Examples of the the word, sophisticated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sophisticated ), is the 3511 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mounting a gun on a tracked vehicle to give mobility, while others were more, sophisticated ,designs. An example of the development of tank destroyer technology throughout
  2. Chinese cuisine. History In the 19th century, Chinese in San Francisco operated, sophisticated ,and sometimes luxurious restaurants patronized mainly by Chinese, while
  3. Plausibility from the other two indicated lines. Ashore is thus an extremely, sophisticated ,calendar site which must have been positioned carefully in order to use the
  4. Which would be completed in Zone Yellow (1990). Piper's politically more, sophisticated ,variant was adopted and adapted by Michael Garland and Jack Chalker in the
  5. The same purpose. Constructing mechanisms of this kind would have required a, sophisticated ,knowledge of differential gearing. This was once thought to have been beyond
  6. To avoid some problems of the earlier SDI concepts. Rather than use, sophisticated ,large laser battle stations and nuclear-pumped X-ray laser satellites
  7. Logical syntax won some fans. There has been little apparent demand for more, sophisticated ,assemblers since the decline of large-scale assembly language development. In
  8. Produces executable code) simpler and faster. High-level assemblers More, sophisticated ,high-level assemblers provide language abstractions such as: * High-level
  9. Has become more popular for amateurs in recent times, as relatively, sophisticated ,equipment, such as high quality CCD cameras, has become more affordable. Most
  10. Activities. By the third millennium BCE, widespread civilizations had developed, sophisticated ,awareness of celestial cycles, and are believed to have consciously oriented
  11. Assemblers often allow macros to take parameters. Some assemblers include quite, sophisticated ,macro languages, incorporating such high-level language elements as optional
  12. In the 20th century, Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, developed, sophisticated , theories concerning astrology. These included concepts such as archetypes, the
  13. And social marketing are different terms for (or aspects of) the use of, sophisticated ,advertising and marketing communications techniques (generally associated with
  14. Classical methods Although modern analytical chemistry is dominated by, sophisticated ,instrumentation, the roots of analytical chemistry and some principles
  15. In 1956 optical character recognition (OCR) was considered AI, but today, sophisticated ,OCR software with a context-sensitive spell checker and grammar checker
  16. Had begun training their Armenian counter-parts in 2005 in the use of the, sophisticated ,missile systems. Speaking to Radio Free Europe's Armenian service, Defense
  17. Is a novel antibody FM region structure prediction server, which incorporates, sophisticated ,techniques to minimize CDR loops and optimize the relative orientation of the
  18. Company called Paragraph International. Calligrapher's design was quite, sophisticated ,; it attempted to learn the user's natural handwriting, using a database of
  19. To progress in computing technology which has allowed larger and more, sophisticated ,models of atomic structure and associated collision processes. Similar
  20. Process in the early 20th century. Automated plate-measuring machines and more, sophisticated ,computer technology of the 1960s allowed more efficient compilation of star
  21. Nowadays, the system is rather superfluous due to the lack of a threat from, sophisticated ,gunship helicopters, but development continues. Modern weapons include the
  22. Their avionics using 14 or 28 volt DC electrical systems; however, larger,more, sophisticated ,aircraft (such as airliners or military combat aircraft) have AC systems
  23. Series, and previously CART) have traditionally been similar though less, sophisticated ,than F1 cars, with more restrictions on technology aimed at controlling costs.
  24. Word processing features such as lists, indents and character formats, and more, sophisticated ,features including tables, styles,page headers and footers, footnotes
  25. Agency psychiatrists eventually determined that in his diary he was using a, sophisticated ,literary device to express himself. And, boy,did he express himself. The
  26. Significance for archaeology lies in the possibility to understand the rich and, sophisticated ,cultural expression of ancestral Puebloan societies. Cliff Palace Communities
  27. Specializing in Southern dining. In the last decade, Atlanta has emerged as a, sophisticated ,restaurant town. Many of the restaurants that have opened within the city's
  28. In cursive, or a mix of the two. By contrast, Palm Pilot's Graffiti had a less, sophisticated ,design than Calligrapher, but was sometimes found to be more accurate and
  29. A workspace called 39 MAGIC offered access to financial and airline data plus, sophisticated ,(for the time) graphing and reporting. Another example is the GRAPH PAK
  30. Of the 1880s carried some of the heaviest guns ever mounted at sea),more, sophisticated ,steam engines, and advances in metallurgy which made steel shipbuilding
  31. Against a massive Soviet ICBM attack. The initial concept envisioned large, sophisticated ,orbiting laser battle stations, space-based relay mirrors, and nuclear-pumped
  32. HM Mk 1) have mission management computers. Police and EMS aircraft also carry, sophisticated ,tactical sensors. Military communications While aircraft communications provide
  33. Levels of abstraction, demonstrating results in a succession of increasingly, sophisticated ,working robots. Natural language processing * AIMS, an XML dialect for creating
  34. War. For ancient commentators such as Plutarch, New Comedy was a more, sophisticated ,form of drama than Old Comedy. However, Old Comedy was in fact a complex and
  35. 1990. 464plus,6128plus The 464plus and 6128plus models were intended as" more, sophisticated ,and stylish" replacements of the CPC464 and CPC6128. Based on the redesigned
  36. Vigilance. As a result, the organization's use of the Internet has grown more, sophisticated , encompassing financing, recruitment,networking, mobilization,publicity, as
  37. Of s were descended from Atlantis, which he saw as a technologically, sophisticated ,culture, saying that Atlantes invented gunpowder and the compass thousands of
  38. Which a single statement generally results in many machine instructions. Many, sophisticated ,assemblers offer additional mechanisms to facilitate program development
  39. Maybe even less—could be used to make a single atomic bomb using very, sophisticated ,assembly designs. Plutonium-238 is potentially more efficient isotope for
  40. Clive Barnes in the New York Times called the musical" heady, civilized, sophisticated , and enchanting. " He noted that" the real triumph belongs to Stephen Sondheim
  41. Soldiers paid, and hiring tens of thousands of German soldiers. Britain had a, sophisticated ,financial system based on the wealth of thousands of landowners, who supported
  42. Release the documentation was a popular one and allowed the creation of fast, sophisticated ,sound and graphics routines in games and demos, it also contributed to system
  43. These heavily-armed aircraft incorporate side-firing weapons integrated with, sophisticated ,sensors, navigation,and fire control systems to provide precision firepower or
  44. Of observing value X is then proportional to N (X) P (X). (A more, sophisticated ,analysis is that of Nick Bottom. ) A generic feature of an analysis of this
  45. Of optical telescopes of varying power and quality, as well as additional, sophisticated ,equipment, such as cameras, to study light from the sky in both the visual and
  46. Form of drama than Old Comedy. However, Old Comedy was in fact a complex and, sophisticated ,dramatic form incorporating many approaches to humor and entertainment. In
  47. Into the company of the gods after death. Middle Kingdom literature featured, sophisticated ,themes and characters written in a confident, eloquent style, The last great
  48. Bread) and stuffed with food items ranging from ham and cheese to other more, sophisticated ,combinations such as raw ham, tomatoes,olives,hard-boiled eggs, tuna,lettuce
  49. Humans the opportunity to develop a settled agricultural economy and a more, sophisticated , centralized society that became a cornerstone in the history of human
  50. Juvenile delinquent; he is nonetheless intelligent and quick-witted, with, sophisticated , taste in music. He is particularly fond of Beethoven, or " Lovely Ludwig Van. "

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