Examples of the the word, drunk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drunk ), is the 4737 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As the basis for a silver drinking chalice; a local judge even claimed to have, drunk ,from it one night in the 1930s. The name of Blackbeard has been attached to
  2. Lacing (the pattern left by the head as it moves down the glass as the beer is, drunk ,), and turbulence of the beer and its release of carbonation. Beer and society
  3. Place for public intoxication, being " drunk and disorderly" or even being ", drunk ,and incapable ". In the UK and Australia, being " drunk in a public place" is
  4. Be called either food or drink, and accordingly may be eaten with a spoon or, drunk , depending upon their thickness and solutes. Measurement Dill (Anthem
  5. J. Slave (Samuel S. Hinds),who is in collusion with Kent, appoints the town, drunk , Washington Dims dale (Charles Winninger),as the new sheriff, assuming that
  6. In the UK drink-driving is against the law whilst in the US the term is, drunk ,driving. The legal term in the US is driving while intoxicated (DWI) or
  7. Example of this situation might be as follows: A husband comes home late,he's, drunk , and has a collar covered in lipstick. His wife wants to know where he's been
  8. Little apparent effect on the electorate, including the Premier's arrest for, drunk ,driving in Maui and the resignation of various cabinet ministers because of
  9. To a criminal sentence. An alcoholic's behavior and mental impairment, while, drunk , can profoundly affect those surrounding them and lead to isolation from family
  10. Word pissed means being annoyed whereas in BRE it is a coarse word for being, drunk ,(in both varieties, pissed off means irritated). Similarly, in AME the word
  11. Recalled that in the evening after the conference, many Nazi officials were so, drunk ,that they needed help boarding the special train which was to take them to a
  12. Range from 0,which signifies the beer is in such poor condition it cannot be, drunk ,; through 2,which signifies an average beer that is drunk without calling
  13. Be associated with rock stars,” however the amount he is supposed to have, drunk ,in his lifetime and in New York before his death, may well have been
  14. Also approvingly quoted a line of poetry by one of his contemporaries:" I am, drunk , officer. Punish me when I am sober. " Ba bur related that one of his uncles "
  15. Was released from the hospital the next day. She was subsequently charged with, drunk ,driving. In July 2008,a driver was arrested after he ran into a highway
  16. The Carpi vine alone, but that DMT-containing plants remain inactive when, drunk ,as a brew without an MAO inhibitor (such as Carpi). How indigenous peoples
  17. At the Grouchy Club and is associated with football culture, being commonly, drunk ,on the terraces from thermos flasks in winter. At Scottish football stadiums
  18. Blue ". In German, on the other hand, to be" blue" ( Beau San) is to be, drunk , This derives from the ancient use of urine (which is produced copiously by
  19. 2) Free Van de Kamp has a drinking problem, after falling down in the yard, drunk ,(among other incidents) she decides to attend AA meetings *Come Back, Little
  20. The hilt, never seen on stage without at least one bottle of vodka and often so, drunk ,he could barely stand upright. Despite this, by 1982 he was a devoted family
  21. Wilson said," erratic public characters who through broken anonymity might get, drunk ,and destroy confidence in us. " The Big Book, the Twelve Steps and the Twelve
  22. Lead to Alboin's downfall unfold in Verona. During a great feast Albion gets, drunk ,and orders his wife Rosamond to drink from his cup, made from the skull of his
  23. Twins, he says:" Why what an intricate impeach is this! I think you all have, drunk ,of Circe's cup. If here you housed him, here he would have been;" Calderon de
  24. Was often considered rude. Similarly, the word pissed can refer either to being, drunk ,(as in Britain),or being mad or angry (as in the U. S.),though anger is
  25. Or failures of proof are: * A defendant could argue that since he was, drunk , he could not form the specific intent to commit assault. This defense would
  26. At the Lions, following repeated off-field indiscretions which included getting, drunk ,in the Brisbane streets during New Years' Eve celebrations. On the field, the
  27. While piss drunk or pissed up is said to describe inebriation (though piss, drunk ,is sometimes also used in the US, especially in the northern states). Canadian
  28. For a holiday. Rose however relapsed and Crowley, who disliked her when, drunk , fled to Paris. In 1909,when doctors stated that Rose required
  29. He would use to China's advantage. Abusive incidents occurred following a, drunk ,American General making comments about Chiang's regime, and a low point in
  30. Teacher was sober, Wilson attended his first Group gathering, though he was, drunk , Within days Wilson admitted himself for the fourth time to the Charles B.
  31. Reduced judgment, can lead to legal consequences, such as criminal charges for, drunk ,driving or public disorder, or civil penalties for tortious behavior, and may
  32. A day, but those who wanted to have fun always needed more. Jim, increasingly, drunk , dreams of sailing back to Alaska. He takes down a curtain rod for a mast and
  33. Singer. " I hope I was professional, I might not have been, actually. When I'm, drunk ,I am horrible, I am horrid," Ward said. " Alcohol was definitely one of the
  34. The title The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy occurred to him while he lay, drunk ,in a field in Innsbruck, Austria,gazing at the stars, though he joked that the
  35. Or even being" drunk and incapable ". In the UK and Australia, being ", drunk ,in a public place" is an offense in itself. There are often legal penalties
  36. It cannot be drunk ; through 2,which signifies an average beer that is, drunk ,without calling attention to itself in either a positive or negative manner; up
  37. Although a dialogue comment preserved continuity by mentioning that he had also, drunk ,the formula beforehand. The retelling of the story in Captain America #255
  38. As in the U. S.),though anger is more often said as pissed off, while piss, drunk ,or pissed up is said to describe inebriation (though piss drunk is sometimes
  39. In the United States, for example, it is a criminal offense for a person to be, drunk ,while driving a motorized vehicle (driving under the influence),operating an
  40. Employee told biographer Orin Keep news that Jefferson was a womanizing sloppy, drunk ,; on the other hand,Jefferson's neighbor in Chicago, Romeo Nelson, reports him
  41. Those deemed too intoxicated in a public place for public intoxication, being ", drunk ,and disorderly" or even being" drunk and incapable ". In the UK and Australia
  42. The prophecy and introduced Ages to his daughter, Aethra, when Ages was, drunk , They slept with each other, and,then, in some versions, Aethra waded to the
  43. Late-night phone calls to friends and relatives in which he seemed incoherently, drunk ,or ill. Haley's first wife has been quoted as saying," He would call and
  44. On in the commercial he wakes up realizing it was a nightmare after having, drunk ,too much of the Brazilian soft drink. This generated some controversy in the
  45. Of alcoholics are often found in fiction and popular culture. The 'town, drunk ,' is a stock character in Western popular culture. Stereotypes of drunk enness
  46. The influence of alcohol (DUI). The equivalent legal phrase in the UK is, drunk ,in charge of a motor vehicle (DIC) or more commonly driving with excess
  47. To find; they had been busy drinking with friends and were finally discovered, drunk , Teach kept to his side of the bargain and released the captured ships and his
  48. In the UK, in which Leary was participating, with adapted lyrics criticizing a, drunk ,driver. Leary has appeared as an actor in over 40 movies, including The Sandlot
  49. Of the film. It featured Louis Rossetti, Jr. as Bart and Steve Vandenberg as the, drunk ,sidekick. Mel Brooks had little if anything to do with the pilot, as writer
  50. Killed and 31 wounded when guards opened fire at the behest of the allegedly, drunk ,British officer in charge, who thought that they were attempting to escape. A

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