Examples of the the word, drinking , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drinking ), is the 3520 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. China in November. The main reason students head to Mexico is the 18-year-old, drinking ,age (versus 21 for the United States),something that has been marketed by
  2. Age of criminal responsibility, the marriageable age, the voting age,the, drinking ,age, driving age, or other purposes. Generally, it is set at 16 or 18,but age
  3. Owner from drunkenness; the ancient Greeks and Romans wore amethyst and made, drinking ,vessels of it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. It is one of
  4. Of ABU ROI. Living in worsening poverty, neglecting his health, and, drinking , excessively,Carry went on to write what is often cited as the first cyborg sex
  5. Units and using them at the end of the week, a phenomenon referred to as binge, drinking , The Times reported in October 2007 that these limits had been" plucked out of
  6. Spring break places such as Daytona Beach, Florida have become restrictive on, drinking ,and other behaviors. This has pushed spring break visitation to various parts
  7. PET) bottles into liquids. While levels observed for bottled water are below, drinking ,water guidelines, fruit juice concentrates (for which no guidelines are
  8. Van. " The novel begins with the druids sitting in their favorite hangout, drinking ,milk-drug cocktails, called " milk-plus ", to hype themselves for the night's
  9. Comparing Helen of Troy unfavorably with Thesis, the mother of Achilles. A, drinking ,poem (for. 346) The following verses demonstrate some key characteristics of
  10. Studies have suggested a correlation between chronic consumption of, drinking ,water contaminated with arsenic and the incidence of all leading causes of
  11. Behaviors correlate with increased abstinence and lower probabilities of binge, drinking , AA's program is an inheritor of Counter-Enlightenment philosophy. AA shares
  12. That Alexander's health may have been in general decline after years of heavy, drinking ,and his suffering severe wounds (including one in India that nearly claimed
  13. Program in the late twentieth century. This program was designed to prevent, drinking ,of bacteria-contaminated surface waters, but failed to test for arsenic in the
  14. Animalism. Soon after, Napoleon and Squealer indulge in the vices of humans (, drinking ,alcohol, sleeping in beds, trading ). Squealer is employed to alter the Seven
  15. A" Pythagorean diet ": meat, eggs,butter, cheese,and milk were excluded and, drinking ,was confined to well water. Alcott believed that diet held the key to human
  16. But still communicates a sense of action. He probably performed his verses at, drinking ,parties for friends and political allies men for whom loyalty was essential
  17. Conducted in laboratory mice, suggests that people exposed to arsenic in their, drinking ,water may be at increased risk for more serious illness or death in response to
  18. Arsenic is known to cause arsenicosis owing to its manifestation in, drinking ,water,“ the most common species being Senate HAsO42-; As (V) and arsenide
  19. Of Reconstruction policy, his inept dealings with his Cabinet and Congress, his, drinking , problem (he was probably inebriated at his inauguration),his bristling
  20. S skull cup the sign of nomadic cultural influences on the Lombards: by, drinking ,from his enemy's skull Albion was taking his vital strength. As for the
  21. Rich (Lake Seven),a result of its use as a source for hydropower, threatens, drinking , water supplies; restart of Metaphor nuclear power plant without adequate (
  22. Young in an air-to-ground transmission, reacting to stomach problems caused by, drinking ,potassium-enriched orange juice (to prevent an electrolyte deficiency
  23. Basileus, sitting in the front row, and demands to be awarded first prize for a, drinking ,competition, which is a none too subtle way for Aristophanes to request first
  24. Program The scope of AA's program is much broader than just abstinence from, drinking ,alcohol. Through a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening is achieved by
  25. The Avers. Skull cups are believed to be part of a shamanistic ritual, where, drinking , from the cup was considered a way to assume the dead man's powers. In this
  26. Water. If they all consumed exactly 10 parts per billion arsenic in their, drinking ,water, the previously cited multiple epidemiological study analysis would
  27. Remediation. Early (1973) evaluations of the removal of dissolved arsenic by, drinking ,water treatment processes demonstrated that arsenic is very effectively removed
  28. A day for women, would not pose significant health risks, but that consistently, drinking ,four or more units a day (men),or three or more units a day (women),is
  29. The Leidseplein during summer is a square full of terraces packed with people, drinking ,beer or wine. Many restaurants can be found in Amsterdam as well. Since
  30. The salt from ocean water, have created a new source of water for farming, drinking , and washing. * Slash and burn agriculture uses nutrients in wood ash, but
  31. May 1931 File: WPAMilkPoster1940. JPG|Federal Art Project poster promoting milk, drinking ,in Cleveland, Ohio,1940 Image: Town Hall - Colonel Pringles. JPG|Town hall in
  32. Arsenic contamination. It is estimated that approximately 57 million people are, drinking ,groundwater with arsenic concentrations elevated above the World Health
  33. So electrical power and water (used for equipment cooling as well as, drinking ,) were critical consumables. To keep the LM life support and communication
  34. This arsenic compound is nearly non-toxic. Environmental issues Arsenic in, drinking ,water Widespread arsenic contamination of groundwater has led to a massive
  35. And was inaugurated March 4,1865. At the ceremony, Johnson,who had been, drinking ,to offset the pain of typhoid fever (as he claimed later),gave a rambling
  36. Stories about the American Civil War in his 1930 story," If Grant had been, drinking ,at Appomattox ", which he accompanied by this very brief introduction: “
  37. Meetings. Those listed as" closed" are only for those with" a desire to stop, drinking ,", groups have the autonomy to hold and conduct meetings as they wish" except
  38. Arsenic exposure in Wisconsin, even at levels below the 10 part per billion, drinking ,water standard. According to a recent film funded by the US Superfund, millions
  39. Limits. Low-level exposure to arsenic at concentrations found commonly in US, drinking ,water compromises the initial immune response to H1N1 or swine flu infection
  40. Reducing by half the number of people without sustainable access to improved, drinking ,water and basic sanitation by 2015 ". Given Algeria's young population, policy
  41. Then; Antaeus and his brothers fled into exile where the poet later wrote a, drinking ,song in celebration of the news of the tyrant's death (frag. 332); *
  42. Sober. Following the Group's evangelical bent, Thacher sought out former, drinking ,buddy Bill Wilson to tell him he was sober because he had" got religion. "
  43. An alternative theory is that he succumbed to internal bleeding after heavy, drinking ,or a condition called esophageal varices, where dilated veins in the lower part
  44. Phased out. Arsenic poisoning from naturally occurring arsenic compounds in, drinking ,water remains a problem in many parts of the world. Characteristics Physical
  45. People worldwide consume between 10 and 50 parts per billion arsenic in their, drinking ,water. If they all consumed exactly 10 parts per billion arsenic in their
  46. Term at Seaborne, from complications of bovine tuberculosis, contracted after, drinking ,infected cow's milk as a boy. Turing's religious faith was shattered and he
  47. The novel Days and Nights. Carry returned to Paris and applied himself to, drinking , writing, and the company of friends who appreciated his witty, sweet-tempered
  48. Fleet at the Battle of Salamis — but the water was salty and not very good for, drinking , Athena, however,offered them the first domesticated olive tree. The Athenians
  49. To the grammarian Athens, Alcaeus made every occasion an excuse for, drinking ,and he has provided posterity several quotes in proof of it. Antaeus exhorts
  50. Media, altruistically help other alcoholics and include all who wish to stop, drinking , The Traditions also recommend that AA members acting on behalf of the

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