Examples of the the word, clever , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clever ), is the 5391 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ways, one possible conclusion is that the characters were neither brave, nor, clever , nor skilled, but simply lucky enough to happen on the universe in which they
  2. And cunning, the Baron's greatest skill is his talent for the subtle and, clever ,manipulation of others through their weaknesses or his understanding of human
  3. Per student near $40 per year in 1999 U. S. dollars. The students were very, clever ,at reducing their costs, and once invented, improvements were widely adopted in
  4. And frustrations and disappointments. " *"When I was young, I admired, clever ,people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. " *"Awareness of symbolic
  5. Show differences in frequency, connotation or denotation (for example, smart, clever , mad). Some differences in usage and/or meaning can cause confusion or
  6. BPM),typically around 118 BPM. The keyboard parts are often elegant and, clever , with many short melodies and countermelodies, again a strong influence from
  7. S" Noble Lie ", concerns expertise. Plato did not believe most people were, clever ,enough to look after their own and society's best interest, so the few "
  8. That he has built a working time machine. While this is intended as a, clever ,con trick, the machine, surprisingly,works, sending Black adder and Baldric
  9. Tribute to the memory of his father William Waterhouse. An epigram is a brief, clever , and usually memorable statement. Derived from the epigramma" inscription "
  10. More useful to Athens on account of his wisdom, rejecting Euripides as merely, clever , Such comic 'evidence' suggests that Athenians admired Euripides even while
  11. With a military force.; esprit de l'espalier:" wit of the stairs ": a concise, clever ,statement you don't think of until too late,e.g. on the stairs leaving the
  12. According to the American Kennel Club’s breed standards," the dachshund is, clever , lively and courageous to the point of rashness, persevering in above and below
  13. The image of diamond as a valuable commodity has been preserved through, clever ,marketing campaigns (as, indeed,is the case with many other luxury products)
  14. Wet weather, like to climb, can easily get over chain wire fences, and are very, clever ,at getting their own way. Most Benji problems involve a mismatch between
  15. The character is quite unintelligent in the first series, he is increasingly, clever ,and perceptive in subsequent generations (while decreasing in social status).
  16. Various diamond enhancement techniques, such as repolishing, crack filling, or, clever , arrangement of the stone in the jewelry. Remaining non-diamond inclusions are
  17. Chinese claimed that it represented the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was a, clever ,argument, as at that time, Christians celebrated Easter to the glory of the
  18. In the video game Final Fantasy X is not a language per se, as it is only a, clever ,substitution cipher. Alien languages A notable subgenre of fictional languages
  19. Picture of the folk singer, Bhangra recordings had distinctive artwork, logos, clever , album names, band/musician listings (who played what) and other details that
  20. Fault GURUS Bunnies & Burrows ", as it is educational, realistic,whimsical and, clever , name" rpgnet2" /> while the game has also been described as a" work of
  21. Between him and the Senate known as the Second Settlement. This was a, clever ,ploy by Augustus; by stepping down as one of two consuls, this allowed aspiring
  22. Each set, and then the two sets are merged along the splitting line. Using some, clever ,tricks, the merge operation can be done in time O (n),so the total running
  23. Rises through the ranks of the Soviet industrial leadership after developing, clever ,laborsaving work methods. Audiences could enjoy the film's comic turn on the
  24. Himself the Shah. Dost Mohammad achieved prominence among his brothers through, clever ,use of the support of his mother's Qizilbash tribesmen and his own youthful
  25. Equipment at Biro Sorrow. Paper tape became obsolete in the 1970s,so this, clever ,aspect of ASCII rarely saw any use after that. (However it should be noted
  26. Although such programs are widely available and are sometimes seen as, clever ,toys for the non-musician, some professional musicians have given them
  27. Are repeatedly described as shining" like a cat's" when he is struck by a, clever ,idea. Frequent mention is made of his patent-leather shoes, damage to which is
  28. Linder's comedy was set in an upper middle-class milieu, and relied on, clever ,and inventive ways of getting around the embarrassments and obstacles arising
  29. This case) charged with labeling, there is no theoretically viable means for a, clever ,hacker to subvert the labeling scheme, since the operating system per se does
  30. Church, Oxford. *"I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the, clever ,ones learn Latin as an honor, and Greek as a treat. " — Sir Winston
  31. The couple shows them exposed to ridicule through the wronged husband's, clever ,device. The counterpart of Ares among the Roman gods is Mars, who as a father
  32. The August character-type is often an anarchist, a joker, or a fool. He is, clever ,and has much lower status than the white face. Classically the white face
  33. Or dark struggles in relationships and love. All her novels were marked by, clever ,observation and dialogue with an intimate, explicit style. Her popular novel
  34. c. 1250),meaning“ innate quality, especially mental power, hence a, clever ,invention. ” Later, as the design of civilian structures such as bridges and
  35. Is considered one of the fathers of the modern short story. He delighted in, clever ,plotting, and served as a model for Somerset Maugham and O. Henry in this
  36. Creating a Hope algebra. Motivation for a Lie algebra One can try to be more, clever ,in defining a tensor product. Consider, for example, : x \Maputo \rho (x) =
  37. KB of shadow RAM in addition to the ordinary 32 KB — giving 64 KB total. Some, clever ,program counter catches meant that the ordinary system ROMs and any software
  38. For a woman who owns an estate. The chapter adds that not only was Freya very, clever , but that she and her husband Or had two immensely beautiful daughters
  39. And to denote a deprivation from someone or something.;: dexterous, skillful, clever , in French: labile, as a" right-handed" person would be using his" right "
  40. Represented as a Patagonian slave) but we are assured that the audience is, clever ,enough to identify him anyway. *The real scene of action: Since Old Comedy
  41. Inability to understand that everyone else in the world was not as educated and, clever ,as he. It is clear, even in his earliest works, he often took fiendish delight
  42. By the Free Software Foundation as being" too vague; some passages are too, clever ,for their own good, and their meaning is not clear. " The FSF recommended that
  43. Or upper-class in Europe the myths evolved and began to assert that Jews were ", clever , devious, and manipulative financiers out to dominate world finances ". Leon
  44. From chemistry and mining to religion and philosophy. Eiffel was extremely, clever , but not very studious. While attending high school at Lycée Royal, Eiffel felt
  45. And The Garden of Eden in 1927 (filmed in 1928 as The Garden of Eden). A, clever , adroit, masterful craftsman who wrote to the tastes of his public, Hopwood was
  46. A commentator on significant issues. Aristophanes claimed to be writing for a, clever ,and discerning audience, yet he also declared that 'other times' would judge
  47. Only defect is that she is 27 years old. In all other respects she is splendid:, clever , cheerful, straightforward and very likeable. " According to Galena
  48. The term is also commonly used as a pejorative to criticize the use of, clever ,but unsound reasoning (alleging implicitly the inconsistent — or outright
  49. Enough to look after their own and society's best interest, so the few ", clever ," people of the world needed to lead the rest of the flock. Therefore, the idea
  50. Peugeot's, women named Donna who always seem to drive Camaro, lawyers,the, clever ,use of the English language, and practically anything else, including

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