Examples of the the word, bless , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bless ), is the 3497 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To hearts and hands to hands: Beneath the blue and white we stand: We shout God, bless ,our native land: North Melbourne, North Melbourne!: 2nd Verse: Out we come, out
  2. Catholic Church does not perform or recognize same-sex marriage. Whether to, bless ,same-sex marriages and unions is a matter of debate within some denominations.
  3. Crusades, rituals have contained a bless ing for ships. The priest begs God to, bless ,the vessel and protect those who sail in. The ship is usually sprinkled with
  4. Treated to a feast of freshly killed lamb. Such guests are sometimes asked, bless ,the lamb and to ask its spirit for permission to partake of its flesh. Besides
  5. You, and to all the other people that are listening and watching tonight, God, bless , you. Good night from Apollo 11. " On the return to Earth, the Guam tracking
  6. Sign of the times. He sent his bless ing in an ecumenical manner:" May the Lord, bless ,everything you do for the case of Christian Unity. " The World Council of
  7. It's not going to be my movie,it's going to be Oliver Stone's, and God, bless ,him. I hope he does a good job with it. If I wasn't emotionally attached to it
  8. The upcoming year. Offerings are also made to the ancestors so that they will, bless ,the family in the future year. Additionally, the Buddhist temples ring the
  9. Instead, theories should be tested and scrutinized. It is not the goal to, bless ,theories with claims of certainty or justification, but to eliminate errors in
  10. Will usually finish off with a rhyme like:" The bird has taken flight, God, bless , you tonight," or" Tutu, tutu,finished is my adult (story). " A new wave
  11. And Orthodox Churches use olive oil for the Oil of Catechumens (used to, bless ,and strengthen those preparing for Baptism) and Oil of the Sick (used to
  12. Activities. Latter-day Saint fathers who hold the priesthood typically name and, bless ,their children shortly after birth to formally give the child a name. Mormons
  13. Will say" GRU Got" ( literally" greet God! ", meaning " May God, bless ,you" ) when greeting someone, rather than the" Gluten Tag" (" Good day" ).
  14. The Boston Globe remarked that" thirteen costume changes in 90 minutes won't, bless ,her with Madonna's intelligence or cultural barometer. An army of cutting-edge
  15. God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to, bless , and sanctify this water to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they
  16. Of Apollo 8,we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God, bless ,all of you, all of you on the good Earth ". The only task left for the crew at
  17. In German employ. When Rasputin expressed an interest in going to the front to, bless ,the troops early in the war, the Commander-in-Chief, Grand Duke Nicholas
  18. Of Heaven was conditional on the just behavior of the ruler. Heaven would, bless ,the authority of a just ruler, but would be displeased with a despotic ruler
  19. Vigil (local practices vary). The bless ing cross which the priest uses to, bless ,the faithful at the dismissal will often have the crucifix on one side and an
  20. Is Genesis 12:3,in which God promises that He will bless those who, bless ,Abraham and his descendants, and curse those who curse them (see also "
  21. To a shrine so that he can be initiated as a new believer and that the Kali can, bless ,him and his future life. The Shichi-Go-San, the Seven-Five-Three, is a rite of
  22. Verse used during the same period:: God bless the prince, I pray, : God, bless ,the prince, I pray, : Charlie I mean;: That Scotland we may see: Freed from vile
  23. New condition often degrade him below that which he left, he would be bound to, bless ,continually the happy moment which took him from it forever, and,instead of a
  24. Traditional ones relating to honoring the ancestors. For instance, they may, bless ,their dead at church before proceeding with traditional burial rites or invite
  25. Jews among Evangelicals is Genesis 12:3,in which God promises that He will, bless ,those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and curse those who curse them (
  26. The Duke are engaged today to the westward ", he wrote to the Emperor. " Heaven, bless ,them. " An hour later Ballard, the Elector, and Martin climbed Blenheim's
  27. People sang part of - ... Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. We, bless ,you from the house of the Lord .... The symbolism of the donkey may refer to
  28. By the bishop is not available, the priest administering the sacrament may, bless ,the oil, but only within the framework of the celebration. Current liturgical
  29. Personal redress. He tells us that he composed his discussions of the family to, bless ,his own, his essays on the riches of Christ to repay his benefactors, his
  30. The meeting. At the beginning of the Sacrament, priests say specific prayers to, bless ,the bread and water. The bread is passed first after the priests have broken
  31. Bring me some game and prepare a savory dish for me, that I may eat, and, bless , you in the presence of the lord before my death. '" Rebekah then instructs
  32. Fancied you saw specters, and heard wondrous noises. ’ La Motto said.: ‘ God, bless ,you! Ma’Moselle,’ said Peter.: ‘ I’m sorry I frightened you so last night. ’:
  33. Were demonstrated in an alternative verse used during the same period:: God, bless ,the prince, I pray, : God bless the prince, I pray, : Charlie I mean;: That
  34. And the terminology was borrowed by the Roman Catholic Church becoming to, bless ,and bless ing. The Hittite word for blood, ishar was a cognate to words for "
  35. The same; she saw him as a brother, writing to him in 1844" farewell ... God, bless ,and protect my brother is the sincere wish of his affectionate sister, Jenny. "
  36. Quietly among the bustle, raised his glass discreetly, and whispered" God, bless ,him. " The Curse of the Wise Woman received the Hammer worth Prize in Ireland.
  37. The congregation stands. After the dismissal of the Liturgy, the priest may, bless ,Paschal eggs and baskets brought by the faithful containing those foods which
  38. Met Voltaire in Paris and asked this great apostle of the Enlightenment to, bless ,his grandson, Voltaire said in English," God and Liberty," and added," this
  39. To be the last person at this meeting to say 'fuck '. Thank you very much. God, bless ,you, Graham. " On 31 December 1999,Chapman's ashes were rumored to have been
  40. According to the way he enjoyed it the most, so that he could eat it and, bless ,Esau. Rebekah overheard this conversation. It is suggested that she realized
  41. To fill and maintain the ranks of our armies, until God, in his mercy, shall, bless , us with the establishment of our independence. " Lee's request for a drastic
  42. Understanding, see 1 Cor 14:14),and that praying in tongues serves both to, bless ,God and to give thanks (1 Cor 14:16-17). However, he also expressed a
  43. O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to, bless , and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they
  44. Sons to observe righteousness, and to cover the shame of their flesh, and to, bless ,their Creator, and honor father and mother, and love their neighbor, and
  45. To confess them.: Now I'm an older, wiser man: I cry," The Bronx? God:, bless ,them! " And the song" New York, New York" ( by Betty Camden and Adolph Green
  46. Koinōnía) in. The King James Version has The cup of bless ing which we, bless , is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is
  47. Godhead: we worship Him, we glorify Him, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord, bless , us,Amen. " Not dissimilar to the" Axiom ESSTIN" Chant still used in Orthodoxy
  48. Household may leave a piece of clothing or strip of cloth outside for Brigid to, bless , The head of the household will smother (or" Moor" ) the fire and rake the
  49. Are concluded, special ha-Rachaman prayers are recited which request that God, bless ,the parents of the baby, and help them raise him wisely; the sanded; the baby
  50. Him his equal, it was an honor to meet his father. Thus, Israel was able to, bless ,the Pharaoh. The two chatted for a bit, the Pharaoh even inquiring of Israel’s

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