the following effects:
  26. Enzyme, with the analgesic effects being mediated by the COX2 (inducible), enzyme , The COX2 inhibitors were thus developed to inhibit only the COX2 enzyme (
  27. And chemotherapy. His best-known discoveries are the discovery of the, enzyme ,lysosome in 1923 and the antibiotic substance penicillin from the mold
  28. If other antidepressant medications are ineffective. Maoist work by blocking the, enzyme ,monoamine oxidase which breaks down the neurotransmitters' dopamine, serotonin
  29. Of function to the enzyme . SOD1 mutations may increase the propensity for the, enzyme ,to form protein aggregates which are toxic to nerve cells. Pathophysiology
  30. To be precursors of antibodies, just like Imogen is a precursor of an, enzyme , But, by 1903,he understood that an antigen induces the production of immune
  31. A chemical compound * Anthocyanin synthase,an, enzyme ,in the leucocyanidin biosynthesis pathway * Approximate number system, a
  32. Is due to its irreversible inactivation of the cyclooxygenase (PTGS), enzyme , required for prostaglandin and thromboxane synthesis. Aspirin acts as an
  33. Is successful. The myxopyronin binds to and inhibits the crucial bacterial, enzyme , RNA polymerase. The myxopyronin changes the structure of the switch-2 segment
  34. The myxopyronin changes the structure of the switch-2 segment of the, enzyme , inhibiting its function of reading and transmitting DNA code. This prevents
  35. COX-2 inhibitors These drugs have been derived from NSAIDs. The cyclooxygenase, enzyme ,inhibited by NSAIDs was discovered to have at least 2 different versions: COX1
  36. Other resistance genes) in commercial genetically modified organisms. The, enzyme ,responsible for degrading ampicillin is called beta-lactamase, in reference to
  37. Applications *Estimation of the size of DNA molecules following restriction, enzyme ,digestion,e.g. in restriction mapping of cloned DNA. *Analysis of PCR
  38. Orders of birds and most mammals make ascorbic acid in their liver where the, enzyme ,L-gulonolactone oxidase is required to convert glucose to ascorbic acid. Sodium
  39. Of ATP from its protein binding partner without affecting the ability of the, enzyme ,to catalyze its reaction once the ATP has bound. The presence of magnesium ions
  40. Enzyme Deficiency (BED) is a genetic disease where the horse is lacking an, enzyme ,necessary for storing glycogen, the horse's heart muscle and skeletal muscles
  41. That SOD1 mutations confer a toxic gain, rather than a loss, of function to the, enzyme , SOD1 mutations may increase the propensity for the enzyme to form protein
  42. Hypertrophy and other disorders. Mechanism of action Angiotensin-converting, enzyme ,inhibitors reduce the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The
  43. Substrate in the reaction catalyzed by PFK; the biologically active form of the, enzyme ,is a betrayer that exists in two possible conformations, only one of which
  44. I to angiotensin II in the lungs was thought to be caused by the same, enzyme , In 1970,NG and Vane, using BPF provided by Sérgio Henrique Ferreira, showed
  45. Enzyme. The COX2 inhibitors were thus developed to inhibit only the COX2, enzyme , ( traditional NSAIDs block both versions in general). These drugs (such as
  46. Neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine,and dopamine by inhibiting the, enzyme ,monoamine oxidase, leading to increased concentrations of these
  47. Group is covalently attached to a serine residue in the active site of the PTGS, enzyme , This makes aspirin different from other NSAIDs (such as diclofenac and
  48. As well as converting the inactive pro- enzyme , pepsinogen into the, enzyme , pepsin. Some organisms produce acids for defense; for example, ants produce
  49. Nervous system. In such situations, the kidneys release renin, which acts as an, enzyme ,and cuts off all but the first 10 amino acid residues of angiotensinogen (a
  50. Resistance of many bacterial strains. For example,NDM-1 is a newly identified, enzyme ,conveying bacterial resistance to a broad range of beta-lactam antibacterials.

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