Examples of the the word, kite , in a Sentence Context
The word ( kite ), is the 8830 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Sports have become popular, such as kite bugging, kite land boarding and, kite ,surfing. Snow kiting has also become popular in recent years. Kite sailing
- Of three to five miles an hour is ideal. If the wind is strong enough to fly a, kite , then that's usually too strong for boomerangs. Throwers can modify various
- Aircraft relies on its forward speed to create airflow over the wings,a, kite ,is tethered to the ground and relies on the wind blowing over its wings to
- Powered by a giant computer-controlled kite (160 m² or 1,722 sq ft). The, kite ,could reduce fuel consumption by 20 %. It was launched on 17 December 2007 and
- Observers in rotary kite s. The Royally parading kite and the Albert para foil, kite ,were used for governable parachutes (free-flying kite s) to deliver troops and
- Large forces which can be used to power activities such as kite surfing, kite ,land boarding, kite fishing, kite bugging and a new trend snow kiting. Kites
- A proposal for an experiment to prove that lightning is electricity by flying a, kite ,in a storm that appeared capable of becoming a lightning storm. On May 10, 1752
- Or other object (fixed or mobile) that maintains tension in the tether or, kite ,line; they rely on virtual or real wind blowing over and under them to generate
- After its introduction into India, the kite further evolved into the Fighter, kite ,known as the Padang in India. In India annual kite running competitions are
- Of France conducted Franklin's experiment using a -tall iron rod instead of a, kite , and he extracted electrical sparks from a cloud. On June 15 Franklin may
- Air to see over the horizon and possibly the enemy ships, for example with the, kite ,developed by Samuel Franklin Cody. Barrage kite s were used to protect London as
- Bermudian type, which are flown to symbolize Christ's ascent. A Bermudian, kite ,is made to geometric designs, quite colorful, and is an art form as much as a
- Container cargo ship partially powered by a giant computer-controlled, kite ,(160 m² or 1,722 sq ft). The kite could reduce fuel consumption by 20 %. It
- The last two decades several kite sailing sports have become popular, such as, kite ,bugging, kite land boarding and kite surfing. Snow kiting has also become
- Of other, this is popularly called as" Patch ". During the spring festival, kite ,flying competitions are held across the country and the skies are colored with
- It must be taken into account during experiments, that a conductor carried by a, kite ,can lead to a high voltage toward ground, which can endanger people and
- Which can be used to power activities such as kite surfing, kite land boarding, kite ,fishing, kite bugging and a new trend snow kiting. Kites towed behind boats
- Held for 300 hundred years and major international festivals which bring in, kite ,flyers from Britain to display their unique art kite s and demonstrate the
- Kite flying is a popular game, and is known in Dark as Gudiparan Nazi. Some, kite ,fighters pass their strings through a mixture of ground glass powder and glue.
- And resilient bamboo for a strong, lightweight framework. Alternatively,the, kite ,authors Clive Hart and Tail Streeter hold that leaf kite s existed far before
- Evolved into the Fighter kite known as the Padang in India. In India annual, kite ,running competitions are held every year on the day of Maker Sankara.
- Electricity. A separate Delft University of Technology project has used a 10 m², kite ,to generate 10 kilowatts of power. See also ladder mill and High altitude wind
- To make musical sounds while flying. After its introduction into India,the, kite ,further evolved into the Fighter kite known as the Padang in India. In India
- Conducted a similar experiment (using a 40-foot (12 m) iron rod instead of a, kite ,) and extracted electrical sparks from a cloud. Russian chronicles mention
- Is much current or the vessel is moving while dropping the anchor it may ", kite ," or" skate" over the bottom due to the large fluke area acting as a sail or
- Were used approximately 2,800 years ago in China, where materials ideal for, kite ,building were readily available: silk fabric for sail material; fine
- Its name because the player drags an enemy behind them like a person flying a, kite , is used by many classes but happens to be especially effective with the Bard
- Enjoy competing with rivals in which one have to cut-loose the string of the, kite ,of other, this is popularly called as" Patch ". During the spring festival
- Chapel where she held the first convention on women's rights in 1848. A, kite ,is a tethered Scientist in the Field Gathering atmospheric dynamics data using
- Made of fabric or thin sheet material, often stretched over a rigid frame. A, kite ,is tethered to the ground and relies on the speed of the wind over its wings
- And ice blades of traditional sailing craft. In the last two decades several, kite ,sailing sports have become popular, such as kite bugging, kite land boarding
- Kites so that agility and maneuverability are not compromised. In Afghanistan, kite ,flying is a popular game, and is known in Dark as Gudiparan Nazi. Some kite
- Sparks from a cloud. On June 15 Franklin may have conducted his famous, kite ,experiment in Philadelphia, successfully extracting sparks from a cloud.
- Skysails. Trials on this 55 m ship have shown that, in favorable winds,the, kite ,reduces fuel consumption by up to 30 %. This system is planned to be in full
- He may not have done it in the way that is often described, flying the, kite ,and waiting to be struck by lightning, as it could have been dangerous. The
- Designed to generate large forces which can be used to power activities such as, kite ,surfing, kite land boarding, kite fishing, kite bugging and a new trend snow
- Decades several kite sailing sports have become popular, such as kite bugging, kite ,land boarding and kite surfing. Snow kiting has also become popular in recent
- 1752 he is reputed to have attached a metal key to the bottom of a dampened, kite ,string and flown the kite in a storm-threatened sky. A succession of sparks
- Kite flying was banned, among various other recreations. In Pakistan, kite ,flying is often known as Gudi-Bazi or Patang-bazi. Although kite flying is a
- In Pakistan, kite flying is often known as Gudi-Bazi or Patang-bazi. Although, kite ,flying is a popular ritual for the celebration of spring festival known as
- But centered in urban centers across the country especially Lahore. The, kite ,fights are at their maximum during the spring celebrations and the fighters
- Used to power activities such as kite surfing, kite land boarding, kite fishing, kite ,bugging and a new trend snow kiting. Kites towed behind boats can lift
- Antenna. Submarines lofted observers in rotary kite s. The Royally parading, kite ,and the Albert para foil kite were used for governable parachutes (free-flying
- Called fixed-wing aircraft. The forerunner of the fixed-wing aircraft is the, kite , Whereas a fixed-wing aircraft relies on its forward speed to create airflow
- Above 4 * Trapezohedrons, the deals of the infinite set of antiprisms, with, kite , faces: any even number above 4 * Sphenoids, an infinite set of tetrahedral
- Modern diagrammatic visualizations often depict Boötes as looking as a, kite , Equivalents In Chinese astronomy, the stars of Boötes are located in three
- Strings can also injure people. During the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, kite ,flying was banned, among various other recreations. In Pakistan, kite flying is
- Have attached a metal key to the bottom of a dampened kite string and flown the, kite ,in a storm-threatened sky. A succession of sparks jumping from the key to the
- Usually heavier-than-air, but there is a second category of lighter-than-air, kite ,called a Kyoto which may be filled with hydrogen, hot air, methane,or helium;
- Proceeded thus, he would undoubtedly have been killed. Instead, he used the, kite ,to collect some electric charge from a storm cloud, which implied that
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