Examples of the the word, alphabet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alphabet ), is the 7987 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Called" Proto-Canaanite" before ca. 1050 BCE. The South Arabian, alphabet , a sister script to the Phoenician alphabet , is the script from which the Ge'EZ
  2. Time whether there should be more control characters rather than the lower case, alphabet , The indecision did not last long: during May 1963 the CCITT Working Party on
  3. Nearly identical to ASCII, with extensions for characters outside the English, alphabet ,and symbols used outside the United States, such as the symbol for the United
  4. Phoenicians, across the Mediterranean. In 1443. Understanding of the phonetic, alphabet ,of Mongolian Phase script aided the creation of a phonetic script suited to
  5. Alphabētos),from alpha and beta, the first two letters of the Greek, alphabet , Alpha and beta in turn came from the first two letters of the Phoenician
  6. Ch and ll until recently, or uses diacritics like Slovak č. The largest true, alphabet ,where each letter is graphically independent is probably Georgian, with 41
  7. Ones conventionally put å—ä—ö at the end. Some adaptations of the Latin, alphabet ,are augmented with ligatures, such as æ in Old English and Icelandic and Ȣ in
  8. FICA technical. It was published in 1986. Animalia is an alliterative, alphabet ,book and contains twenty-six illustrations, one for each letter of the alphabet
  9. To indicate lack of tone, like the drama of India. The number of letters in an, alphabet ,can be quite small. The Book Pahlavi script, an ahead, had only twelve letters
  10. Rules may or may not be consistently followed. In a perfectly phonological, alphabet , the phonemes and letters would correspond perfectly in two directions: a
  11. Derived from the Brahma script. Hangul is a unique alphabet : it is a featured, alphabet , where many of the letters are designed from a sound's place of articulation (
  12. Letters such as á, í,and ö are considered to be distinct letters of the, alphabet , In Spanish, ñ is considered a separate letter, but accented vowels such as á
  13. Featural- alphabet ic syllabify The term ", alphabet ," is used by linguists and paleographers in both a wide and a narrow sense. In
  14. The vowels are mandatory, and full letters are used, so the script is a true, alphabet , Other languages may use a Semitic ahead with mandatory vowel diacritics
  15. In use today, the most common being Latin, deriving from the first true, alphabet , Greek. Most of them are composed of lines (linear writing); notable
  16. Of modern alphabet s, including Arabic, Greek,Latin (via the Old Italic, alphabet ,), Cyrillic (via the Greek alphabet ) and Hebrew (via Aramaic). Examples of
  17. Letters, including the Molina and five long vowels. ) While Rotors has a small, alphabet ,because it has few phonemes to represent (just eleven),Book Pahlavi was
  18. Way vowels are treated in Aquinas. This is the case for Vietnamese (a true, alphabet ,) and Thai (an abused). In Thai, tone is determined primarily by the choice
  19. Consonants and vowels are written as independent letters. The earliest known, alphabet ,in the wider sense is the Wadi alcohol script, believed to be an ahead, which
  20. Script. Alphabetic order It is not always clear what constitutes a distinct, alphabet , French uses the same basic alphabet as English, but many of the letters can
  21. Jñ, though one of the letters is theoretical and not actually used. The Hindi, alphabet ,must represent both Sanskrit and modern vocabulary, and so has been expanded to
  22. Assembled to date is a sphere of radius 1 mm (over 300,000 neutral atoms). An, alphabet ,is a standard set of letters—basic written symbols or grapheme—each of which
  23. And were never used by themselves to encode Egyptian speech. Others suggest the, alphabet ,was developed in central Egypt during the 15th century BCE for or by Semitic
  24. Hieroglyphs. The proto-Sinaitic script eventually developed into the Phoenician, alphabet , which is conventionally called" Proto-Canaanite" before ca. 1050 BCE. The
  25. The early 1900s and has elements of both an alphabet and a syllabify. Like an, alphabet ,the phonemes of syllable initials are represented by individual symbols, but
  26. Which is a modified d. Other alphabet s only use a subset of the Latin, alphabet , such as Hawaiian, and Italian, which uses the letters j, k,x, y and w only in
  27. ASCII, ) is a character-encoding scheme based on the ordering of the English, alphabet , ASCII codes represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other
  28. And Morse code. History Middle Eastern Scripts The history of the, alphabet ,started in Ancient Egypt. By the 27th century BCE Egyptian writing had a set of
  29. As a whole—that is, they had become logo grams as in Egyptian Demotic. The, alphabet ,in the Polish language contains 32 letters. The largest segmental script is
  30. Arabic, Greek,Latin (via the Old Italic alphabet ),Cyrillic (via the Greek, alphabet ,) and Hebrew (via Aramaic). Examples of present-day beads are the Arabic and
  31. Always clear what constitutes a distinct alphabet . French uses the same basic, alphabet ,as English, but many of the letters can carry additional marks, such as é, à
  32. Family of alphabet s used in India use a unique order based on, which is not an, alphabet , The Phoenician letter names, in which each letter is associated with a word
  33. Cyrillic),with 58 and 56 letters, respectively,and Slovak (for the Latin, alphabet ,), with 46. However, these scripts either count DI- and digraphs as separate
  34. An abused, Devanagari. When written in Devanagari, Vedic Sanskrit has an, alphabet ,of 53 letters, including the visage mark for final aspiration and special
  35. To how they indicate vowels: * the same way as consonants, as in Greek (true, alphabet ,) * diacritics or modification of consonants, as in Hindi (Devanagari: हिन्दी
  36. These are the only time vowels are indicated. ) Cyrillic is basically a true, alphabet , but has syllabic letters for (я, е,ю); Coptic has a letter for. Devanagari
  37. Based on Chinese characters in the early 1900s and has elements of both an, alphabet ,and a syllabify. Like an alphabet the phonemes of syllable initials are
  38. A sister script to the Phoenician alphabet , is the script from which the Ge'EZ, alphabet ,(an abused) is descended. Note that the scripts mentioned above are not
  39. Of consonants, as in Hindi (Devanagari: हिन्दी) (abused) The word ", alphabet ," came into Middle English from the Late Latin word Alphabetum, which in turn
  40. Alphabet book and contains twenty-six illustrations, one for each letter of the, alphabet , Each illustration features an animal from the animal kingdom (A is for
  41. And paleographers in both a wide and a narrow sense. In the wider sense,an, alphabet ,is a script that is segmental at the phoneme level—that is, it has separate
  42. However, a dozen Critic tablets from the fourteenth century BCE preserve the, alphabet ,in two sequences. One, the ABIDE order later used in Phoenician, has continued
  43. Later on. Today the Rotors alphabet has only twelve letters. (The Hawaiian, alphabet ,is sometimes claimed to be as small, but it actually consists of 18 letters
  44. Ca. 1050 BCE. The South Arabian alphabet , a sister script to the Phoenician, alphabet , is the script from which the Ge'EZ alphabet (an abused) is descended. Note
  45. Phase script was in turn derived from the Brahma script. Hangul is a unique, alphabet ,: it is a featured alphabet , where many of the letters are designed from a sound
  46. India Aquinas, one could argue that the linear arrangement made this a true, alphabet , Conversely, the vowel marks of the Virginia abused and the Amharic abused (
  47. Letters at one point, and may have had even fewer later on. Today the Rotors, alphabet ,has only twelve letters. (The Hawaiian alphabet is sometimes claimed to be as
  48. And using Z as the control code to end a file is analogous to it ending the, alphabet , a very convenient mnemonic aid. Text strings ending with the null character
  49. Sometimes as an ahead (as with Urdu and Persian) and sometimes as a complete, alphabet ,(as with Kurdish and Uyghur). Types File:800px-Writing systems worldwide1.
  50. Alpha and beta in turn came from the first two letters of the Phoenician, alphabet , and meant ox and house respectively. There are dozens of alphabet s in use

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