Examples of the the word, tomb , in a Sentence Context

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  1. No one would dare accept his challenge. Scientific research In July 2006,the, tomb ,of the king (which is located in the Santa Cruz Monastery in Cobra) was to
  2. Ball games were popular with children, and wrestling is also documented in a, tomb ,at Ben Hasan. The wealthy members of ancient Egyptian society enjoyed hunting
  3. Of these columns belonged to the original mosque. In one of the chapels was a, tomb ,containing the bones of San Geronimo. The building seems a curious blend of
  4. Coptic texts. During this period, the tradition of writing had evolved into the, tomb ,autobiography, such as those of Arthur and Went. The genre known as Seat (
  5. Possibly sent a mission to India in honor of Saint Thomas the Apostle, whose, tomb , was believed to lie in that country. Contact was also made with the Caliph in
  6. Into symbolic offerings later. By the end of the second dynasty the type of, tomb ,constructed changed to a long passage bordered with chambers on either side
  7. Clay models depicting scenes from everyday life became popular additions to the, tomb , In an attempt to duplicate the activities of the living in the afterlife
  8. Altars to Heracles, Hebe,and Claus. Ananias also said that Alcmene's, tomb ,is located near the Olympic at Regard. Alcidamas
  9. Mahler, El Am rah and Abyss; and Gars tang, El Ara bah. " Forts" Some, tomb ,structures, referred to as" forts" by modern researchers, lay behind the town
  10. Depending on the severity of the offense. Serious crimes such as murder and, tomb ,robbery were punished by execution, carried out by decapitation, drowning,or
  11. Territories as kingdoms for his sons to rule, alongside plans to build a, tomb ,in Alexandria for him and his queen to reside upon their deaths. In late 32 BC
  12. And balance within a composition. Images and text were intimately interwoven on, tomb ,and temple walls, coffins,style, and even statues. The Farmer Palette, for
  13. Resembles Duquesnoy's famous Santa Susanna, but rendered more elegant. The, tomb ,is somberly monotone and lacks the poly chromatic excitement that detracts from
  14. That was standard until the Graeco-Roman period. The earliest and most popular, tomb ,architecture in the Old Kingdom was the Masada, a flat-roofed rectangular
  15. His death, the king was buried in the church which he had built; his original, tomb ,has been lost, while his alleged remains are preserved in the shrine where he
  16. Light and quite transparent, and no doubt derives from the use of alabaster for, tomb ,effigies. Etymology The origin of the word, alabaster,is in Middle English
  17. Many ways strove to be like his great ancestor. He is said to have visited the, tomb ,of Achilles at McMillan while passing Troy. In AD 216 the Roman Emperor
  18. Two allegorical female figures flank his sarcophagus. However, in Bernini's, tomb , the vigorous upraised arm and posture of the pope is counterbalanced by an
  19. However, writes of Alexander's visit to Troy where" Alexander garlanded the, tomb ,of Achilles and Reflection that of Patrols, the latter riddling that he was
  20. In the 18th century. The mosque was built in honor of Hack Bay ram Veil, whose, tomb , is next to the mosque, two years before his death (1427–28). The usable space
  21. Polychromatic excitement that detracts from the elegiac mood of Urban VIII's, tomb , In 1635-38,Pietro Boncompagni commissioned from Asgard a colossal statue of
  22. It is possible for this to be several tomb s which have met in the making of a, tomb ,; the Egyptians had no means of mapping the positioning of the tomb s. The
  23. A large mausoleum was built. It has been described in the following way: In his, tomb ,his epitaph is written: Ahmad Shah's victory over the Maratha's influenced the
  24. Due to the dangers the afterlife posed, the Book of the Dead was placed in the, tomb ,with the body as well as food, jewellery, and 'curses '. They also used the "
  25. Napoleonic Wars. The area also boasts an approximately 5000-year-old Neolithic, tomb , Achilles (, Little Chill) is a small island just off Achill's southern tip
  26. The year to the dead, mostly on Saturdays, because of Jesus' resting in the, tomb ,on Saturday. The Western celebration Historically, the Western tradition
  27. Alabaster, Yemen File: NORBERT, DERBYSHIRE Nicholas Fitzherbert. JPG|Alabaster, tomb ,monument to Sir Nicholas Fitzherbert Image: alabaster-satin spar. JPG|This
  28. The sarcophagus and its contents had been removed by early plunderers of the, tomb , All that was left were some broken alabaster vases, pottery and charcoal. On
  29. Argonauts, when he drowned in the Ephesus river. He buried him, honored with a, tomb ,and a shrine to Aphrodite Argonne. This episode is also found in Clement of
  30. Of external threats was exacerbated by internal problems such as corruption, tomb ,robbery and civil unrest. The high priests at the temple of Amen in Thebes
  31. After me there is no prophet. " Burial Place According to Islamic tradition the, tomb ,of Aaron is located on Jamal Ha run, or Aaron's Mountain, near Petra in Jordan.
  32. Soane's Museum, London. This was discovered by Giovanni Belong in 1817 in the, tomb ,of Set I near Thebes. It was purchased by Sir John Shane. When cut in thin
  33. Promoted periodontal disease. Despite the flattering physiques portrayed on, tomb ,walls, the overweight mummies of many of the upper class show the effects of a
  34. The epithet, Foremost of the Westerners. In the twelfth dynasty a gigantic, tomb ,was cut into the rock by Ensure III. Associated with this tomb was a cenotaph
  35. A gigantic tomb was cut into the rock by Ensure III. Associated with this, tomb ,was a cenotaph, a cult temple and a small town known as Waist, that was used
  36. Of Neptune are also by him. The Augustinian monastery at Salamanca contains the, tomb ,of the Count and Countess de Monterey, another work by Asgard. The FPGA
  37. In contemplation, while skeletal Death actively writes the epitaph. Algardi's, tomb ,is much less dynamic. The allegorical figures of Magnanimity and Liberality
  38. Monarch, and in Sparta he was worshiped under the title of Zeus Agamemnon. His, tomb ,was pointed out among the ruins of Mycenae and at Amylase. Another account
  39. Housing Co-Operative Inc. in Narnia, Ontario. * A monument is dedicated to his, tomb ,in Lake view Cemetery, Sarnia, Ontario Supreme Court appointments Mackenzie
  40. After burial, living relatives were expected to occasionally bring food to the, tomb ,and recite prayers on behalf of the deceased. Military The ancient Egyptian
  41. And was taken to Mere to be buried next to his father Chaghri Beg. Upon his, tomb ,lies the following inscription::“ O those who saw the sky-high grandeur of Alp
  42. His daughter Armenia of Lydia was Queen consort of Stages, King of Media. His, tomb ,still exists on the plateau between Lake Gaea and the river Hermes to the
  43. Of health in 1278,he died on November 15, 1280,in Cologne, Germany. His, tomb ,is in the crypt of the Dominican church of St. Andreas in Cologne, and his
  44. Of the offerings included sacrificed animals, such as the asses found in the, tomb ,of Meredith. Evidence of human sacrifices exists in the early tomb s, but this
  45. That the Early Dynastic cemetery was the burial place of Osiris and the, tomb ,of Deer was reinterpreted as that of Osiris. Decorations in tomb s throughout
  46. S grave was not covered or enclosed. Her household later on gave her a modest, tomb ,in Museum. Nero would have his mother’s death on his conscience. He felt so
  47. Or partly painted. It was also used for the effigies, often life-size, on, tomb , monuments,as the typical recumbent position suited the material's lack of
  48. Others also built before Menes are 15×25 ft (4.6 x 7.6 m). The probable, tomb ,of Menes is of the latter size. Afterward the tomb s increase in size and
  49. From Ajax. The Italian scholar Margin recently showed that on an Etruscan, tomb ,dedicated to Ravi Latina in Bologna (5th century BC) there is a writing
  50. 1 Kings 2:31ff. ). David had Abner buried in Hebron (2 Samuel 3.31-39). His, tomb , according to a medieval Jewish tradition, is considered to be in a building

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