Examples of the the word, euros , in a Sentence Context

The word ( euros ), is the 8826 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Carried by the French Ministry of Defense, involves an investment of 2 billion, euros , The" Road of the lasers ", a major project of regional planning, promotes
  2. An annual award of 1.55 million euros for experimental results and 770,000, euros , for theoretical ones. It is the world's the largest prize for scientific
  3. On dialect and register, for example the first s in DEU cents euros or, euros ,islands; and some are forbidden, for example the s in beau coup d'homes
  4. The trial concluded on 3 June 2008,with a conviction and fine of 15,000, euros , the largest of her fines to date. The prosecutor stated that she was tired of
  5. Most important tourist destinations; with hotels in city earning 7 million, euros ,in 2009. Many sizeable world hotel chains have presence in the city. Baku
  6. 1 Euro (currency sign: €; banking code: EUR) = 100 cents Exchange rates:, euros ,per US$1 – 1,3002 (February 2005),0.9867 (January 2000),0.9386 (1999);
  7. In Andalusia (PASTA) 2007–2013,which plans an investment of 30 billion, euros ,during that period. Energy infrastructure The lack of high-quality fossil fuels
  8. Stupid idea that primarily serves French interests ". The BBC understands 500 m, euros , ( £440m) will become available to make the extra purchase, taking Europe's
  9. Debt. However, in May 2010,the German parliament agreed to loan 22.4 billion, euros ,to Greece over three years, with the stipulation that Greece follow strict
  10. And the agricultural sector (on which taxpayers spend around 3 billion, euros ,annually) are politically sensitive to rural residents. The Greater Helsinki
  11. S Directorate-General for Translation states clearly that the plural forms, euros ,and cents should be used in English. Alloys The euro 1 and 2 coins are
  12. That required immediate hospital care. The parents were ordered to pay 1500, euros , in damages to their child. Germany In October 2006,a Turkish national who
  13. Indite had 9,435 million euros in sales for a net profit of 1,250 million, euros , The company president, Amancio Ortega, is the richest person in Spain with a
  14. Officials announced that Maradona still owed the Italian government 37 million, euros ,in taxes; 23.5 million euros of which was accrued interest on his original debt
  15. 2004,and was negotiated with MBA, a subsidiary of EADS. Another 128 million, euros ,contract would have been signed, according to Tripoli, with EADS for a TETRA
  16. bank's intervention during the 2007 credit crisis when it loaned billions of, euros ,to banks to stabilize the financial system. In December 2007,the ECB decided
  17. a billion in assistance. European Union nations promised more than 400 million, euros ,($616 million) in emergency aid and reconstruction funds. US aid to the
  18. Amancio Ortega, is the richest person in Spain with a net worth of 21.5 billion, euros , Galicia is home to the savings bank Novacaixagalicia, and to Spain's two
  19. Of any sort on an international basis. For 2007,Indite had 9,435 million, euros ,in sales for a net profit of 1,250 million euros . The company president
  20. Discontent from within the government and parliament as well, raise 50 billion, euros ,by denationalizing companies and selling national property, an increase in
  21. Limited (SSTL). Fourteen satellites will be built at a cost of 566M, euros , ( $811M; £510M). Arianespace will launch the satellites for a cost of 397M
  22. French, Australian,and Indian groups have parallel offers of up to 200,000, euros , to anyone with demonstrable paranormal abilities (CFI,2003). Large as these
  23. Top positions. The rent levels of new office spaces in Tallinn start at 15, euros , per square meter or 2000 euro sale price, with demand exceeding supply. Farming
  24. To independent media in the country and had set aside more than eight million, euros ,from its budget to offer support for human rights activities. France expressed
  25. A certain number of decimal (or binary) places, as when rounding a result to, euros ,and cents (two decimal places). Floating-point arithmetic operations For ease
  26. Across the country as citizens rushed to exchange their rubles for dollars, euros , durable goods and canned goods. On 1 June 2011,Belarus requested an economic
  27. Fishing ports, second only to Tokyo, with an annual catch worth 1,500 million, euros , In 2007 the port took in of fish and seafood, and about of other cargoes.
  28. Counterparts during the 2000s,its budget would have been adjusted to 2,000,000, euros , annually. Although ETA used robbery as a means of financing its activities in
  29. In 2003,public spending on research and development (R&D) was 456.37 million, euros ,(12.6 % increase from 2002). Total R&D spending (both public and private)
  30. 358M). The European Commission announced also that the contract of 85 million, euros ,for the System support covering industrial services required by ESA for
  31. Except in areas near the beaches. Violators face fines of between 120 and 300, euros , Men's bikini The term men's bikini is used to describe types of men's
  32. 811M; £510M). Arianespace will launch the satellites for a cost of 397M, euros , ( $569M; £358M). The European Commission announced also that the contract of
  33. Crossings (except eastbound A3). Payment in Luna, all major credit cards and, euros ,are accepted at all tollgates. Most motorways are covered by the closed toll
  34. Security, health care and immigration pacts — and a $230 million (168 million, euros ,) MILAN antitank missile sale. The contract was the first made by Libya since
  35. Can be bought at the TAC shop at each airport by queuing and paying in cash (, euros ,or escudos). Flights are often delayed and sometimes cancelled due to weather
  36. Rights for Husqvarna Motorcycles was purchased by BMW for a reported 93 million, euros , BMW Motor rad plans to continue operating Husqvarna Motorcycles as a separate
  37. Provided by the public broadcasters has varied between 4.5 and 12.94 million, euros ,per year). Under the terms of the accord, films produced using these funds can
  38. Government created the Leibniz Prize, offering an annual award of 1.55 million, euros ,for experimental results and 770,000 euros for theoretical ones. It is the
  39. Depending on dialect and register, for example the first s in DEU cents, euros ,or euros islands; and some are forbidden, for example the s in beau coup
  40. Havens. According to French judiciary sources, ETA exacts an estimated 900,000, euros , a year in this manner. * Kidnapping: often as a punishment for failing to pay
  41. The total project budget, and may be in units of currency (e.g., dollars or, euros ,) or in labor hours, or both. However, in very simple projects, each activity
  42. Small. Nevertheless, in 2007,Andalusian industry earned 11.979 million, euros ,and employed more than 290,000 workers. This represented 9.15 percent of
  43. Food, clothes and health care the conscripts receive between 4.7 and 11.2, euros , per day, depending on the time they have served. The state also pays for their
  44. To assist Croatia's efforts to join the European Union with 245 million, euros ,from PHASE, ISPA and SAP ARD aid programs over the course of 2005 and 2006.
  45. And more than 60 operating theaters, and has a turnover of over one billion, euros ,annually. It is a joint institution of the Free University of Berlin and the
  46. Center, with in particular a stock exchange with a capitalization of 60 million, euros , The city has the highest cost of living of any city in North Africa, as well
  47. Still owed the Italian government 37 million euros in taxes; 23.5 million, euros ,of which was accrued interest on his original debt. They reported that thus far
  48. Wine fair, Vinexpo, while the wine economy in the metro area moves 14.5 billion, euros ,each year. Bordeaux wine has been produced in the region since the 8th century.
  49. That the ECB has shareholders and stock capital. Its capital is five billion, euros ,which is held by the national central banks of the member states as
  50. His original debt. They reported that thus far, Maradona has paid only 42,000, euros , two luxury watches and a set of earrings. In popular culture The American

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