Examples of the the word, baghdad , in a Sentence Context

The word ( baghdad ), is the 3708 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Church (Tehran, Iran ) Iraq * Armenian Evangelical Church (Baghdad) (, baghdad , Iraq) Lebanon * Armenian Evangelical Church (Ajar) (Ajar
  2. AlAbbasMosque01. JPG|Al ‘ Abbas Mosquito of: Image: Al-Khadhumain shrine in, baghdad , JPG|Al Kādhimiya Mosquito of: *Seventh, Twelver Shi‘ah Imam, Mūsā
  3. Council (ISC)., Ref.: Sheikh M. Al-ABDULWAHID (al-Ghamdi) Al Saudi (, baghdad , ) Al badge (Diana) Al Najib (Baghdad) Apache Struts is an open-source web
  4. JPG|Repairs to the golden domes,2008. File: Al-Khadhumain shrine in, baghdad , JPG|Main courtyard of the mosque. Duran Khan Bear is a meditation teacher
  5. Khalid against the sheriff of Hakka *1749-1762 Sham mar raids reaches northern, baghdad , despite the strong ruler Sulaiman Abdul Leila *1764 Migration of individuals of
  6. Famine year *1844 Summer, Unizaa brings 20000 man and raids areas between, baghdad , and Mosul *1844 Sham mar, only 1000 men, allies with Kurdish cavalry to expel
  7. JPG|Al ‘ Abbas Mosque, Mausoleum of: Image: Al-Khadhumain shrine in, baghdad , JPG|Al Kadhimiya Mosque, Mausoleum of: *Seventh, Twelver Shi`an Imam, Musā

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