Examples of the the word, vitamin , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Runners. Although there appears to be no increased requirement for, vitamin ,C in athletes, there is some evidence that vitamin C supplementation increased
  2. Four types of herbal and dietary supplements: Herbal medicinal products, Strong, vitamin , and mineral preparations, Traditional botanical medicinal products and
  3. Complex systems of multiple types of antioxidants, such as glutathione, vitamin ,C, and vitamin E as well as enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and
  4. In biochemistry, as they occur as side chains in chlorophyll and tocopherol (, vitamin ,E). Chiral alkanes can be resolved into their enantiomers by enantioselective
  5. Patients found that smokers given supplements containing beta-carotene and, vitamin ,A had increased rates of lung cancer. Subsequent studies confirmed these
  6. Despite its key role in preventing lipid membrane peroxidation,6 weeks of, vitamin ,E supplementation had no effect on muscle damage in ultramarathon runners.
  7. To give mildly acidic solutions. Ascorbic acid is one form (" vi tamer" ) of, vitamin ,C. The name is derived from a- (meaning" no" ) and scorbutic (scurvy),the
  8. It is very popular in India. Cooked amaranth leaves are a good source of, vitamin ,A, vitamin C and folate; they are also a complementing source of other vitamin s
  9. Fishes, bats and birds cannot and require it as a dietary micronutrient (i.e., vitamin ,). History From the middle of the 18th century, it was noted that lemon juice
  10. The" ACES" products that contain beta-carotene (pro vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin ,E and Selenium, or herbs that contain antioxidants - such as green tea and
  11. As" Vitamin B17 ", it is not a vitamin . Amygdala/laetrile was claimed to be a, vitamin ,by chemist Ernst T. Krebs in the hope that if classified as a nutritional
  12. For many diseases in the 1950s by elevating the dosages largely. Tens of grams, vitamin ,C daily by injections were no exception. From 1967 on,Nobel Prize winner Linus
  13. Buffering, for example, uses Go. Other preparations use CaCO3. Taking it with, vitamin ,C is a more recently investigated method of protecting the stomach lining.
  14. C supplementation increased the amount of intense exercise that can be done and, vitamin ,C supplementation before strenuous exercise may reduce the amount of muscle
  15. Sickness ", and in the second study showed that the supplements' beta-carotene, vitamin ,A, and vitamin E," singly or combined, significantly increased mortality. "
  16. Biological membranes. However, the roles and importance of the various forms of, vitamin ,E are presently unclear, and it has even been suggested that the most important
  17. According to research done at a German university, taking equal doses of, vitamin ,C and aspirin decreases the amount of stomach damage that occurs compared to
  18. G for renal tubular secretion. Aspirin may also inhibit the absorption of, vitamin ,C. Chemical properties Aspirin, an acetyl derivative of salicylic acid, is a
  19. No" ) and scorbutic (scurvy),the disease caused by a deficiency of, vitamin ,C. Being derived from glucose, many animals are able to produce it, but humans
  20. However, no benefits for physical performance to athletes are seen with, vitamin ,E supplementation. Indeed, despite its key role in preventing lipid membrane
  21. 4-aminopyridine,buspirone, and a combination of coenzyme Q10 and, vitamin ,E. Gait, coordination,and balance training are large components of therapy.
  22. That are reducing agents can also act as pro-oxidants. For example, vitamin ,C has antioxidant activity when it reduces oxidizing substances such as
  23. Are an area of current research, but vitamin C, which exerts its effects as a, vitamin ,by oxidizing polypeptides, appears to have a mostly antioxidant action in the
  24. Under the names laetrile and" Vitamin B17" as a cancer cure, but it is not a, vitamin , as a possible cause of cyanide poisoning. The promotion of laetrile to treat
  25. Systems of multiple types of antioxidants, such as glutathione, vitamin C, and, vitamin , E as well as enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and various
  26. Activity is likely to be one that is itself readily oxidized. Research into how, vitamin ,E prevents the process of lipid peroxidation led to the identification of
  27. And pro-oxidant activities of antioxidants are an area of current research, but, vitamin , C,which exerts its effects as a vitamin by oxidizing polypeptides, appears to
  28. Teams, Haworth deduced the correct structure and optical-isomeric nature of, vitamin ,C, and in 1934 reported the first synthesis of the vitamin . In honor of the
  29. French men and women took either low-dose antioxidants (of ascorbic acid, of, vitamin , E,of beta-carotene,100 kg of selenium, and of zinc) or placebo pills for an
  30. Is used in plants and microorganisms in the synthesis of pantothenic acid (, vitamin ,B5),a component of coenzyme A. In human nutrition When taken up into the
  31. No increased requirement for vitamin C in athletes, there is some evidence that, vitamin ,C supplementation increased the amount of intense exercise that can be done and
  32. Like the" ACES" products that contain beta-carotene (pro vitamin A), vitamin , C, vitamin E and Selenium, or herbs that contain antioxidants - such as green
  33. Might be the fact that consuming antioxidant molecules such as polyphenols and, vitamin ,E will produce changes in other parts of metabolism, so it may be these other
  34. Grams/mole. Though it is sometimes sold as" Vitamin B17 ", it is not a, vitamin , Amygdala/laetrile was claimed to be a vitamin by chemist Ernst T. Krebs in
  35. To as a terminal (or suicidal) antioxidant. Tocopherol and tocotrienols (, vitamin ,E) vitamin E is the collective name for a set of eight related tocopherol and
  36. Body. However, less data is available for other dietary antioxidants, such as, vitamin ,E, or the polyphenols. Potential of antioxidant supplements to damage health
  37. By people on carbohydrate-restricted diets. Almonds are a rich source of, vitamin ,E, containing 26 mg per 100 g (Table). They are also rich in dietary fiber, B
  38. In the second study showed that the supplements' beta-carotene, vitamin A, and, vitamin , E," singly or combined, significantly increased mortality. " Though it says
  39. Adrenal hexuronic acid indirectly from Szent-Györgyi and proved that it is, vitamin ,C by early 1932. This was the last of the compound from animal sources, but
  40. Proven by synthesis. The American physician Fred R. Kenner M. D. promoted, vitamin ,C as a cure for many diseases in the 1950s by elevating the dosages largely.
  41. Reduction and oxidation. Redox cycling may allow other antioxidants (such as, vitamin ,C) to act as pro-oxidants and promote free radical formation. Melatonin, once
  42. Promote health and reduce the effects of aging, however antioxidant, vitamin ,supplementation has no detectable effect on the aging process, so the effects
  43. Conditions. Murashige & Skew (MS) nutrient mix and Gamborg's B5, vitamin , mix are generally used. A 1.0 % agar/0.44 % MS+ vitamin dH2O solution is
  44. Is used extensively in plant biology as it is supplemented with a nutrient and, vitamin ,mixture that allows for seedling germination in Petra dishes under sterile
  45. Conditions (given that the seeds are sterilized as well). Nutrient and, vitamin ,supplementation for Arabidopsis Thailand is standard across most experimental
  46. High concentrations of italic acid. Ascorbic acid ( vitamin C) is an essential, vitamin ,required in our body and is present in such foods as AMLA, lemon,citrus fruits
  47. Of unknown chemical nature that guinea pigs required was eventually called, vitamin ,C. From 1928 to 1932,the Hungarian research team led by Albert Szent-Györgyi
  48. Significant role in antioxidant metabolism. The functions of the other forms of, vitamin ,E are even less well-understood, although tocopherol is a nucleophile that
  49. Very popular in India. Cooked amaranth leaves are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin ,C and folate; they are also a complementing source of other vitamin s such as
  50. Nature of vitamin C, and in 1934 reported the first synthesis of the, vitamin , In honor of the compound's antiscorbutic properties, Haworth and

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