Examples of the the word, lapse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lapse ), is the 8825 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rome. He expresses great surprise and admiration at their freshness, after the, lapse ,of so many centuries. Paint was made with the yolk of eggs and therefore, the
  2. Registered" Lynx" and" Cougar" as trademarks, though these were allowed to, lapse , Computer retailer Tiger Direct sued Apple for its use of the name" Tiger ".
  3. Even after a less restrictive ban by the federal government was allowed to, lapse ,after having no impact on these weapons' use in crime. Therefore, supporters
  4. All the time in the world. " The film is noted for its then-novel use of time, lapse ,photographic effects to show the world around George changing at breakneck
  5. Imply that the temperature drops about 6.5 °C per kilometer ascended (see, lapse ,rate). To find the temperature drop per hour, we apply the chain rule. Let the
  6. Stage directions, such as" The curtain is lowered for seven days to denote the, lapse ,of a week. " Lardner was a close friend of F. Scott Fitzgerald and other
  7. Victory in the Second Sikh War, annexed seven princely states on the basis of, lapse , annexed the key state of Ouch on the basis of misgovernment, and upset
  8. Into use in sci-fi fandom in the 1940s,although there seems to have been a, lapse ,in cultural continuity between the communities. In 1963 the" smiley face ", a
  9. Of the modern forms is rounded off to CE 2000 to emphasize the 6000-year time, lapse ,since the PAN era. Note 1. For the number" 10 ", the Tongan form in the table
  10. In such games, the player typically loses due to poor planning or a, lapse ,in concentration. Examples of such games are Same Pets and Same Hearths. In
  11. And also uses it to include violations of Jewish law that are not necessarily a, lapse ,in morality. Further, Judaism holds it as given that all people sin at various
  12. Are responded to by other characters in their own tales, sometimes after a long, lapse ,in which the theme has not been addressed. Lastly, Chaucer does not pay much
  13. Unknown, he never resumed his task, which was completed by another after a, lapse ,of eighty years. Besides this, Anatoli translated, between the years 1231 and
  14. Fallen ill with Bright's disease, which may have been causing his judgment to, lapse ,; Even before Cartier's death, Macdonald attempted to use delay to extricate
  15. Fuel consumption for jet engines) *Torque curves (for shaft engines) thrust, lapse ,(jet engines) *Compression ratio for piston engines, overall pressure ratio
  16. Thus, in 1950,UNESCO declared that it had resumed: up again, after a, lapse ,of fifteen years, a project that the International Institute for Intellectual
  17. Full independence on 3 August 1960,however, membership was allowed to, lapse , Single party and military rule (1961–1991) For its first fourteen years as
  18. Use talk back radio in early 1967. 'Talk back' radio, using a seven-second time, lapse ,mechanism, began in Australia in April 1967,simultaneously on 2SM,Sydney (
  19. Stuck close to land and sailed only at night, or taken advantage of a temporary, lapse ,in the blockade. More detailed scholarship, in the 20th century, superseded
  20. Began to draw toward that; and from another angle, Michael and me after the, lapse ,of some years of contact, found our heads very much in the same place, and it
  21. Into exile due to his continual contacts with Arius and the exiles. After the, lapse ,of three years, he succeeded in regaining the imperial favor by convincing
  22. Goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state, with no apparent, lapse ,in consciousness. Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its
  23. Assembly, from outside Parliament. Under the power-sharing agreement, set to, lapse ,at the 2012 general election, signed by President MWA Kabuki and Prime
  24. Topology); and that a true continuum of instants exceeds—and within any, lapse ,of time has room for—any Clef number (any infinite multitude as he called it
  25. Convincing the NKVD that he had seen the full Barclay report. A similar, lapse ,occurred with a report from the Japanese Embassy in Moscow to Tokyo. The NKVD
  26. Receivers could be purchased by users, thereby reducing the cost following the, lapse ,of the patent on the basic system technology. A Danish company started
  27. Mysore remained a princely state under the British Raj. As the" doctrine of, lapse ," gave way to dissent and resistance from princely states across the country
  28. Assumed the office of Censor with Lucius Vilnius, which had been allowed to, lapse ,for some time. He struck the names of many senators and equates who no longer
  29. Were freely admitted. Blue, red and a golden yellow, all somewhat faded through, lapse ,of time and exposure, are the colors chiefly employed. The decoration consists
  30. The glorious Roman past, the practice of choosing Roman consul was allowed to, lapse ,after 541. Economy and administration As was the case under Justinian's
  31. Had been told of the truth behind the Watergate break-in, stating that he had a, lapse ,of memory. He met with Republican congressional leaders soon after, and was
  32. Alliance with Stardom of Russia against the Ottoman Empire. However,Russia's, lapse ,into the Time of Troubles left him without a Russian partner, while the
  33. Fall of the Persian Empire's Achaemenid Dynasty and its successors, and the, lapse ,of Old Persian cuneiform writing into disuse, the nature of the inscription was
  34. Was very respected in early times ... His prestige increased with the, lapse ,of centuries and his temples in Greek times were the centers of medical
  35. The" reinsurance treaty" that Bismarck had negotiated with Tsarist Russia to, lapse , Germany was left with no firm ally but Austria-Hungary, and her support for
  36. Hastings. However after the death of the 16th Earl the indenture was allowed to, lapse , Elizabeth Hastings later married Edward Somerset, while Mary Hastings died
  37. By relativity are initially counter-intuitive: * Time dilation – the time, lapse ,between two events is not invariant from one observer to another, but is
  38. And her usual appeal to the emotions: Who keeps their sovereign from the, lapse ,of error, in which, by ignorance and not by intent they might have fallen, what
  39. Brought the treaty into force, effective 16 February 2005,after the required, lapse ,of 90 days. As of November 2009,187 countries and one regional economic
  40. Holes and other examples of shoddy workmanship. The most serious alleged, lapse ,is a failure to repair cracks to pressure bulkheads; the rupture of a bulkhead
  41. Phase. During the first and last two Aras, the knowledge and practice of dharma, lapse ,among humanity and then reappear through the teachings of enlightened humans
  42. Then placed an official letter of reprimand in Sullivan's file for the, lapse , W. Mark Felt, deputy associate director of the Bureau, wrote in his memoir
  43. Nicknamed Clarity (i.e., muddy ) Hole, and was bought by Scott on the, lapse ,of his lease (1811) of the neighboring house of Ascertain. He first built a
  44. To film critic Alexander Walker, Sellers improvised Dr. Strangelove's, lapse ,into the Nazi salute, borrowing one of Kubrick's black leather gloves for the
  45. Labile mood, nausea and vomiting *300–399 mg/DL - Stage 1 anesthesia, memory, lapse , labile mood As drinking increases, people become sleepy, or fall into a stupor
  46. Was doomed to endless criticism and vilification throughout his career for this, lapse , which went down in history as" Merkle's Boner ". In his defense, some
  47. O' Gold. Stewart was drafted in late 1940,a situation that coincided with the, lapse ,in his MGM contract, marking a turning point in Stewart's career, with 28
  48. In the mid-troposphere, which is effectively coupled to the surface by a, lapse ,rate. * Within the region where radiative effects are important the description
  49. Regular use of the pesticide DDT in the 1970s and 1980s was an egregious, lapse , although that chemical was officially banned in the Soviet Union because of
  50. Must not be understood that there is no afterlife, only that there is a time, lapse ,between the resurrection and death, during which there is a period of

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