Examples of the the word, yours , in a Sentence Context

The word ( yours ), is the 3510 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. people's lives, but I guarantee you that I will give my life protecting, yours ,". He carried a .357 magnum and a .38 caliber snub nose pistol. He weighed an
  2. Completely harmless people targeted because their appearance was different to, yours , " He went on to defend the goth community, calling goths" perfectly peaceful
  3. To any other British subject found in the vicinity; I am, respectfully, yours , Signed, Jewett,Colonel of the Navy of the United Provinces of South America
  4. Yours The love that I have of the life that I have Is yours and, yours ,and yours . A sleep I shall have, a rest I shall have Yet death
  5. The cooking of New Orleans, always signing his letters," Red beans and richly, yours ,..." Writings Armstrong’s gregariousness extended to writing. On the road, he
  6. The Beach Boys record some of his own songs, saying " My songs are better than, yours , " On July 16,on the strength of the June demo session, The Beach Boys were
  7. Best): la MIA Estes mall multekosta of la via (mine is less expensive than, yours ,) Implied comparisons are made with TRE (very) and to (too much). Phrases
  8. With him like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of, yours , A nation has to be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and turncoats. In
  9. And deliver us from evil.: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are, yours ,: :now and forever. Amen. Other English translations are also used. Though
  10. There because in Gurkha and Hindi the word 13 is called Torah, which means, yours , And Guru Nanak kept on saying," Yours, yours , yours ..." remembering God.
  11. Then chanted" Kara mi has fallen, your turn will come, Lahoud, and, yours , Bashar ". Opposition MPs were also not satisfied with Karami's resignation
  12. The other personal pronouns the possessives are: we → our, ours; you → your, yours ,; he → his, his; she → her, hers; it → its, its; they → their, theirs. Likewise
  13. Annoyed Grouchy. " See my wife sitting over there? She's an even bigger fan of, yours ,than I am! Would you be willing to insult her? " Grouchy replied," Sir, if my
  14. Retorted that Marlon's idea of sharing was" borrowing things that were not, yours ,without asking. " He called in the Metallica road crew, who proceeded to
  15. This corresponds to the English difference between" my, your " and" mine, yours ,". Development from Latin had no third-person personal pronouns, using
  16. Just one case more – the Prime Donna’s farewell performance won’t be in it with, yours , Poirot. " There is a great deal of confusion about Poirot's retirement. Most
  17. Paul wrote, in Philippians 2:5-8,: Have this mind among yours elves, which is, yours ,in Christ Jesus, who,though he was in the form of God, did not count equality
  18. I have is yours The love that I have of the life that I have Is, yours ,and yours and yours . A sleep I shall have, a rest I shall have
  19. Crowd in Whitehall:" This is your victory. " The people shouted:" No, it is, yours ,", and Churchill then conducted them in the singing of Land of Hope and Glory.
  20. And you? (Jem'appeal (your name),Et TOI? ) (my name is (your name) and, yours , ) F; façade: the front view of an edifice (from the Italian facial, or face
  21. According to Saint Augustine, to love God is“ to attain the peace which is, yours , ” (Saint Augustine's Confessions) Christian theologians see God as the
  22. Aria, Manrico: Ah is, ben mid coll'essay /" Ah, yes,my love, in being, yours ,"). As they are about to take their marriage vows, Ruiz,Manrico's comrade
  23. 13 is called Torah, which means yours . And Guru Nanak kept on saying," Yours, yours , yours ..." remembering God. People reported to the emperor that Guru Nanak
  24. The life that I have is all that I have And the life that I have is, yours ,The love that I have of the life that I have Is yours and yours
  25. S sure or elsewhere. Try to understand the failure. Sure it's his and not, yours ,?: To these concrete five might be added a vaguer sixth, having to do with
  26. Called Torah, which means yours . And Guru Nanak kept on saying," Yours, yours , yours , ..." remembering God. People reported to the emperor that Guru Nanak was
  27. Peace of my years in the long green grass Will be yours and yours and, yours , Gestapo activities and“ undecipherable” Gestapo signal tracers
  28. Fire, leaving a jeering note:" I am leaving it as I found it. Take over. It's, yours , " One particular burning well that resists all efforts to extinguish it
  29. For the peace of my years in the long green grass Will be yours and, yours ,and yours . Gestapo activities and“ undecipherable” Gestapo signal
  30. Movie ends, Fox is depicted, alone,striding up a hill, while the lyric" And, yours ,was the open road. The bitter song / The heavy load that I'll never share, tho
  31. A pause For the peace of my years in the long green grass Will be, yours ,and yours and yours . Gestapo activities and“ undecipherable” Gestapo
  32. The victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is, yours , Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all. " In
  33. Pronouns, when definite:: :La MIA blues, la via rugs.:::" Mine is blue, yours ,is red ". The article is also used for inalienable possession of body parts and
  34. Title away. " Diana is said to have replied:" My title is a lot older than, yours , Philip ". Buckingham Palace stated Diana was still a member of the Royal
  35. Sight "; Silva's Catalina:" Unhappy man! You thought this lovely ... was, yours ,"). Errant offers to fight them both when Riccardo approaches and recognizes
  36. S" Omega Amigo" ( from their 1990 album" En-Tact" ) samples" My time is, yours ,... ". A tuning fork is an acoustic resonator in the form of a two-pronged fork
  37. Who wrote to Anne Worthy in 1709:" Nobody was so entirely, so faithfully, yours ,... I put in your lovers, for I don't allow it possible for a man to be so
  38. Across the lawn in the conservatory. Please go there. Stop wasting my time and, yours , " Later, Brubeck was nearly expelled when one of his professors discovered
  39. More than I love you, never have I wished for a friendship more than I wish for, yours , Cavalieri remained devoted to Michelangelo until his death. Michelangelo
  40. And polarization, and the claim that, because God is on our side, he is not on, yours , " In The New Inquisition, Robert Anton Wilson, recognized episodes, pope,and
  41. You to be its sole interpreter, renouncing all others. Thus, the victory will be, yours ,if we allow you to be not the steward but the lord of Holy Scripture. Also, it
  42. Needs. * Another demonstrative pronoun site, ista, istud, which means 'that of, yours ,', and the intensive pronoun apse, ipsa, ipsum follow the declension of ill
  43. And a criminal ...: Brian Johnson: Does that answer your question?: Sincerely, yours , the Breakfast Club. The film ends with the students walking down the hallway
  44. Omit it. The first known use of the doxology, in a less lengthy form (" for, yours ,is the power and the glory forever" ), as a conclusion for the Lord's Prayer
  45. There is no substitute for it in a sentence such as That’s the only friend of, yours ,that I’ve ever met, since sentences such as That’s your only friend that I’ve
  46. Think little girls should be seen and not heard - well I think, oh bondage, up, yours , ", the song could be interpreted as a premonition of the riot grrr movement a
  47. The fossil record. According to Gould" the ideas came mostly from Nile's, with, yours , truly acting as a sounding board and eventual scribe. I coined the term
  48. Units … The government has resigned. I shall remain in my place, you remain in, yours ,”. No opposition was shown towards the Soviet forces; on the contrary, part of
  49. I'll let you copy 300 words from our books if you let us copy 300 words from, yours , " It runs counter to the substantiality standard. As explained above, the
  50. The love that I have of the life that I have Is yours and yours and, yours , A sleep I shall have, a rest I shall have Yet death will be but

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