Examples of the the word, differently , in a Sentence Context

The word ( differently ), is the 3706 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ways. Since the creation of modern indirect fire different armies have done it, differently ,at different times and in different places. Technology is often a factor but so
  2. And Rosetta, although smoothed into its later context. It is written quite, differently ,from Achaemenid Aramaic; there is an emphasis on writing as words are
  3. Domain signals. Definitions Different fields of study define autocorrelation, differently , and not all of these definitions are equivalent. In some fields, the term is
  4. S depiction of Paul. According to the majority viewpoint, Acts describes Paul, differently ,from how he describes himself, both factually and theologically. Act differs
  5. Parameters that are passed to the applet. Hence, the same applet may appear, differently ,depending on the parameters that were passed. Examples of Web-based Applets
  6. Ground wires to ground pins one-for-one. 80-wire cables usually come with three, differently ,colored connectors (blue, black,and gray for controller, master drive, and
  7. Of the verbs 'to be' and 'to have ': In addition, verbs do not conjugate, differently ,depending on the subject. For example, The preterit looks exactly like the
  8. A town, state or federal agency may be required to change its laws or behave, differently , but not to pay monetary damages except by an explicit statutory waiver. In
  9. Caused was sometimes intentional (where a character would be used slightly, differently ,on a terminal link than on a data stream) and sometimes accidental (such as
  10. Orthodox churches define the union of divine and human natures in Christ, differently ,from the dual-nature doctrine held by the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodoxy
  11. An astronaut is transported to an alternate Earth where history plays out, differently , but no-one believes him when he discovers this. On August 24, 2011,Spike TV
  12. To become man’s servant. They argue that the question of God should be treated, differently ,from other knowable objects in that" this question regards not that which is
  13. Is not considered offensive at all in these regions. However, it is pronounced, differently , with the e being closer to the sound in the English word egg. The Artistic
  14. Heraldry as parliament or peace. Other writers have justified the colors, differently , with some Andalusian nationalists referring to them as the Antonieta, meaning
  15. First book was mainly composed by 1512/13 and completed by 1523,showing five, differently ,constructed types of both male and female figures, all parts of the body
  16. Many Indo-Aryan languages, such as Hindi-Urdu, also write the two phones, differently ,and treat them as completely distinct phonemes: is written as 'प' ( or 'پ' )
  17. The Buddhas' AHIMA is quite in keeping with his middle path. To put it, differently , the Buddha made a distinction between Principle and Rule. He did not make
  18. San. * Away and Beyond (1952) (abridged in paperback in 1959; abridged (, differently ,) in paperback in 1963) * Monsters (1965) (later than SF Monsters (1967) )
  19. The definition also allows a sincere vote to treat equally preferred candidates, differently , When there are two or more candidates, every voter has at least three sincere
  20. The worldwide community of Christians, each church interpreting scripture, differently , as many Protestants maintain. All Christians who have a genuine relationship
  21. Each subcarrier cycle. The coarse, low-resolution graphics display mode worked, differently , as it could output a short burst of high-frequency signal per pixel to offer
  22. And even if the writer uses human decisions, every decision that could be made, differently ,would result in a different timeline. A writer's fictional multiverse may, in
  23. Decimalization similar to that of piece today. Dates are usually written, differently ,in the short (numerical) form. Christmas Day 2000,for example, is 25/12/00
  24. Motherboard receptacle was the same part used with Intel products but keyed, differently ,to prevent installation of the wrong CPU. The cartridge assembly allowed the
  25. The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire interprets events and sources, differently , believing that Albion married Clothing when already a king in or shortly
  26. Define the relationship of the Holy Spirit to other members of the Trinity, differently ,than Roman Catholics (see Clique). ** The Catholic Church has dogmatically
  27. Was revived in Chicago from oblivion and Samuelson entered the scene. Very, differently , classical economists see in Smith's first sentences his program to promote
  28. It (a) did not have a depiction of the Earth, and (b) it was textured, differently ,(the other plaques had black lettering on polished stainless steel while the
  29. Trees have a value of about 0.09 to 0.15. Water reflects light very, differently ,from typical terrestrial materials. The reflectivity of a water surface is
  30. System, many countries in Europe used their own official acres. These were, differently ,sized in different countries, for instance, the historical French acre was
  31. Man via his penis. While each person's sphincter muscles react to penetration, differently , the anal sphincter in general has delicate tissue that can tear, and the
  32. Of Nature Neuroscience, researchers have found a part of the brain that behaves, differently ,for altruistic and selfish people. The researchers invited 45 volunteers to
  33. Had Alexander, who was a strong monarch, lived,things might have worked out, differently , He was buried in Undermine Abbey. As Alexander left no surviving children
  34. Of Indigenous Australians. It is made up of a range of forms which developed, differently ,in different parts of Australia, and are said to vary along a continuum, from
  35. And though in this work Augustine suggested what he would have said, differently , it provides little in the way of actual" retraction. " It does, however,give
  36. As Arabs. The relative importance of these three factors is estimated, differently ,by different groups and frequently disputed. Some combine aspects of each
  37. Greek),are called Eons. In the different systems these emanations are, differently ,named, classified,and described, but the emanation theory itself is common to
  38. Each sprite nominally had only one color, it was possible to color the rows, differently ,by changing the sprite's color as it was drawn. If the two hardware sprites
  39. Be an example of a supersonic aerodynamic problem. Supersonic flow behaves very, differently ,from subsonic flow. Fluids react to differences in pressure; pressure changes
  40. And is available year-round. Hawaii Hawaiian-Chinese food developed a bit, differently ,from the continental United States. Owing to the diversity of ethnicities in
  41. The line of sight between Alioth and the Earth. The intervening elements react, differently ,at different frequencies of light as they whip in and out of view, causing
  42. P in cap, or the second p in paper. Chinese languages treat these two phones, differently ,; for example in Mandarin, ( written b in Pinyin) and (written p) contrast
  43. Amounts in the range of one to two major currency units are often spoken, differently , In AME one may say a dollar fifty or a pound eighty, whereas in BRE these
  44. The inflected verbs of Classical Armenian. Negative verbs are conjugated, differently ,from positive ones (as in English" he goes" and" he does not go" ).
  45. Et al. 2003) and transcribed into the. When a Photovoltaic phoneme developed, differently ,depending on its position in a word (beginning, interior,or end),the
  46. To face-to-face treatment with a therapist. However, since aphasia presents, differently ,among individuals, these programs must be dynamic and flexible in order to
  47. Sister of the rest of the Asparagus. Other studies have placed the orchids, differently ,in the phylogenetic tree, generally among the Boryaceae-Hypoxidaceae clade. The
  48. Far less common. Words listed by the Macquarie Dictionary as currently spelled, differently ,to the received British spellings include" program" as opposed to" program
  49. Each subcarrier cycle. The coarse, low-resolution graphics display mode worked, differently , as it could output a short burst of high-frequency signal per pixel to offer
  50. Are found throughout Argentina. In many parts of the country, food is prepared, differently ,and different kinds of foods are made; this includes to a smaller degree food

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