Examples of the the word, crew , in a Sentence Context

The word ( crew ), is the 2513 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Brought by atheist Madelyn Murray O'Hair (who had objected to the Apollo 8, crew , reading from the Book of Genesis) demanding that their astronauts refrain from
  2. And added about velocity prograde (in the direction of travel). The Apollo 8, crew , and Mission Control medical personnel held a conference using an unoccupied
  3. Had spent seven hours training for every actual hour of flight. Although all, crew ,members were trained in all aspects of the mission, it was necessary to
  4. Issue of 1969 File: Apollo 11 - Crew at the White House. JPG|Apollo 11, crew , at the White House in 2004 File: Apollo 11 crew members. JPG|Apollo 11 crew at
  5. NASA scheduled a television broadcast at 31 hours after launch. The Apollo 8, crew , used a 2 kg camera that broadcast in black-and-white only, using a Vision tube
  6. After the S-IVB had performed its required tasks, it was jettisoned. The, crew ,then rotated the spacecraft to take some photographs of the spent stage and
  7. Control teams for Apollo 8 consisted of astronauts assigned to the support, crew , as well as non-astronaut flight directors and their staffs. The support crew
  8. Of the spent stage and then practiced flying in formation with it. As the, crew ,rotated the spacecraft, they had their first views of the Earth as they moved
  9. To use CSM-103,while McDivitt's crew would use CSM-104. On September 9,the, crew ,entered the simulators to begin their preparation for the flight. By the time
  10. A higher orbit. This swap also meant a swap of spacecraft, requiring Borman's, crew ,to use CSM-103,while McDivitt's crew would use CSM-104. On September 9,the
  11. Steve Bales it was safe to continue the descent and this was relayed to the, crew , The program alarms indicated" executive overflows ", meaning the guidance
  12. Made a spaceflight before this mission, making it only the second all-veteran, crew ,(the other being Apollo 10) in human spaceflight history. Collins was
  13. Issues of moving away from the S-IVB and Lovell's obscured star sightings. The, crew ,now placed the spacecraft into Passive Thermal Control (PTC),also known as "
  14. Wrote Manned Spacecraft Center director George M. Low to suggest the Apollo 11, crew , be less flippant in naming their craft. During early mission planning, the
  15. As an astronaut. At that point Ken Mat tingly was moved from the support, crew ,into parallel training with Andes as backup Command Module Pilot in case
  16. Era missions in that the commander was not the most experienced member of the, crew , This was also the first case of the rarity of an astronaut who had flown as
  17. As a non-commander, as Lovell had previously commanded Gemini XII. Backup, crew ,On a lunar mission, the Command Module Pilot (CMP) was assigned the role of
  18. 11 crew at the White House in 2004 File: Apollo 11 crew members. JPG|Apollo 11, crew , at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington’D. C., July 19, 2009 File:
  19. Made it hard to distinguish the stars. By seven hours into the mission,the, crew ,was about one hour and 40 minutes behind flight plan due to the issues of
  20. And after some discussion, the olive branch was moved to the claws. The, crew ,decided the Roman numeral XI would not be understood in some nations and went
  21. The names Snow cone and Haystack were used and put in the news release, but the, crew ,lately decided to change them. The command module was named Columbia after the
  22. To the Moon. It orbited ten times over the course of 20 hours, during which the, crew ,made a Christmas Eve television broadcast in which they read the first 10
  23. To Apollo 11's backup crew , but promoted to back up commander. Backup, crew ,In early 1969,Bill Andes accepted a job with the National Space Council
  24. Manned mission, and the third lunar mission, of NASA's Apollo program. The, crew ,consisted of Armstrong as Commander and Aldrin as Lunar Module Pilot, with
  25. Mission before the end of 1968. The Apollo 8 crew , now living in the, crew ,quarters at Kennedy Space Center, received a visit from Charles Lindbergh and
  26. The original Apollo 13 CMP. Support crew Flight directors Call signs After the, crew ,of Apollo 10 named their spacecraft Charlie Brown and Snoopy, assistant manager
  27. Crew, as well as non-astronaut flight directors and their staffs. The support, crew ,members were not trained to fly the mission, but were able to stand in for
  28. To begin their preparation for the flight. By the time the mission flew,the, crew ,had spent seven hours training for every actual hour of flight. Although all
  29. Swap of spacecraft, requiring Borman's crew to use CSM-103,while McDivitt's, crew ,would use CSM-104. On September 9,the crew entered the simulators to begin
  30. In the 19th century, Barbary pirates would capture ships and enslave the, crew , Later American ships were attacked. During this period, the pirates forged
  31. Trained. They also served as captors during the mission. For Apollo 8,these, crew ,members included astronauts John S. Bull, Vance D. Brand, Gerald P. Carr, and
  32. It was necessary to have a crew member serving as navigator so that the, crew ,could successfully return to Earth in case of communication loss with Mission
  33. Men on a similar circular mission before the end of 1968. The Apollo 8, crew , now living in the crew quarters at Kennedy Space Center, received a visit from
  34. The cruise phase was a relatively uneventful part of the flight, except for the, crew ,checking that the spacecraft was in working order and that they were on course.
  35. Pen was sufficient to activate the switch. After about seven hours of rest,the, crew ,was awakened by Houston to prepare for the return flight. Two and a half hours
  36. 8 to go to the moon. Over the next 12 minutes before the TLC burn, the Apollo 8, crew , continued to monitor the spacecraft and the S-IVB. The engine ignited on time
  37. S crew and ultimately be assigned as the original Apollo 13 CMP. Support, crew ,Flight directors Call signs After the crew of Apollo 10 named their spacecraft
  38. Not only hamper engine performance, but could exert significant g-forces on a, crew , A task force of contractors, NASA agency representatives, and MSFC researchers
  39. S goal of landing a man on the Moon before the end of the 1960s. Crew This, crew ,was unique among pre-shuttle era missions in that the commander was not the
  40. 11; as a veteran of Apollo 8,Lovell was transferred to Apollo 11's backup, crew , but promoted to back up commander. Backup crew In early 1969,Bill Andes
  41. Point Andes would be unavailable if needed) and would later join Lovell's, crew ,and ultimately be assigned as the original Apollo 13 CMP. Support crew Flight
  42. Performed all the actual navigation calculation, it was necessary to have a, crew ,member serving as navigator so that the crew could successfully return to Earth
  43. Propulsion engine to enter lunar orbit. In the thirty orbits that followed,the, crew ,saw passing views of their landing site in the southern Sea of Tranquility (
  44. Bering led an expedition for the Russian Navy aboard the St. Peter. After his, crew ,returned to Russia with sea otter pelts judged to be the finest fur in the
  45. Get a perfect roll, the spacecraft actually swept out a cone as it rotated. The, crew ,had to make minor adjustments every half hour as the cone pattern got larger
  46. The surface of the Moon, the LM navigation and guidance computer distracted the, crew ,with the first of several unexpected" 1202" and" 1201" program alarms.
  47. Lunar Module was not yet ready to make its first flight. This meant Borman's, crew ,was scheduled to fly two to three months sooner than originally planned
  48. The White House. JPG|Apollo 11 crew at the White House in 2004 File: Apollo 11, crew , members. JPG|Apollo 11 crew at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington
  49. To return to Earth from another celestial body—Earth's Moon. The three-man, crew ,of mission Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot James Lovell, and Lunar
  50. Aldrin was originally the backup LMP. When Lovell was rotated to the prime, crew , no one with experience on CSM 103 (the specific spacecraft used for the

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