Examples of the the word, pregnant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pregnant ), is the 3512 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. All groups had detectable levels of the toxin in blood, including 93 % of, pregnant ,women and 80 % of fetuses at concentrations of 0.19 ± 0.30 and 0.04 ± 0.04 mean
  2. On the now terminally ill Longshanks by quietly confessing to him that she is, pregnant ,with Wallace's child and that she will end Longshank's line and rule
  3. Satan Devi, mezzo-soprano interpreter of East Indian music. Richardson became, pregnant ,but on a voyage back to England, in mid-1916,she had a miscarriage. Just
  4. Adverse effect in patients who degrade bradykinin more slowly than average. In, pregnant ,women, ACE inhibitors taken during the first trimester have been reported to
  5. Origin, was employed by the family for 20 years and retired in January. The, pregnant ,Buena was working in the home while Shiver was pregnant with the youngest of
  6. To as a therapeutic abortion when it is performed to save the life of the, pregnant ,woman; prevent harm to the woman's physical or mental health; terminate a
  7. Most obviously when a girl grows during puberty and when a woman becomes, pregnant , The breast size may also change if she gains (or loses) weight for any other
  8. This indicates that the toxin is being consumed by almost all humans including, pregnant ,women and is able to act on human fetuses. It is unclear from this study if the
  9. Marriage, leading to many mixed race children. When an enslaved woman became, pregnant ,with her Arab master's child, she became umm salad or“ mother of a child ”, a
  10. Books and pamphlets. Tucker's lover, Pearl Johnson — 25 years his junior — was, pregnant ,with their daughter, Oriole Tucker. Six weeks after Oriole's birth, Tucker
  11. His first son; but in spite of a series of magical operations she did not get, pregnant , By the end of 1915,the affair would be over. During a trip to Vancouver in
  12. At the airport for their holidays ”, and for the machine to not look like" a, pregnant ,calculator" – in reference presumably to the Sinclair ZX81 and ZX Spectrum
  13. Vicar's son. At the end of The Murder at the Vicarage, the Vicar's wife is, pregnant , In The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side, it is mentioned that the son is now
  14. Was born. As was the Shaky tradition, when his mother Queen Maya became, pregnant , she left Kapilvastu for her father's kingdom to give birth. However, her son
  15. Since Underline had recently broken up with actress Star Jackson, who was still, pregnant ,with their second child at the time. Shortly after, she released her first
  16. Workers. *1969 – Members of a cult led by Charles Manson brutally murder, pregnant ,actress Sharon Tate (wife of Roman Polanski),coffee heiress Abigail Folder
  17. Of CryAb1 toxin (protein from bacillus thuringiensi) in non- pregnant women, pregnant ,women and fetal blood. All groups had detectable levels of the toxin in blood
  18. In January. The pregnant Buena was working in the home while Shiver was, pregnant ,with the youngest of the couple’s four children. Baena's son with
  19. Private life Andersson was engaged to Christina Ronald after she became, pregnant ,by him when he was just 16 years old. In 1963, they had a son, Peter Ronald
  20. Books and pamphlets. Tucker's lover, Pearl Johnson — 25 years his junior — was, pregnant ,with their daughter, Oriole Tucker. Six weeks after Oriole's birth, Tucker
  21. Has demonstrated that transfer of these antibodies across the placenta from the, pregnant ,woman to the fetus in uteri can cause developmental abnormalities. She has also
  22. When Butt-head misfires a rifle, hitting a Boeing 747 carrying a number of, pregnant ,women, and Butt-head reacts by saying," Did you hear that Basis? There's a
  23. Will allow them to be performed in the case of rape, incest,or danger to the, pregnant ,woman's life or health. In countries where abortion is banned entirely, such
  24. Pregnancy category D, and should be avoided in women who are likely to become, pregnant , Potassium supplementation should be used with caution and under medical
  25. On the couple's return to England on 26 August 1921,Dora was six months, pregnant , and Russell arranged a hasty divorce from Alps, marrying Dora six days after
  26. Became close. They married on May 21, 1945,with Yamaguchi two months, pregnant ,(she never resumed her acting career),and the couple would remain together
  27. The 3rd or 4th century CE, which recommends beef for certain patients and for, pregnant ,women, and the Char aka Amrita which describes meat as superior to all other
  28. Per 1,000 live births is 8 and 1 in 110 shows us the lifetime risk of death for, pregnant ,women. Religion The main religion practiced in Bangladesh is Islam (89.7 %)
  29. Needed to prevent prisoners from escaping. " Some MPs may like to think that a, pregnant ,woman would not or could not escape. Unfortunately this is not true. The fact
  30. Of August 1914,and in the later Red Wheel novels. In 1918,Asia became, pregnant ,with Aleksandr. Shortly after her pregnancy was confirmed, Isaakiy was killed
  31. Hygiene. In places where abortion is illegal or carries heavy social stigma, pregnant ,women may engage in medical tourism and travel to countries where they can
  32. Male children into the Nile, Amram divorced Jockeyed, who was three months, pregnant ,with Moses at the time, arguing that there was no justification for the
  33. Purchased by owners who did not realize the mares were pregnant , or that are, pregnant ,with twin foals. Femicide can occur in horses and zebras due to male harassment
  34. Surname (Holley) and a carving of his Fender Stratocaster guitar. Holly's, pregnant ,wife, a widow after barely six months of marriage, miscarried soon after
  35. And his sisters. " Around the time that Tiberius died, Agrippina had become, pregnant , Domitian had acknowledged the paternity of the child. In the early morning
  36. Of Sphere (aka Calabria) and bedded with Poseidon. When Asthma became, pregnant , Ages decided to return to Athens. Before leaving, he buried his sandals
  37. A play by Anna Schemer that premiered in Berlin. A young Hide becomes, pregnant , and after being abandoned by her boyfriend she decides to become a
  38. Or that have been purchased by owners who did not realize the mares were, pregnant , or that are pregnant with twin foals. Femicide can occur in horses and zebras
  39. As an oracle Mythology Birth When Zeus' wife Hera discovered that Let was, pregnant ,and that he was the father, she banned Let from giving birth on" terra firma
  40. Him by an eastern potentate. According to Crowley's own account, Rose,who was, pregnant , had become somewhat delusional while in the country, regularly informing him
  41. And secretly sleeps with her father at night. Eventually, Myrrha becomes, pregnant ,and is discovered by Cinemas. In a rage, he chases her out of the house with a
  42. Appearance that they caused young children to faint, patriarchs to urinate, and, pregnant , women to go into labor. His plays were written in verse, no violence is
  43. Numerous encounters in December 1915. It killed seven people (including one, pregnant ,woman) and wounded three others (with possibly another three previous
  44. Alcoholic and their family and friends. For instance, alcohol consumption by a, pregnant ,woman can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, an incurable and damaging condition.
  45. Twin foals. Femicide can occur in horses and zebras due to male harassment of, pregnant ,mares or forced copulation, although the frequency in the wild has been
  46. In clinically apparent miscarriage, depending upon the age and health of the, pregnant ,woman. The most common cause of spontaneous abortion during the first trimester
  47. Is suggested by the grammar of the Hebrew that the" young woman" is already, pregnant ,and hence not a virgin, the Greek-speaking 1st century CE author of Matthew
  48. Signature,to spare her dying father further worry about her (she was, pregnant , poor, and had a seriously ill husband). Krogstad explains that the forgery
  49. Iron deficiency (anemia) was a strong predictor of bacterial vaginosis in, pregnant ,women. A longitudinal study published in February 2006 in the American Journal
  50. Widdecombe, as prisons minister, defended the Government's policy to shackle, pregnant ,prisoners with handcuffs and chains when in hospital. Widdecombe told the

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