Examples of the the word, suspend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suspend ), is the 3704 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A symbol of the old communist regime. In 1989 Hungarian government decided to, suspend ,it. In its sentence from September 1997,the International Court of Justice
  2. In a ministerial capacity in the liturgy or, if this proves impossible, to, suspend , the liturgical service, and the invalidity of acts of ecclesiastical governance
  3. Surrounding Washington’D. C., on three sides),authorized General Scott to, suspend ,the writ of habeas corpus along the railroad line from Philadelphia to
  4. Century, the British sought greater control over the settlers, threatening to, suspend ,the Public Meeting unless it observed the government's instructions to
  5. States was more fearing that Soviet reach to the Persian Gulf would threaten or, suspend ,Arab oil supply, so it began Operation Cyclone to provide billions of dollars to
  6. Whereas in AME, it means to remove it from discussion, or at times, to, suspend , or delay discussion. The word" football" in BRE refers to Association
  7. At Santa Barbara concluded that the President could issue an Executive Order to, suspend ,homosexual conduct discharges. In July 2009,the White House and other
  8. As a result, the president may not dissolve parliament, dismiss the government, suspend ,certain articles of the constitution, issue a proclamation or declare a state
  9. N't Tell Repeal Act of 2010,the Justice Department asked the Ninth Circuit to, suspend ,LCR's suit in light of the legislative repeal. LCR opposed the request, noting
  10. Churches. In response to this, the remaining churches in CUBIC have decided to, suspend ,its work while they seek reconciliation with those two churches. Full members
  11. Near the toilet, as well as employing an adapter such as a bowl or small box to, suspend ,the litter above the toilet bowl. When training is complete, the cat uses the
  12. 2 of the United States Constitution. As such, he had the martial power to, suspend ,civil law in those states which were in rebellion. He did not have
  13. From membership if he so desires. Additionally, the fraternity may either, suspend ,or expel a member for cause. Membership and religion Freemasonry explicitly and
  14. Plans, at Hitler's insistence, but failed to convince him of the need to, suspend ,peacetime construction projects. Speer also oversaw the construction of
  15. Were insubordinate and planned to relieve them of duty, but said that he would, suspend ,the sentence if the union was dissolved by September 4. The mayor of Boston
  16. This issue to be one they could not support. In early 1932 it was agreed to, suspend ,the principle of collective responsibility to allow the Liberals to oppose the
  17. Able to find an enterprising local boy to climb up a crack in the cliff and, suspend ,ropes across the Babylonian writing, so that papier-mâché casts of the
  18. Fear of transmission of diseases In influenza epidemics, some churches, suspend ,the giving of communion under the form of wine, for fear of spreading the
  19. S Enterprise ships Excommunication is a religious censure used to deprive, suspend ,or limit membership in a religious community. The word means putting someone
  20. It, and approved it a second time; reserve a bill to be signed later, or, suspend , it indefinitely (generally in states with the Royal Prerogative; this power is
  21. Its members would accept the change on financial grounds. The BNP agreed to, suspend ,further membership applications until an Extraordinary General Meeting in
  22. Long term debt with" hyperinflated-cash" nor could a lender simply somehow, suspend ,the loan. " Early redemption penalties" were (and still are) often based on
  23. Times the batters (plural Malta) was a type of baldric commonly used to, suspend ,a sword. It was a belt generally worn over the shoulder, passing obliquely down
  24. Of Electoral Affairs. After using the excuse of alleged irregularities to, suspend ,the results of the elections as a pretext for holding on to power, President
  25. However, the order was stayed pending an appeal. The Bush administration did, suspend ,the program while the appeal was being heard. In February 2008,the U. S.
  26. The EU mission's spokesman in Guinea-Bissau, Miguel Souza, said the EU had to, suspend ,its program when the mastermind of the mutiny, Gen Antonio India, became
  27. Brake. Suspension Bicycle suspension refers to the system or systems used to, suspend ,the rider and all or part of the bicycle. This serves two purposes: * To keep
  28. A hefeweizen,90 % of the contents are poured, and the remainder is swirled to, suspend ,the sediment before pouring it into the glass. Alternatively, the bottle may be
  29. Complying with the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy, and ordered the military to, suspend ,and discontinue any investigation or discharge, separation,or other proceeding
  30. Back into the camp. When back in the barracks, the other prisoners would, suspend ,him upside down until all the spirit had been drained out. Aleksandr
  31. War. *2009 – President of Fiji Rate Josefa Lilo announces he will, suspend ,the constitution and assume all governance in the country, creating a
  32. Or unjustified. However, by Skoal and Bricmont's own admission, they, suspend , judgment about Deleuze's philosophical theories and terminology. In Organs
  33. 60°. Angling of the end of the breast is caused in part by the ligaments that, suspend ,it, such that the breast ends often have a more obtuse angle when a woman is
  34. Prerogative. It provided, amongst other things, that the Sovereign could not, suspend ,laws passed by Parliament, levy taxes without parliamentary consent, infringe
  35. 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union, Trumbo and his publisher decided to, suspend ,reprinting of Johnny Got His Gun until the end of the war. During the war
  36. The sport and developing the game around the world. One of its sanctions is to, suspend ,teams and associated members from international competition when a government
  37. Authorized by the Colorado Rockies to distribute tickets, was forced to, suspend ,sales after less than an hour due to an overwhelming number of attempts to
  38. The committee decided that the House" possessed an inherent power" to, suspend ,errant members, although not to withhold a Writ of summons nor to expel a
  39. Often implies that this supreme being does not intervene in human affairs or, suspend ,the natural laws of the universe. Deists typically reject supernatural events
  40. Who himself had turned a blind eye to the rumors previously, was compelled to, suspend ,the remaining seven players (GANIL, eventually perceived as the ringleader
  41. Four countries: Botswana, Namibia,South Africa and Canada. Across had to, suspend ,their sales in October 2008 due to the global energy crisis, but the company
  42. And elsewhere. The EU mission's spokesman in Guinea-Bissau said the EU had to, suspend ,its program when the mastermind of the mutiny, General Antonio India, became
  43. Occurred owing to stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel rods used to, suspend ,them. Some polymers are also sensitive to attack, including acetyl resin and
  44. Ordered that a message immediately be sent to U Thant asking the Soviets to ", suspend ," work on the missiles while negotiations were carried out. During this meeting
  45. The bank, who can limit or vary how much cash can be withdrawn at a time and to, suspend ,the facility at any time. When available, cash out is convenient for the
  46. Of growth before the onset of prohibition in 1920. Anheuser-Busch had to, suspend ,brewing of Budweiser during prohibition and launched a range of non-alcoholic
  47. Or suspend ed, since there is no mechanism in this voluntary association to, suspend ,or expel an independent province of the Communion. Since membership is based on
  48. In question for a certain case is not in conformance with the constitution must, suspend ,that case and bring this law before the Federal Constitutional Court. *Federal
  49. Program needs to allocate a new object, the runtime system may either need to, suspend ,it until the collection cycle is complete, or somehow notify the garbage
  50. On 6 August 1997. During the election campaign, Banzer had promised to, suspend ,the privatization of the state-owned oil-company, YPFB. But this seemed

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