Examples of the the word, mathematical , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Spontaneous order guided by the price mechanism. Austrian economists argue that, mathematical ,models and statistics are an unreliable means of analyzing and testing economic
  2. The axioms). There are typically multiple ways to axiomatize a given, mathematical ,domain. Outside logic and mathematics, the term" axiom" is used loosely for
  3. Of the absolute value for real numbers occur in a wide variety of, mathematical ,settings. For example an absolute value is also defined for the complex numbers
  4. Physical theory needs modification. Mathematical logic In the field of, mathematical ,logic, a clear distinction is made between two notions of axioms: logical and
  5. Process is called rigging. Various other techniques can be applied, such as, mathematical ,functions (ex. gravity, particle simulations),simulated fur or hair, effects
  6. To be enforced, only regarding it as a string and only a string of symbols, and, mathematical , logic does indeed do that. Another, more interesting example axiom scheme, is
  7. Both in public schools and state schools for the blind. The abacus teaches, mathematical ,skills that can never be replaced with talking calculators and is an important
  8. Cannot be derived by principles of deduction, nor are they demonstrable by, mathematical ,proofs, simply because they are starting points; there is nothing else from
  9. Set of nonempty sets. These axioms are sufficient for many proofs in elementary, mathematical ,analysis, and are consistent with some principles, such as the Lebesgue
  10. Is the Ariane V rocket failure. Proof of program correctness by use of, mathematical ,induction: Knuth demonstrates the application of mathematical induction to an "
  11. A metaproof. Actually, these examples are metatheorems of our theory of, mathematical ,logic since we are dealing with the very concept of proof itself. Aside from
  12. Of the latter are studied in non-standard analysis. ID "Role/IN"> role">Role in, mathematical ,logic = Deductive systems and completeness A deductive system consists, of a
  13. Structured program will be one that lends itself to proofs of correctness using, mathematical ,induction. Canonical flowchart symbols: The graphical aide called a flowchart
  14. Proven with the aid of these basic assumptions. However, the interpretation of, mathematical ,knowledge has changed from ancient times to the modern, and consequently the
  15. The abacus gives blind and visually impaired students a tool to compute, mathematical ,problems that equal the speed and mathematical knowledge required by their
  16. And so on. (A formal proof for all finite sets would use the principle of, mathematical ,induction to prove" for every natural number k, every family of k nonempty
  17. And obviously there could only be one such model. The idea that alternative, mathematical ,systems might exist was very troubling to mathematicians of the 19th century
  18. Most mathematicians. One motivation for this use is that a number of important, mathematical ,results, such as Tychonoff's theorem, require the axiom of choice for their
  19. System. Modern mathematics formalizes its foundations to such an extent that, mathematical ,theories can be regarded as mathematical objects, and logic itself can be
  20. Is an important learning tool for blind students. Blind students also complete, mathematical ,assignments using a braille-writer and Ne meth code (a type of braille code for
  21. Terms or concepts, in any study. Such abstraction or formalization makes, mathematical ,knowledge more general, capable of multiple different meanings, and therefore
  22. 1939) and S. C. Kleenex (1943) J. Barkley Roster boldly defined an 'effective, mathematical ,method' in the following manner (boldface added)::" 'Effective method' is
  23. Another name for a non-logical axiom is postulate. Almost every modern, mathematical ,theory starts from a given set of non-logical axioms, and it was thought that
  24. Of it was the dominant form of Western logic until 19th century advances in, mathematical ,logic. Kant stated in the Critique of Pure Reason that Aristotle's theory of
  25. In the last 150 years is that it is useful to strip the meaning away from the, mathematical ,assertions (axioms, postulates,propositions, theorems ) and definitions. One
  26. But never released. However, users wrote similar programs which could evaluate, mathematical ,formulas using the Newton OS Intelligent Assistant, a unique part of every
  27. By use of mathematical induction: Knuth demonstrates the application of, mathematical ,induction to an" extended" version of Euclid's algorithm, and he proposes "
  28. Language or implementation. In this sense, algorithm analysis resembles other, mathematical ,disciplines in that it focuses on the underlying properties of the algorithm
  29. Economics, Austrian economists generally hold that testability in economics and, mathematical ,modeling of a market is virtually impossible since it relies on human actors
  30. Spaces is compact. Without the axiom of choice, these theorems may not hold for, mathematical ,objects of large cardinality. The proof of the independence result also shows
  31. Truth, but rather a formal logical expression used in deduction to build a, mathematical ,theory. To axiomatize a system of knowledge is to show that its claims can be
  32. Of inference define a deductive system. Examples This section gives examples of, mathematical ,theories that are developed entirely from a set of non-logical axioms (axioms
  33. Papyrus shows that the ancient Egyptians could perform the four basic, mathematical ,operations—addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division—use fractions
  34. Students a tool to compute mathematical problems that equals the speed and, mathematical ,knowledge required by their sighted peers using pencil and paper. Many blind
  35. While the users feel or manipulate them. They use an abacus to perform the, mathematical ,functions multiplication, division,addition, subtraction,square root and
  36. Is closely related to the notions of magnitude, distance,and norm in various, mathematical ,and physical contexts. Terminology and notation Jean-Robert Armand introduced
  37. Its foundations to such an extent that mathematical theories can be regarded as, mathematical ,objects, and logic itself can be regarded as a branch of mathematics. Free
  38. The proof of the independence result also shows that a wide class of, mathematical ,statements, including all statements that can be phrased in the language of
  39. Logical formulas. Non-logical axioms are often simply referred to as axioms in, mathematical ,discourse. This does not mean that it is claimed that they are true in some
  40. Unmyelinated C fibers and faster-conducting mediated A fibers. More complex, mathematical ,modeling continues to be done today. There are several types of sensory-as
  41. Logician Augustus De Morgan. From 1832,when she was seventeen, her remarkable, mathematical ,abilities began to emerge, Lovelace never met her younger half-sister, Allegra
  42. Set theory without the axiom of choice (ZF); it is easily proved by, mathematical ,induction. In the even simpler case of a collection of one set, a choice
  43. Impetus behind George R. Price's development of the Price equation, which is a, mathematical ,equation used to study genetic evolution. An interesting example of altruism is
  44. Was ill-thought of by most economists after World War II because it rejected, mathematical ,and statistical methods in the area of economics. Its reputation rose in the
  45. The statement that P = NP, the Riemann hypothesis, and many other unsolved, mathematical ,problems. When one attempts to solve problems in this class, it makes no
  46. The working principle of a Yuan is unknown, but in 2001 an explanation of the, mathematical ,basis of these instruments was proposed by Italian mathematician Nicotine De
  47. Logical axioms" and" non-logical axioms ". In both senses, an axiom is any, mathematical ,statement that serves as a starting point from which other statements are
  48. Theory of Pythagoras who believed that behind every object there was a, mathematical ,relation which led to the order. Finally, in classical Greece the new theories
  49. Was a table of wood or marble, pre-set with small counters in wood or metal for, mathematical ,calculations. This Greek abacus saw use in Achaemenid Persia, the Etruscan
  50. Axioms (e.g., ) are actually defining properties for the domain of a specific, mathematical ,theory (such as arithmetic). When used in the latter sense," axiom," "

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