Examples of the the word, misleading , in a Sentence Context

The word ( misleading ), is the 5833 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Known as the '11th East Lancashire Regiment ': the nickname is a little, misleading , since of the four 250-strong companies that made up the original battalion
  2. In 1991. Friedman contended that the structure of the balance of payments was, misleading , In an interview with Charlie Rose, he stated that" on the books" the US is a
  3. To share numerous lexical properties and typological features; it is therefore, misleading ,to exaggerate the" outlandish" character of Basque. Basque is also a modern
  4. Yam al-Qiyāmah). Al Jamaal (the Antichrist) will create bad and/or, misleading ,thoughts in a persons head to guide them away from the straight path. True
  5. In eight of the nine cases,Gould's representation of these views is false, misleading , or grossly caricatured. Nonspecialists could have no way of knowing any of
  6. Christian Church considered useful but not divinely inspired. As such, it is, misleading ,in this sense to refer to the Gospel according to the Hebrews or Gnostic
  7. Powers, which is the paradigmatic application of the Bernoulli numbers. It is, misleading ,to call this viewpoint 'archaic '. For example Jean-Pierre Serve uses it in his
  8. Then away from the straight path. True believers (Muslims) will reject these, misleading ,thoughts, but will not be able to defeat him on their own. God (Allah) will
  9. Half a pint of beer, or a single measure of spirits. Such statements may be, misleading ,because they do not reflect differences in strength of the various kinds of
  10. And recreation as therapies. Its academic proponents sometimes recommend, misleading ,patients by using known placebo treatments in order to achieve a placebo effect
  11. For Integrated Health, on the grounds that" they both contain numerous, misleading ,and inaccurate claims concerning the supposed benefits of alternative medicine
  12. Market economist" to identify the ideas of Smith is too general and slightly, misleading , Klein offers six characteristics central to the identity of Smith's economic
  13. The text of this Psalter is that commonly known as the Gallic an. The name is, misleading , for it is simply the second revision (A. D. 392) made by Jerome of the old
  14. The Commission the power to bring law enforcement actions against false or, misleading ,claims that a product is of U. S. origin. " U. S. national in other languages
  15. Ethical/legal abuses include: creative accounting, earnings management, misleading ,financial analysis insider trading, securities fraud, bribery/kickbacks and
  16. And other similar sources have spread among the public a partial and, misleading ,vision of Smith, portraying him as an" extreme dogmatic defender of
  17. That an Amway recruiter featured in the report (Chris Frederick's) made, misleading ,and inconsistent statements about Amway earnings during a recruitment meeting
  18. The disciple of a local hermit. The appellation" Father of Monasticism" is, misleading , as Christian monasticism was already being practiced in the deserts of Egypt.
  19. The atomic masses over all the atoms in the sample; *it is not uncommon to have, misleading ,names of physical quantities which are retained for historical reasons, such as
  20. It, by being heated in various commentary solutions. In this way a very, misleading ,imitation of coral that is called alabaster coral is produced. Ahab or ACH'av
  21. Date of UK Independence is now given as 1927. This has been argued by some as, misleading , and refers to the date the entity adopted its current name under the Royal and
  22. Anderson and the Hindu brothers. Anderson forced to resign again due to, misleading ,statements. (2001) * Jo Moore, within an hour of the 9/11 attacks, Moore sent
  23. And what role the sky played in their cultures. " Clive Juggles argues it is, misleading ,to consider archaeoastronomy to be the study of ancient astronomy, as modern
  24. The charges claimed that The Skeptical Environmentalist contained deliberately, misleading ,data and flawed conclusions. Due to the similarity of the complaints, the DCSD
  25. 9 kilocalories) per gram. In the case of protein, this is somewhat, misleading ,as only some amino acids are usable for fuel. Organisms typically cannot
  26. Merely the evidence ', replied counsel. The name" adversarial system" may be, misleading ,in that it implies it is only within this type of system in which there are
  27. Taste similar to cinnamon (cassia) bark, but milder. In culinary terms, it is, misleading ,to call it bay leaf because it is of a genus other than that of the bay laurel
  28. In terms of entropy. When there is no useful work being done, it would be less, misleading ,to use the Legendre transforms of the entropy appropriate for constant T, or
  29. Prone to cry. (Babies sleep and will sometimes play in air cribs, but it's, misleading ,to say they are 'raised' in them. Apart from newborns, most of a baby's
  30. Sustainable development and therefore feel the term" anti-globalization" is, misleading , Ideology and causes Supporters believe that by the late 20th century those
  31. The pro-globalization slogan," growth is good for the poor ", is purposefully, misleading , They argue that neoliberal policies consistent with globalization and
  32. Persons, acting in the world. Thus, by speaking of 'consciousness' we end up, misleading ,ourselves by thinking that there is any sort of thing as consciousness
  33. The author to accurately recall memories has in certain cases resulted in, misleading ,or incorrect information. Some sociologists and psychologists have noted that
  34. This methodology is also driven by the belief that econometrics is inherently, misleading ,in that it creates a fallacious" precision" in economics where there is none.
  35. In order to bring the state down. So it's a futile exercise, and it's just, misleading , ... There are groups that will fight to the death. Whether we like to talk to
  36. They were able to show that some pro-paranormal material is often, misleading ,or inaccurate, but its producers continue to market it. Accordingly, they have
  37. Thus no PAL or NTSC signals at all. Even though this usage is common, it is, misleading ,as that is not the original meaning of the terms PAL/SECAM/NTSC. Although a
  38. That there was no captive Bigfoot. Discard blamed an unnamed woman for, misleading ,him, and the show's audience for being gullible. The story of the men's
  39. Selective discarding of unwanted results (selective citation); #Deliberately, misleading ,use of statistical methods; #Distorted interpretation of conclusions;
  40. Cunning as well as Alicia, which translates to" malice ". This, however,is, misleading ,as the meaning of Alicia in Capoeira is the capacity to understand someone's
  41. He was the sole created of German tactical and operational methodology is also, misleading , Between 1922 and 1928 Sumerian wrote very few articles of barely more than a
  42. Critics of casuistry claim its argumentation is specious and intentionally, misleading , It was not until publication of The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral
  43. The usual etymology that equates fagot to with" bundle of sticks" is somewhat, misleading , as the latter term did not come into general use until later. Some think it
  44. Is said to be color deficient or color-blind (though this latter term can be, misleading ,; almost all color deficient individuals can distinguish at least some colors).
  45. And are styled" BL" or" Barrister-at-Law ". The term" junior" is often, misleading ,since many members of the Junior Bar are experienced barristers with
  46. Their descriptions of the capacity of their flash memory cards were false and, misleading , Brief claimed that a 256 MB Flash Memory Device had only 244 MB of accessible
  47. Of the Greek words imply that halogen means" copper-former ", this is, misleading ,because the halogens have nothing to do with copper in particular. "
  48. Family by this time ". Christie made a point of having Poirot supply false or, misleading ,information about himself or his background in order to assist him in obtaining
  49. School also views the" contemporary" definition of inflation as inherently, misleading ,in that it draws attention only to the effect of inflation (rising prices)
  50. Regretted his own choice of the word" anthropic," because it conveys the, misleading ,impression that the principle involves humans specifically, rather than

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