Examples of the the word, dated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dated ), is the 4182 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Claudius to end the feud between the Julian and Claudia branches. This feud, dated ,back to Agrippina's mother's actions against Tiberius after the death of
  2. By the time of his death, the collection grew to include 600,individually, dated ," capsules ". The boxes are now housed at the Andy Warhol Museum. * Television:
  3. They were carried to Louis by Hangar, the Bishop of Lleida, but are not, dated , According to the second of these, the pretender was then living in Louis's
  4. Denied any romantic relationship in a letter to his patron Benvolio, dated ,16 November 1737. Later life and death During the height of his career, Vivaldi
  5. Chroniclers like Maximus the Confessor, George Cancelous, and Thespians, dated ,their years from Innings' creation of the World. This era, called Anna Funds
  6. Authority for ratification. On July 9,1778,the prepared copy was ready. They, dated ,it, and began to sign. They also requested each of the remaining states to
  7. Began with Gregor Mendel's genetic work, but in modern terms might be better, dated ,from the chemical fertilizer outputs of plant physiological understanding in
  8. Of Henry, Count of Monte Sent'Angelo, who controlled the Garland Peninsula and, dated ,his charters by Alexios' reign. Henry's allegiance was to be the last example
  9. And rebellions in Summer were put down. Contract tablets have been found, dated ,in the years of the campaigns against Canaan and against Sarah, king of Autism
  10. Their definitive profile. A very small number of his instruments survive, dated ,between the years of 1560 and 1574 and most bearing the coat of arms of Charles
  11. Hamilton Gifford),or as 804,000,000 Stadia (edition of Édouard DES Places, dated ,1974-1991). Using the Greek stadium of 185 to 190 meters, the former
  12. Armour" came into use in the Middle Ages as a borrowing from the French. It is, dated ,from 1297,as a" mail, defensive covering worn in combat" from Old French
  13. In his medical encyclopedia The Canon of Medicine. The time of origin is thus, dated ,at circa 1025 AD, when Avicenna wrote The Canon of Medicine in Persia, which
  14. Lived about 4.4 million years ago during the early Pliocene, and A. Kaaba, dated ,to approximately 5.6 million years ago (late Miocene). The fossils were dated
  15. Of Aberdeen's economy. Until the 1970s,most of Aberdeen's leading industries, dated ,from the eighteenth Century; mainly these were textiles, foundry work
  16. Dated to approximately 5.6 million years ago (late Miocene). The fossils were, dated ,to between 4.32 and 4.51 million years old. Ardipithecus radius had a small
  17. U. S. prosecuting attorney had died and the two Bell patents (No. 174,465 and, dated ,March 7,1876, and No. 186,787 dated January 30, 1877) were no longer in effect
  18. For two-and-a-half years. During Wein's tenure, Harry Osborn and Liz Allen, dated ,and became engaged, J. Jonah Jameson was introduced to his eventual second wife
  19. These concepts at the turn of the 20th century, with his first copyrighted work, dated ,1900. Several of his films, among them The Enchanted Drawing (1900) and
  20. Ruling elite. With these various styles, the same day could, in some cases, be, dated , in 1099,1100 or 1101. The Annunciation style also caused a major problem: in
  21. Of Caesar in his Chronicle used an era beginning with the birth of Abraham, dated ,in 2016 BC (AD 1 = 2017 Anna Abraham). Spain and Portugal continued to date
  22. The earliest recorded use of the name" Amsterdam" is from a certificate, dated ,27 October 1275,when the inhabitants, who had built a bridge with a dam across
  23. Churches that housed them. And a solemn diploma from Christ Church, Canterbury, dated ,873 is so poorly constructed and written that historian Nicholas Brooks posited
  24. The report is a fabrication by the KGB. He claimed that the report is, dated ,20 January 1952 while all Ukrainians were transferred to a separate camp on 6
  25. The Huangdi Naming (黄帝内经; translated as The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon), dated , approximately 200 BCE. Acupuncture in Japan and Korea, and to a certain extent
  26. The oldest known human presence in Athens is the Cave of Schist which has been, dated ,to between the 11th and 7th millennium BC. Athens has been continuously
  27. Awarded McCormick £100 for his composition. In a letter to R. B. Fuller Esq., dated ,1 August 1913,McCormick described the circumstances that inspired him to write
  28. About her? " Wrote Peter (in a tone that can only be guessed) in a letter, dated ,13 August 1710. The marriage contract was signed in September. The wedding was
  29. Time. Trees from the earliest fortifications found in Germania Inferior are, dated ,by dendrochronology to 99/100. Shortly afterwards Trajan was chosen by Nerve to
  30. Of ASA, king of Judah, and reigned for twenty-two years. William F. Albright, dated ,his reign to 869 – 850 BC, while E. R. Thieve offered the dates 874 – 853 BC.
  31. Chatrooms, message boards, and libraries. AOL's use of remote volunteers, dated ,back to the establishment of its Quantum Link service in 1985. Some community
  32. Been lost, Wallace carefully kept the letters he received. In the first letter, dated ,1 May 1857,Darwin commented that Wallace's letter of 10 October which he had
  33. Of Mechanics Magazine cites an early use of asphalt in France. A pamphlet, dated ,1621,by" a certain Monsieur d'Engines, states that he had discovered the
  34. Points for objects in the sky, so they could track their movements. This can be, dated ,back to Hipparchus, who around 190 BC used the catalog of his predecessors
  35. Often offensive. The first" fart ", as individual comics are called, is, dated , June 25, 1999 and new comics have been published daily since. The comics are
  36. Suggest omnivory, and are more generalized than those of modern apes. And is, dated ,to approximately 5.6 million years ago. The specific name comes from the Afar
  37. Sulfur bacteria. Fossilized filamentous algae from the Cinthya basin have been, dated ,back to 1.6 to 1.7 billion years ago. Etymology and study is obscure. Although
  38. Scripts. These scripts are thought to derive from the proto-Sinaitic alphabet (, dated ,to about 1500 BC) which is thought to derive from Egyptian hieroglyphs. The
  39. And the two Bell patents (No. 174,465 and dated March 7,1876, and No. 186,787, dated , January 30, 1877) were no longer in effect, although the presiding judges
  40. Northern ruled in fear of Ambrosia; later, in Chapter 66,various events are, dated ,from a battle of Guelph (often identified with Wallop, ESE of Amesbury near
  41. Recorded in the 9th century, in an inscription at Gwalior in Central India, dated ,to 870. By this time, the use of the glyph had already reached Persia, and was
  42. Of view, and hence has been dubbed the Testament of Abram. The document is, dated ,to the 2nd century BC and, in the form of a vision, briefly discusses dualism
  43. With the Pauline epistles. Date The book of Acts has been most commonly, dated ,to the second half of the 1st century. Norman Gasser dates it as early as
  44. Fossils are rare, known only from one site in the upper Brushy Basin Member, dated ,to the late Kimmeridgian stage (about 151 million years ago). Additional
  45. Paper is on a recording session sheet from the Metronome Studio in Stockholm, dated ,16 October 1973. This was first written as" Bjorn, Benny,Agatha & Frida "
  46. Roman rule. Mythology – It is claimed by Cosmos of Panoplies that alchemy, dated ,back to Pharaonic Egypt where it was the domain of the priestly class; there is
  47. South America. The earliest Amerindian artifacts found on Anguilla have been, dated ,to around 1300 BC, and remains of settlements date from 600 AD. The date of
  48. Indian documents on copper plates exist, with the same symbol for zero in them, dated ,back as far as the 6th century CE. The numeral system came to be known to both
  49. His own work for publication in about two years time. The second letter, dated ,22 December 1857,said how glad he was that Wallace was theorizing about
  50. Have been strongest. The establishment of the bishopric of Konstanz cannot be, dated ,exactly and was possibly undertaken by Columbus himself (before 612). In

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