Examples of the the word, brian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brian ), is the 2956 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At joe's house of compression and brooks gets the medal for superasskicking., brian , has finished 14 basics ... a couple more to go. I started getting some good
  2. Ron Ryan (guitar),Len Turkey (guitar),Mark Stevens (keyboards),Brian, davies (bass),Mitch Mitchell (drums),Roger Crisp, Terry Clifford, Butch
  3. Although Less approved the final version of the text shortly before his death., brian , d for is the publisher and editor of The Perl Review, a magazine devoted to
  4. Initially wanted to call themselves the Grand Rapid's Perl Monkeys, but,Brian, d for wouldn't let them. In the early days of Perl Mongers, he was concerned
  5. Walters, Manny Social, Pat O'Reilly, and Rick Brought. (2010 Administrators -, brian , zelley, daniel McGarvey, ray beau lieu, scott Galloway, steve wood and Steven
  6. By Wikipedia * http://www.effectiveperlprogramming.com The Effective Peeler, brian , d foy's blog, where he discusses topics from the 2nd edition. Sewer or Sewer
  7. Michigan, and Vancouver. At the Second O'Reilly Perl Conference in 1998,Brian, d for, David H. Adler and Adam Turnoff helped to create over 100 new Perl user
  8. Or a born idiot? I Kent that Lang afloat I saw thee! ”’ In 1805 the ‘ Cum-, brian , Ballads ’ were published in Wilton, but the best edition is that in 2 vols.
  9. Held in the United Kingdom. A simple idea - so simple that it's genius, is the, brian , child of Danny Gavin, a UK teacher and friend of the 300th British serviceman
  10. Decisive virulence determinant of B. pertussis that is able to cross the blood, brian , barrier by increasing its permeability. As a result, PT can cause severe
  11. For a Perl module and" Perl Mongers" is a acronym for that. Originally, brian , d foy's idea was to name the group after the Perl regular expression /New York
  12. 2008) and sixth (2011) editions were written by Schwartz, Phoenix,and, brian , d for. According to the 5th edition of the book, previous editions have sold
  13. Inc., quebec, canada H4L 4Z1 deep thanks to ed, jorge, sam, lisa, dave, gary, brian , Jen, all@segasoft,Joe miller, steve Payne, nobuo mid, gary Griffiths, dave
  14. GR EMI performed further in vitro studies regarding U87 glioma cancer (, brian , tumors ) and HCT116 (colon tumor) cell lines where microplasma was applied.
  15. Brian can also sometimes be a French surname; derived from the Old Occitan word, brian , meaning" maggot" and used as a nickname. People; Surname *Several Brian, (
  16. Language. Perl Mongers was created in 1998 as a stand-alone organization by, brian , d for who formed the first Perl users group, the New York Perl Mongers, or NY.
  17. At the rock show. While Brad is running away from an obviously possessed Boots, brian , and Matt get Kevin's band to beat up the football team. Amber then dumps
  18. Pledged to donate her brain to science in order to advance medical knowledge of, brian , disease,saying," This is research. Something positive could come of it, so I
  19. The family business, which lasted until 1949.: For the computer programmer, see,Brian, d for Bryan For (8 December 1896 – 20 April 1977) was an American film
  20. Phil Neal, peter Gabriel, access communications, mack Clark and match, brian , botell and cutting edge audio, sega of America ... and very special thanks and
  21. Hardware and Fender Guitars. Brian went pro after only a few years on a board, brian , sumner Brian traveled to America and made his US debut in the skate video The
  22. Teammates for his good humor and commitment. For, as a person, may refer to: *, brian , d for, American computer programmer and author * Bryan For, American film
  23. Refuse) * 3rd Place: Affliction - (Hollywood, nail,deck, time-bomb,Brian, illumine) * 4th Place: 4 Kings Intel - (Creamy, Yilder, Explicit,Hardest
  24. COLD Colors was formed under the name of WOLFHOUND in 1995 with sole member, brian , j Huber. After releasing a few demos, WOLFTHORN changed their name to COLD
  25. Would now only concentrate on the Premier League Side. 1990 1991 1992 coach was, brian , wacka Wakefield NSWRL NSW Cup In 2000,Newton entered a team in the NSWRL

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