Examples of the the word, cigarette , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cigarette ), is the 4469 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lead-acid batteries could be used with automobile circuit limiters (, cigarette ,lighter plug devices); but the batteries had mediocre portability. The later
  2. Claims adjusters, and down-and-out writers. Among characters of every stripe, cigarette ,smoking is rampant. From historical commentators to neo-noir pictures to pop
  3. A Darwin). Example Examples of Darwin award winners include: * Leaving a lit, cigarette ,in a warehouse full of explosives (Philippines,1999) * Three Palestinian
  4. Match Of The Day captured the Chelsea chairman handing Charlton a commemorative, cigarette ,case. International goals: Scores and results list England's goal tally first.
  5. It derives from Bogart's style of cigarette smoking, with which he left his, cigarette ,dangling from his mouth rather than withdrawing it between puffs. The term also
  6. Of administration Oral Many users rub the powder along the gum line, or onto a, cigarette ,filter which is then smoked, which numbs the gums and teeth – hence the
  7. Months after the Surgeon General's first major warning about the dangers of, cigarette ,smoking had been issued on January 11,Campbell ran an editorial," A
  8. The early rockets he and his friends built were ironically named" Auk ". *A, cigarette ,company, the British Great Auk Cigarettes, was named after this bird. * The
  9. The single" Space Cowboy ", Buffalo Man is present on the cover as a shaped, cigarette ,paper for a half-complete cannabis joint, in reference to the song's praise of
  10. Was called the Winston Cup Series, sponsored by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, cigarette ,brand Winston. The changes that resulted from RJR's involvement, as well as
  11. The sea: :later Takata::: stop smoking (in the sense of putting out the, cigarette ,one is smoking now; literally 'leave from the tobacco' ): :later hippasilta::
  12. A heavy smoker throughout his life and was seldom seen without his customary, cigarette ,holder. In the Analog of September 1964,nine months after the Surgeon General
  13. Propane, for example, is used in the propane gas burner, butane in disposable, cigarette ,lighters. The two alkanes are used as propellants in aerosol sprays. From
  14. The slang term" boarding" refers to taking an unfairly long time with a, cigarette , drink, et cetera, that is supposed to be shared (e.g.," Don't Bogart that
  15. Yaoundé, Cameroon,spilling fuel oil. One person scavenging the oil drops a lit, cigarette , creating a massive explosion which kills 120. *2000 – The spacecraft NEAR
  16. On the usage of the name Harry Bragg as rhyming slang for" fag" ( i.e. a, cigarette ,). In movies, Cary Grant's character teaches rhyming slang to his female
  17. He himself believed his lung cancer to have been a result of his six-pack-a-day, cigarette ,habit. Legacy Congressional Gold Medal and Presidential Medal of Freedom John
  18. Product lines being managed by one of two people, as is already the case in the, cigarette ,manufacturing industry. Related to this change is the upgrading of the quality
  19. Quantities of many potent carcinogens that are comparable to those found in, cigarette ,smoke (i.e., benzoapyrene). Charring of food resembles coking and tobacco
  20. 1973,Parsons' Topanga Canyon home burned to the ground, the result of a stray, cigarette , Nearly all of his possessions were destroyed except a guitar
  21. Large man with light hair, a beak nose, a wide face with thin lips, and with a, cigarette ,in a holder forever clamped between his teeth," wrote Asimov. Asimov said that
  22. And various forms of cancer, in particular when other risk factors, such as, cigarette ,smoking, are present. These effects have been demonstrated to persist below 50
  23. Get enough light to look down the barrel of a loaded muzzle-loaded gun using a, cigarette ,lighter (U. S.,1996) * Using a lighter to illuminate a fuel tank to make
  24. In this period include pan (" bread" ) and Tobago (" tobacco ", now ", cigarette ,"),both from Portuguese. Modern Japanese is considered to
  25. Poirot claims to have identified a murderer based on a shade of lipstick on a, cigarette , but admits after the killer starts to talk in 'the evil voice'- a voice used
  26. Rape defendants is a must and that the law must be changed. " Drug use He is a, cigarette ,smoker. In June 2006,a photograph was printed in the Daily Mirror newspaper
  27. John Denver. As he read Denver's name, Rich set fire to the envelope with a, cigarette ,lighter. The action was taken as a protest against the increasing pop style in
  28. Textile plants, cement factories, chemical plants, breweries,shipyards, and, cigarette , factories. Gabonese manufacturing is highly dependent on foreign inputs, and
  29. The Grievous Angel: A Tribute to Gram Parsons (1999) Notes A go-fast boat, or, cigarette , boat,is a small, fast boat designed with a long narrow platform and a planing
  30. Illnesses caused by widespread air pollution and hundreds of millions of, cigarette ,smokers, a possible future HIV/AIDS epidemic, and an increase in obesity among
  31. As changes in the level of drink in a character's glass or the length of a, cigarette , others can be more noticeable, such as sudden drastic changes in appearance of
  32. Chemical carcinogen to be discovered (and is one of many carcinogens found in, cigarette ,smoke). The EPA has classified seven PAH compounds as probable human
  33. Cadmium concentrations than non-smokers. Despite the high cadmium content in, cigarette ,smoke, there seems to be little exposure to cadmium from passive smoking. No
  34. e. g.," Don't Bogart that joint! "). It derives from Bogart's style of, cigarette ,smoking, with which he left his cigarette dangling from his mouth rather than
  35. Esoteric" and referred to" a barely determinable possible correlation between, cigarette ,smoking and cancer. " He claimed that tobacco's calming effects led to more
  36. Extorted $200,000 15D by another) in the rear of the passenger cabin. He lit a, cigarette ,and ordered a bourbon and soda. Onboard eyewitnesses recalled a man in his
  37. Enabled them to avoid interception by the Coast Guard. More recently the term ", cigarette ,boat" has replaced the term" rum-runner" when similar boats were used to
  38. Because if I can quit smoking, anyone can quit smoking. So while I am smoking a, cigarette ,right now, I have written 'The Last Pack' with a Sharpie on every pack since
  39. About its commercialism in general and its specific agreement to record a, cigarette ,commercial. *Harry Belmonte, another influential performer, started his career
  40. While changing trains in Boston, the handcuffed prisoner asked Bogart for a, cigarette ,and while Bogart looked for a match, the prisoner raised his hands, smashed
  41. Term for a gay male but in BRE it is a normal and well-used term for a, cigarette , for hard work, or for a chore, while a faggot itself is a sort of meatball. In
  42. Proximity to lose gunpowder. It operated using a small wheel much like that on, cigarette ,lighters which was wound up with a key before use and which, when the trigger
  43. To smuggle cigarette s between Canada and the United States. The present era of, cigarette ,boats, dating from the 1960s,owes much of their design to boats designed for
  44. A composition by Dream Theater from the 1994 album Awake Other uses *Eve (, cigarette ,), manufactured in the USA as a product of the Biggest Group *Eve (
  45. The Case Against the Little White Slaver" which documented many dangers of, cigarette ,smoking attested to by many researchers and luminaries. Ford dressed up as
  46. Of residential fires on upholstered furniture by weak heat sources (e.g.,a, cigarette , a short-circuited wire),and the persistent combustion of biomass behind the
  47. Law, requiring the Surgeon General's warnings on tobacco products and banning, cigarette ,advertisements on television and radio in the United States, starting on
  48. Or sale. These foreign bodies can include pests or their droppings, hairs, cigarette , butts,wood chips, and all manner of other contaminants. It is possible for
  49. A commercial for the American Cancer Society, that would show a fetus smoking a, cigarette , This quickly brought Fischer to the attention of producers in Los Angeles and
  50. Brushland spearheaded the movement, now worldwide, to achieve the abolition of, cigarette ,smoking by education and persuasion. Under her leadership, the World Health

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