Examples of the the word, refine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( refine ), is the 5834 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Group (EPG) (which despite being officially disbanded in 2005 continues to, refine ,a well tested set of Geodetic Parameters) * International Geodetic Student
  2. Quickly gained popularity due to its simplicity. Goren and others would later, refine ,the system to account for hand distribution, as singletons and voids can
  3. The SPD will likely continue as the party struggles to unify its base and, refine ,its ideology and platform. Foremost among its concerns will likely be a
  4. The editor's cut might be longer than the final film. The editor continues to, refine ,the cut while shooting continues, and often the entire editing process goes on
  5. Huntley (Huntley,1967) has pointed out that it is sometimes productive to, refine ,our concept of dimension. Two possible refine ments are: * The magnitude of the
  6. A movement, or change an 'in between' into an additional key frame to further, refine ,the movement. Key framing There is also an animation technique known as
  7. Continued, until 1940,to try to interest a chemist skilled enough to further, refine ,usable penicillin. Fleming finally abandoned penicillin, and not long after he
  8. They had a job at KVOO. Tulsa is where Wills and His Texas Playboys began to, refine ,their sound. Wills added an 18-year-old electric steel guitarist called Leon
  9. Dam inundated the rapids as well as the remaining trees that could be used to, refine ,the estimated date of the landslide. In 1980,the eruption of Mount St. Helen's
  10. Then at Stanford University. During the next nine years, work proceeded to, refine ,the protocols and to implement them on a wide range of operating systems. The
  11. Another copy of the plaque, was launched the following year. He continued to, refine ,his designs; the most elaborate message he helped to develop and assemble was
  12. Comprised AMD K5 and K6 veterans. By working with Motorola, AMD was able to, refine ,copper interconnect manufacturing to the production stage about one year before
  13. Energy controversy There is local resistance to Shell's decision to, refine ,raw gas from the Corrie gas field at an onshore refine ry. In 2005,five local
  14. Campbell told Winter: Hubbard collaborated with Campbell and Winter to, refine ,his techniques, testing them on science fiction fans recruited by Campbell. The
  15. Is optional and may be repeated. The DCI has established standard ways to, refine ,elements and encourage the use of encoding and vocabulary schemes. There is no
  16. Was an increasing vocabulary for tragic dialogue, often involving prefixes to, refine ,meanings, allowing the language to assume a more natural rhythm while also
  17. Biological molecular structures. Neutron crystallography is often used to help, refine ,structures obtained by x-ray methods or to solve a specific bond; the methods
  18. Registered editor accounts; 2008 Various in many areas continue to expand and, refine ,article contents within their scope. In April, the 10 millionth Wikipedia
  19. S one of her best records and illustrates that Carey continues to improve and, refine ,her music, which makes her a rarity among her '90s peers. " The album was a
  20. Produced were kept at the factory, where Bob Wallace continued to improve and, refine ,the car. By December 108 cars had been delivered. 1967–1968 Production of the
  21. Around the Sun under classical physics. Zero eccentricity Kepler's laws, refine ,the model of Copernicus. If the eccentricity of a planetary orbit is zero, then
  22. Leo XIII publishes the encyclical Humanum Genus. *1902 – Pierre and Marie Curie, refine ,radium chloride. *1908 – Opening day of competition in the New South Wales
  23. Results has received the most press, but all major search engines continually, refine ,their ranking methodologies with a view toward improving the ordering of
  24. Fourteen months working on the album, the band members opted to further, refine ,their album by removing five of the original seventeen tracks. The album’s
  25. In reaction to the refusal of Royal Dutch Shell, Standard Oil and Texaco to, refine ,petroleum from the Soviet Union in Cuban refine ries under their control, took
  26. The same thumbnail sketches or rough drafts on paper may be used to rapidly, refine ,and produce the idea on the computer in a hybrid process. This hybrid process
  27. Sergei (Bayou 2007,206). Traits DES Objects Music aux The group continued to, refine ,Schaeffer's ideas and strengthened the concept of unique acousmatic (
  28. Concentrated on producing dogs for hunting, and it was left to Thomas Johnson to, refine ,the breeding to produce dogs that were both attractive and capable hunters. Two
  29. Arithmetic). Copying vs. mark-and-sweep vs. mark-and-don't-sweep To further, refine ,the distinction, tracing collectors can also be divided by considering how the
  30. Hockey Association (NHA) was formed in Montreal. The NHA would further, refine ,the rules, dropping the rover position, splitting the game into three 20-minute
  31. Johann Adam Heckle. Heckle and two generations of descendants continued to, refine ,the bassoon, and their instruments became the standard other makers followed.
  32. Then shown to the user. The process may then be iterated if the user wishes to, refine ,the query. Performance and correctness measures Many measures for
  33. Energy Agency (IEA). The objectives of the IPCC-NGGIP are: *to develop and, refine ,an internationally agreed methodology and software for the calculation and
  34. S lunar module Snoopy to from the lunar surface. The low approach orbit was to, refine ,the lunar gravitational potential to within (LR altitude update lock) needed
  35. Can be made understandable to everyone. This understanding is meant to help, refine ,a person, as well as adding depth and vigor to one's ritual observation.
  36. Disputes by peaceful means. Annual conferences were held to help governments, refine ,the process of international arbitration. Its structure consisted of a council
  37. Have also collaborated with other education experts to study and, refine ,educational techniques to optimize learning among students, an emerging field
  38. How the brain reacts to experience. Experience, however,is required to, refine ,the matrix of synaptic connections, which in its developed form contains far
  39. Classmates. Then, for several years, he worked on translations and poetry to, refine ,his creation. In 1895, he wrote," I worked for six years perfecting and testing
  40. Vithoulkas performed a" great deal of research to update the scenarios and, refine ,the theories and practice of homeopathy" beginning in the 1970s,and it was
  41. Of brain areas centered on the basal ganglia. *Motor learning is the ability to, refine ,patterns of body movement by practicing. A number of brain areas are involved
  42. To themselves but to the entire civilization: these are not women who can help, refine ,a civilization—a popular eighteenth-century idea—but women who will destroy it.
  43. A 1 in 300 chance of hitting the Earth. However, humanity has over 800 years to, refine ,its estimates of the orbit of (29075) 1950 DA, and to deflect it, if
  44. Weariness of the pleasures of the world. The primary purpose of this text is to, refine ,the literary concept divan or poetic suggestion, by arguing for the existence
  45. In Kent Beck, Beck invited Ron Jeffries to the project to help develop and, refine ,these methods. Jeffries thereafter acted as a coach to instill the practices as
  46. Actions As the film boom got under way, the Pathed film-makers continued to, refine ,the continuity of action from shot to shot in their films. In films like Pathed
  47. But they also do harm to all civilization: these are not women who can, refine ,civilization – these are women who will destroy it. But reason and feeling are
  48. His relative lack of experience left him without the necessary design tools to, refine ,his vision, but the community liked the city hall enough to invite him back.
  49. Country lov'd, : And mercy more than life.: America! America!: May God thy gold, refine ,: Till all success be nobleness, : And eV'Ry gain divine.: O beautiful for
  50. As well as a group of element refine ments, also called qualifiers, that, refine , the semantics of the elements in ways that may be useful in resource discovery.

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