Examples of the the word, accountability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accountability ), is the 3703 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of evaluation, ADB demonstrates three elements of good governance: (i), accountability , by assessing the effectiveness of ADB's operations; (ii) transparency, by
  2. With gerrymandering and its impact on competitive elections and democratic, accountability , numerous countries have enacted reforms making the practice either more
  3. Act The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has introduced new standards of, accountability ,on boards of U. S. companies or companies listed on U. S. stock exchanges.
  4. Charter; an international nongovernmental organization that intends to foster, accountability ,and transparency of non-governmental organizations. Greenpeace evolved from the
  5. Stressed the need for Equatorial Guinea to establish greater fiscal discipline, accountability , and more transparent management of public sector resources, especially energy
  6. In individual ownership to the extent of the number of owners—or make such, accountability ,proportionately more complex, anarcho-capitalists generally distrust and seek
  7. Elections still use more traditional counting methods. While openness and, accountability ,are usually considered cornerstones of a democratic system, the act of casting
  8. Gerrymandering can have a deleterious effect on the principle of democratic, accountability , With uncompetitive seats/districts reducing the fear that incumbent
  9. Be able to reject uploads from hostile outsiders to the project, and to permit, accountability ,in the event that a package contains a serious bug, a violation of policy, or
  10. Software is used. Internet filters, parental control software, and/or, accountability ,software may also be combined into one product. Those critical of such software
  11. Party Spinning" from the New York Times, DJ Rehab is conscious of her cultural, accountability ,to her music. Bhangra followers often feel that the music is an expression of
  12. As a World Parliament, which ideally would enhance public control over, and, accountability , in,international politics. Cosmopolitan Democracy has been promoted, among
  13. Sin. Mormonism rejects infant baptism and baptism must occur after the age of, accountability , defined in Latter-day Saint scripture as eight years old. Latter-day Saint
  14. The result will be the collapse of the Greek banking system. To offer some, accountability , the ECB is bound to publish reports on its activities and has to address its
  15. In some cases, slave ) labor, and also provide the political transparency and, accountability ,necessary for democracy. Shedding some doubt on this claim, however,is the
  16. That oil revenues sever the link between citizen taxation and government, accountability , the key to representative democracy (Haber and Renaldo, Forthcoming ). The
  17. Durban Conference is an attempt by Indian government to escape international, accountability ,for the empowerment and welfare of subalterns. At the same conference, the
  18. Of usefulness, credibility,transparency, and independence—for greater, accountability ,and making development assistance work better. Independent Evaluation at the
  19. Argument against the implementation of a school voucher system is its lack of, accountability ,to the taxpayer. In many states, members of a community's board of education
  20. Community organizing. " In these cases, organized community groups seek, accountability ,from elected officials and increased direct representation within
  21. To an" accountability partner" of the person's choosing, and the term, accountability ,software is used. Internet filters, parental control software, and/or
  22. And its subsidiary body UNCLES are pioneers in trying to get some degree of, accountability ,and quality control to consumers of English courses, through their CELTA and
  23. At the same time the influx of federal funding also gave rise to demands for, accountability ,and the behavioral objectives approach of Robert F. Maker and others
  24. Since property that is owned collectively tends to lose the level of, accountability ,found in individual ownership to the extent of the number of owners—or make
  25. Peoples" as that too would've made India a part of the international, accountability ,regimes under the Convention against Racism. Verna Early Indian texts like the
  26. In some cases without containing reference to modern democratic principles of, accountability ,to parliament or even to modern governmental offices. Usually, the King had the
  27. Of plurality in this context, such as constituency link, regionalism,and, accountability , Preservation of" one person, one vote" principle The arguments for a
  28. Allowed the government to avoid improving fiscal discipline, transparency and, accountability , Infrastructure is generally old and in poor condition. Surface
  29. Are generally difficult to establish for prosecution, because a chain of, accountability ,must be established. International criminal courts and tribunals function
  30. Freedom of religion; the guarantee of property against arbitrary seizure; the, accountability ,of government agents to the citizenry. Executive branch France has a
  31. Excessive CEO pay after their directors receive low shareholder support. Board, accountability ,to shareholders is a recurring issue. In 2010,the New York Times noted that
  32. Person who undertakes and operates a new enterprise or venture and assumes some, accountability ,for the inherent risks; Embonpoint: a plump, hourglass figure.; escargot: snail
  33. Transparency, for debt relief, land reform, and restructuring corporate, accountability ,systems. Morten and Stiglitz's contribution to the movement include
  34. Covenant as governing document and which stresses mission, scholarship, accountability , and networking. Worldwide organizations While the greatest number of
  35. Crimes. Because of this perception of responsibility for war crimes and lack of, accountability , many inhabitants of countries conquered by Japan, as well as others in nations
  36. Schools of all types, which provides schools incentives to improve and greater, accountability ,than any political bureaucracy via voluntary dollar voting (for which public
  37. 1921. (See Muhammad In 'ABD al-Karim al-Khattabi, Annual ). In order to avoid, accountability , King Alfonso XIII decided to support the dictatorship of General Miguel Prime
  38. For the operation; determines safe or unsafe working environments; ensures team, accountability ,; supervises operations (when possible) where team members and victims are at
  39. S quality attributes, among them confidentiality, integrity,availability, accountability ,and assurance. Hardware mechanisms that protect computers and data Hardware
  40. The War and Navy Departments and other agencies, and the preparation of final, accountability ,records. Liquidation of the CCC was ordered by Congress by the Labor-Federal
  41. Presided over by a prime minister who is answerable to the legislature. This, accountability ,requires that someone be chosen from parliament who has parliament's support (
  42. As to the degree of separation of powers between these branches. Lines of, accountability ,In presidential and semi-presidential systems of government, department
  43. That a user accesses and rates them based on content type for reporting to an ", accountability ,partner" of the person's choosing, and the term accountability software is
  44. Tax credit system-- a policy he calls" Neo vouchers"-- present additional, accountability ,concerns. With voucher systems, a taxpayer owing money to the state instead
  45. Government of Cameroon calls for greater macroeconomic planning and financial, accountability ,; privatization of most of Cameroon's nearly 100 remaining non-financial
  46. In general, may wish to prevent or restrict their own access. A number of, accountability ,software products marketed as self-censorship or accountability software. These
  47. Is Plagiarism, which rejects the doctrine of original sin on grounds of moral, accountability ,; but the overwhelming majority of Protestant, evangelical pastors and
  48. For schools would eliminate the need to otherwise attempt a workable method of, accountability ,for results. Public education vouchers would permit guardians to select and pay
  49. Plc bank of their building society. They were fighting to preserve a degree of, accountability ,to the membership which the management of the Society patently did not feel.
  50. Much accountability software products marketed as self-censorship or, accountability ,software. These are promoted at churches and via religious media. Opinions as

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