Examples of the the word, substantially , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Disparity in poverty rates has narrowed. The black middle class has grown, substantially , In 2000.47 % of African Americans owned their homes. The poverty rate among
  2. Culture on the Brahmanical religion. Hinduism Non-human life Hindus do not, substantially ,differentiate the soul within a human body from that of an animal. Hence AHIMA
  3. Inducted in 2011 Dan is the only Hall of Famer that has been inducted based, substantially ,on his service with the Falcons; however, two inductees played briefly for the
  4. Cost Christmas sales market for that year. Although Acorn were able to shrink, substantially ,the same functionality as the BBC into just one chip, manufacturing problems
  5. As the nuclei of 11Be and 14Be have, respectively,1 and 4 neutrons orbiting, substantially ,outside the classical Fermi 'water drop' model of the nucleus. Unstable
  6. Reaching a high point of 19 percent in 2000. Since then, the rate has decreased, substantially ,with the creation of new jobs in private and state enterprises. In 2005 the
  7. Aristotelian) texts by the Kind school were commented, redacted and developed, substantially ,by Islamic intellectuals, who also built upon Persian and Indian mathematical
  8. Termination point can support multiple ISPs, the economic feasibility of DSL is, substantially ,improved. Why virtual circuits? ATM operates as a channel-based transport layer
  9. Began making the system more efficient in 2004. Several smaller banks grew, substantially ,between 2004 and 2006. These processes increased public confidence in the banks
  10. Are typically given before elective abortion, as they are believed to, substantially ,reduce the risk of postoperative uterine infection. Complications after
  11. Early 1950s. Throughout the postwar period, economic progress also was assisted, substantially ,by a level of internal and external political stability unseen in other East
  12. Season in the tropical regions or opposite hemisphere. Before migration, birds, substantially , increase body fats and reserves and reduce the size of some of their organs.
  13. Offers" that display ads on the home page and in sleep mode, in exchange for, substantially ,lower pricing compared to the ad-free devices. Abacus (also spelled Ecus
  14. Using the OS calls could function without significant modification, making, substantially , more memory available for BASIC, View,View sheet and almost every other
  15. Developed to categorize the forms of antisemitism. The forms identified are, substantially ,the same; it is primarily the number of forms and their definitions that differ
  16. Precision is not very important). In any case, the hybrid computer is usually, substantially ,faster than a digital computer, but can supply a far more precise computation
  17. Taxes. The state's general sales tax rate is 4 %. The collection rate could be, substantially ,higher, depending upon additional city and county sales taxes. For example, the
  18. Tuna being the primary export. Transfers from the U. S. federal government add, substantially ,to American Samoa's economic well-being. Attempts by the government to develop
  19. Fragments, and greater mobility in more terrain types. The basic APC design was, substantially ,expanded to an Infantry fighting vehicle (IF) when properties of an armored
  20. Taking a small (75 mg) daily dose of aspirin for between four and eight years, substantially ,reduces death rates from a range of common cancers by at least a fifth and the
  21. The NTSB reported that the maximum allowed gross weight of the plane was ", substantially ,exceeded" and that the center of gravity was positioned beyond its rear limit.
  22. Disability is defined by the ADA as" a physical or mental impairment that, substantially ,limits a major life activity. " The determination of whether any particular
  23. Lunar Module shortly after landing, the crew of Apollo 15 would be spending a, substantially ,longer amount of time on the surface than previous crews. In order to preserve
  24. Greek contingent. Officials in Yerevan have said the Armenian military plans to, substantially ,increase the size of its peace-keeping detachment and counts on Greek
  25. This causes a tension in the molecule, known as strict hindrance, and can, substantially ,increase the reactivity. Reactions with oxygen (combustion reaction) All
  26. Managed to lead his party to victory in the 2005 general election, against a, substantially ,strengthened NDP opposition. Campbell won a third term in the British Columbia
  27. Conductivity and Solubility Alkanes do not conduct electricity, nor are they, substantially ,polarized by an electric field. For this reason they do not form hydrogen bonds
  28. The Annalena her Physic scientific journal in 1905. These four works contributed, substantially ,to the foundation of modern physics and changed views on space, time,and
  29. The ADA defines a covered disability as" a physical or mental impairment that, substantially ,limits a major life activity. " The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (
  30. Suburbs currently under construction The North and South Canberra districts are, substantially ,based on Walter Burley Griffin's designs. In 1967 the then National Capital
  31. Was a case in which the Supreme Court interpreted the meaning of the phrase ", substantially ,impairs" as used in the Americans with Disabilities Act. It reversed the
  32. Consultations with him helped to turn the balance between peace and war, and, substantially , conduced towards a pacific solution. Abdul Rahman left on those who met him in
  33. And less authoritarian. Its reaction was to operate a number of changes without, substantially ,changing its character. Parliamentary elections held on 5 September 2008
  34. Urbanization increased. New industries emerged, and agricultural employment was, substantially ,reduced. Education was extended nationwide, raising the literacy rate from less
  35. And Wesleyan Arminian, drawing primarily from Wesley. Both groups overlap, substantially , Classical Arminianism (sometimes titled Reformed
  36. Irresponsible behavior. The of ethanol in rats is 10.3 g/kg. Other alcohols are, substantially ,more poisonous than ethanol, partly because they take much longer to be
  37. Oil has a smaller molecule than does acrylic, oil paint is able to absorb, substantially ,more pigment. Oil provides a different (less clear) refractive index than
  38. The DB7. The Ford era Ford placed Aston in the Premier Automotive Group, substantially ,invested in new manufacturing and quickly ramped up production. In 1994,Ford
  39. Many have their origins in other countries, American cooks and chefs have, substantially ,altered them over the years, to the degree that the dishes now enjoyed the
  40. Economy. In line with Inns' staples thesis, the economy has changed, substantially ,as different export commodities have risen or fallen in importance. In sequence
  41. To 30 billion cells die a day. Research in and around apoptosis has increased, substantially ,since the early 1990s. In addition to its importance as a biological phenomenon
  42. And South and Southeast Asia, termed just" Asia. " Its administrative Asia is, substantially ,different from the overall geographic and the same may be said of many hundreds
  43. But engineering properties such as tensile strength and shear strength may be, substantially ,different from those of the constituent materials. This is sometimes a result
  44. Contact with another person or under circumstances that make such contact, substantially ,certain to occur and (3) which causes such contact. Thus throwing a rock at
  45. Attribute is considered" superior" in that attribute, being considered to be, substantially ,better than the character with 2nd rank even if the difference in scores is
  46. ALGOL versions are named after the year they were first published. Algol 68 is, substantially ,different from Algol 60 but was not well received, so that in general" Algol "
  47. The legality, prevalence,cultural and religious status of abortion vary, substantially ,around the world. In many parts of the world there is prominent and divisive
  48. Declined rapidly. In their 1995 annual report, they noted:" Jaguar sales were, substantially ,below Atari's expectations, and Atari's business and financial results were
  49. Law with regard to discrimination in employment. Its regulations narrowed ", substantially ,limits" to" significantly or severely restricts ". In 2008,effective January
  50. Of the bowel are unsterile, and thus leakage of bowel contents, as from trauma, substantially ,increases the risk of infection. Abduction or abducted may refer to: Of a

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