Examples of the the word, cynical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cynical ), is the 8824 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. US, former Australian diplomat and foreign affairs expert Alan Runoff was more, cynical ,in his assessment of the situation. In the chapter on Vietnam in The Frightened
  2. Where he starred alongside Rajesh Hanna. Bachchan's role as a doctor with a, cynical ,view of life earned him his first Film fare Best Supporting Actor Award. Amitabh
  3. Out with you even if it weren't New Year's. ") Though Garfield can be very, cynical , he does have a soft side for his teddy bear, Pooky, food and sleep, but one
  4. Their range of tones and the gleeful inventiveness, which morose critics call, cynical ,artificiality, of their construction. " Texts Transmission The textual
  5. Was that the Hillbillies, who were scrupulously honest, were surrounded by, cynical , conniving and money-hungry" city-folk," whose plans were always foiled (
  6. Hollywood back-story movie, Bogart again is the broken-down man, this time the, cynical ,director-narrator who saves his career by making a star of a flamenco dancer
  7. Are white except those found in Australia '; or one might adopt another, more, cynical , view about some observers,'Australian bird watchers are incompetent '. Thus
  8. Sent by the government to watch over Rear den’s mills. Though he starts out as a, cynical ,follower of the looters’ code, his experience at the mills transforms him, and
  9. Alcuin and the other luminaries of the Carolingian renaissance. This was not a, cynical ,use of religion to manipulate his subjects into obedience, but an intrinsic
  10. The rest of the officers either indifferent or, in the Captain's case, openly, cynical , The enlisted sailors and NCO are portrayed as apolitical. In his book Iron
  11. Was brought to a swift conclusion by shelling from British battleships. The, cynical ,attitude toward recruited infantry in the face of ever more powerful field
  12. To being portrayed as lazy and fat, Garfield is also pessimistic, sadistic, cynical , sarcastic, sardonic and a bit obnoxious. He enjoys destroying things, mauling
  13. Stated:" What American foreign policy needs is not a return to a narrow and, cynical ,realism, but rather the formulation of a 'realistic Wilsonianism' that better
  14. Passers-by, all expressed in highly ordered verse, sometimes through a, cynical ,and ironic voice. Formally, the use of sound to create atmosphere, and of
  15. Nobody bothered to tell Kane about it). *Paul Stewart as Raymond: Kane's, cynical ,butler who assists him in his later years. Stewart had discovered Welles when
  16. Including Armored Car Robbery (1950) and The Narrow Margin (1952). The, cynical ,and stylish perspective of classic film noir had a formative effect on the
  17. Generations (while decreasing in social status). Each Black adder though is a, cynical , cowardly opportunist concerned with maintaining and increasing his own status
  18. Going on at the time and by the independent women around him. He later turned, cynical ,concerning sexual matters, expressed not only in his behavior and his art, but
  19. Had a good laugh when all was revealed. Personality Volatile, contentious, cynical , sarcastic, contradictory,iconoclastic, misanthropic,curmudgeonly
  20. Then all ". " Mamet speak" Mamet's style of writing dialogue, marked by a, cynical , street-smart edge, precisely crafted for effect, is so distinctive that it has
  21. To have his critics dismissed from their posts, made him appear increasingly, cynical , Attaining divine grace through sin seems to have been one of the central
  22. Of the ruthless producers, the self-obsessed airhead host, and the ambitious, cynical ,reporters, all of whom resort to any sort of underhanded trick to get ratings
  23. Seclusion, of which biographers give us pictures in stories of the composer's, cynical ,wit, his speculations in fish culture, his mask of humility and indifference.
  24. Puns, and subtle yet remarkable analogies. His pieces are often ironic and, cynical , especially regarding love and human motives. Common subjects of Donne's poems
  25. Bogart started developing his lasting film persona – the wounded, stoical, cynical , charming, vulnerable,self-mocking loner with a core of honor. Bogart's
  26. Misleadingly, as The Art of Courtly Love, though its realistic, somewhat, cynical , tone suggests that it is in some measure an antidote to courtly love. Little is
  27. Polish coach Henryk Kasperczack in 1989. And his talent impressed even the most, cynical ,observers. " I really liked how he played. One touch, South American ‘ toque ’
  28. To Deconstruct Almost Anything - My Postmodern Adventure by Chip Morningstar; a, cynical ,introduction to 'deconstruction' from the perspective of a software engineer.
  29. Rules of the ICC: The inclusion of settlement activity as a" war crime" is a, cynical ,attempt to abuse the Court for political ends. The implication that the
  30. Of Goebbels and Himmler was far stronger than that of Göring, who was more, cynical ,than ideological in all of his attitudes. He occasionally intervened to shield
  31. The result suggested a harder city with a more resilient, resourceful,and, cynical ,populace; a more dramatic and varied architecture; and more writing
  32. Main Title Design. Themes Critics have described Martin's work as dark and, cynical , His first novel, Dying of the Light, set the tone for most of his future work;
  33. Portrayed as naïve, happy,affectionate and blissfully unaware of Garfield's, cynical , sadistic nature, even despite the physical abuse Garfield exhibits toward him
  34. Movement is now accurately perceived as just another well-financed and, cynical ,special interest group, its rancid infrastructure supported by Democratic Party
  35. By Nero and the Senate almost immediately. Those who regard this homage as, cynical ,should note that, cynical or not, such a move would hardly have benefited those
  36. With the humans, where his wife and son were killed, leaving Many a, cynical ,loner. At one time the group passes a flying saucer embedded in clear ice. At
  37. To compete and may have undermined the long run viability of mutuality. A more, cynical ,approach is that some societies may have adopted an excess-margin strategy
  38. And the hardened veterans, particularly the captain, who is embittered and, cynical ,about the war. The new men, including Werner, are often mocked by the rest of
  39. He is promoted. Upon spending time with the other officers, he finds them to be, cynical ,and utilitarian. He loses faith in the war quickly. The story ends with George
  40. Day, Britain declared war on Germany, greatly impressing the increasingly, cynical ,Gardner. Prior to his encounter with Wicca, Gardner was already an accomplished
  41. Prescient view — from cells of a former Xian ambassador, Malky, who had been a, cynical ,and roguish friend of the God Emperor. Through discussions with Money and Let
  42. Of players by the public changed from larger-than-life heroes to a more, cynical ,view of many of them as spoiled and overpaid. This was fed by the growing
  43. Nihilists (Svidrigailov, Smerdyakov, Stavrogin, the underground man), cynical , debauchees (Fyodor Karamazov, Dmitri Karamazov),and rebellious intellectuals
  44. Tomlin writes:" Told in letters, it is as neatly plotted as a play, and as, cynical ,in tone as any of the most outrageous of the Restoration dramatists who may
  45. Over from a college play, is the only way she can break out of her rigid and, cynical ,persona. She begins to hope, however,that Hap good may be the one who can help
  46. Almost immediately. Those who regard this homage as cynical should note that, cynical ,or not, such a move would hardly have benefited those involved, had Claudius
  47. To fill the time available for its completion '. Typical of his satire and, cynical ,humor, the book included a discourse on Parkinson's Law of Triviality (
  48. To describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize, cynical ,attitudes and sexual motivations. Hollywood's classic film noir period is
  49. Of mutual behavior ". Llewellyn (1996) draws a rather more direct and, cynical ,conclusion;" By adopting a policy of building up reserves by maintaining an
  50. Accident at the age of nine. This childhood tragedy likely helped shape Camp’s, cynical ,worldview, which,funny as it was, was certainly darker and more sardonic than

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