Examples of the the word, cooperate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cooperate ), is the 4042 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU),but in practice the two parties, cooperate ,fully in the Lang "Bundestag/IN"> DE">Bundestag. Bavaria had its own border police
  2. Territory in 2003. Greece is Armenia's closest ally in NATO and the two, cooperate ,on multiple issues. A number of Armenian officers are trained in Greece every
  3. To die, his parents, whom he had assumed would gladly die for him, refused to, cooperate , Instead, Alcestis took his place, but Heracles managed to" persuade "
  4. Airspace support for the ISAF mission in Afghanistan. Belarus first began to, cooperate ,with NATO upon signing documents to participate in their Partnership for Peace
  5. And farm-related trade and investments. The two countries have agreed to, cooperate ,in plant science, crops technology, vegetable and fruit preservation
  6. King kept his exclusive sovereignty but was bound by the Government Business to, cooperate ,with the Ministers and the decisions of both Chambers of the States (DE:
  7. Refers to a modular DBMS architecture that allows distinct DBMS instances to, cooperate ,as a single DBMS over processes, computers,and sites, while managing a single
  8. Government except for humanitarian purposes. Despite this, the two nations, cooperate ,on intellectual property protection, prevention of human trafficking and
  9. Who were unhappy at what they viewed as Hawke's iconoclasm and willingness to, cooperate ,with business interests. All Labor Prime Ministers have at times engendered the
  10. Rather, large groups such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad—which, cooperate ,with al-Qaeda in many respects—have had difficulties accepting a strategic
  11. Of engineering, and practicing biomedical engineers must routinely consult and, cooperate ,with regulatory law attorneys and other experts. The Food and Drug
  12. 160 °F. NEA refers to the US National Electrical Manufacturers Association, and, cooperate , with IEC. Applications and usage In its industrial applications, Bakelite was
  13. Leaders of various factions of his party into his cabinet and pressured them to, cooperate , Under his leadership, the Union took control of the border slave states at the
  14. NATO The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Azerbaijan actively, cooperate ,on defense institutional reforms and have developed practical cooperation in
  15. Such as China and Russia, are less critical of the regime and prefer to, cooperate ,only on economic matters. Indonesia has urged China to push Burma for reforms.
  16. The études),another on the concept of super rationality (choosing to, cooperate ,when the other party/adversary is assumed to be equally intelligent as oneself
  17. With the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War, and the two continued to, cooperate ,in arenas outside India: the eviction of Napoleon from Egypt (1799),the
  18. Council, an intergovernmental organization that helps Members communicate and, cooperate ,on customs issues In sports * Cascade Cycling Classic, a competitive
  19. For customer identification and record keeping, and requiring banks to, cooperate ,with foreign investigators. Due to their status as an overseas territory of the
  20. Had done in Egypt, and declared himself ready to follow their advice and to, cooperate ,with the British officials administering Egyptian and Sudanese affairs. The
  21. For customer identification and record keeping, and requiring banks to, cooperate ,with foreign investigators. Due to their status as an overseas territory of the
  22. Like neoliberal economics). While proponents of both approaches often, cooperate ,and are a reaction to the same phenomena, their differences might be actually
  23. President Bush five Central American Presidents, including Ortega, agreed to, cooperate ,to disband the Contrast beginning in December 1989 with the assumption of free
  24. CNAs) to serve as contact points for information, grant access or, cooperate ,on issues of compliance *An Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House to share
  25. Candidates and voters with the generalized dilemma of whether to compete or, cooperate , While in the modern era there have been relatively few competitive approval
  26. From different Dutch (and later, foreign ) universities together to help them, cooperate ,and enhance their research. Tenenbaum was one of the cofounders and first Dean
  27. Command of the consular legions to Decides Brutus, yet Octavian decided not to, cooperate , Instead, Octavian stayed in the Po Valley and refused to aid any further
  28. Competitive with mainstream medicine, physical therapists work alongside and, cooperate ,with mainstream medicine, and osteopathic medicine in the U. S. has merged with
  29. Is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several political parties, cooperate , The usual reason given for this arrangement is that no party on its own can
  30. Called on the Arab population in Palestine to welcome the Jews as brethren and, cooperate ,with them for the common welfare. Following the publication of the Declaration
  31. g., without an FDBMS and a managed integrated schema) group of databases that, cooperate ,in a single application. In this case typically middleware for distribution is
  32. Renewed Treaty explicitly foresees the possibility for the Benelux-countries to, cooperate ,with other European member States or regional cooperation structures of these
  33. On training and humanitarian missions to Baku. Israel Azerbaijan and Israel, cooperate ,on numerous areas of the defense industry. Azerbaijan has shown great interest
  34. Up-to-date view of memory. By avoiding stale views of memory, the CPUs can, cooperate ,on the same program and programs can migrate from one CPU to another. To
  35. Happened to be the citizen presiding over the assembly that day and refused to, cooperate ,(though to little effect) and stood against the idea that it was outrageous
  36. S. Initiatives in the United Nations and related agencies. The two governments, cooperate ,in the fight against the traffic in illegal substances. The Dominican Republic
  37. Example, from the basic root" share" can be derived the Form VIII verb" to, cooperate , participate ", and in turn its verbal noun" cooperation, participation " can
  38. But there is considerable overlap with ACM's agenda. They occasionally, cooperate ,on projects like developing computing curricula. Some major awards in
  39. About a peaceful resolution of Colombia's longstanding civil conflict and to, cooperate ,fully with the United States to combat the trafficking of illegal drugs. While
  40. Law; eighteen in cases of succession to the throne. For some time he did not, cooperate ,very cordially with the United Kingdom, whose army had occupied Egypt in 1882.
  41. Stalled long enough to convey the information to his boss, who told him to, cooperate , He had no maps, but was guided by the men as he flew above Mexican mountains.
  42. Be resisted, but that the Holy Spirit," graciously causes the elect sinner to, cooperate , to believe, to repent, to come freely and willingly to Christ. "
  43. The mid-1990s. In 1999,at a meeting in Cairo, the DFLP and the PFLP agreed to, cooperate ,with the PLO leadership in final status negotiations with Israel. In October
  44. Various Gallegos often led them to fight against one another, and even, cooperate ,with occupation authorities. In addition, cultural schisms between the
  45. The standardization process for the encoding of Bliss-characters in the UCS, to, cooperate , with the Unicode Technical Committee (UTC) and the ISO Working Group in
  46. Diapsid carnivores (including lizards, crocodiles,and birds) very rarely, cooperate ,to hunt in such a way. Instead, they are typically territorial and will kill
  47. Well-known images of the airline at the time. American Airlines was first to, cooperate ,with Fiorella LaGuardia to build an airport in New York City, and partly as a
  48. e.g. the threat of harsh legal penalties. The usual incentive to, cooperate ,is some form of plea bargain i.e. an offer to drop or reduce criminal charges
  49. That Chiang was forced to address the problem of the Japanese invasion and, cooperate ,with the communists to drive the Japanese out. After the Japanese surrender in
  50. The Southern Baptist Convention and the Baptist Bible Fellowship do not, cooperate ,with the Alliance. Their number can add up to a total of close to 100 million

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