Examples of the the word, terrible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( terrible ), is the 3509 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At the Chicago Opera in 1920. Like the Susan Alexander character, she had a, terrible ,voice, pleasing only to McCormick. But unlike Alexander, Walska got into an
  2. After which it became popular with Portuguese royalty. In the winter of 1575,a, terrible ,storm closed the entrance to its port, ending a thriving trade in metals and
  3. For the sixth and last time. 2001 heralded major changes for Florentina, as the, terrible ,state of the club's finances was revealed: they were unable to pay wages and
  4. Of toll plazas at which all traffic stopped and paid fixed tolls. A series of, terrible ,crashes at these plazas eventually contributed to the decision to remove the
  5. N't hear this, you didn't recite it to me, because,you know, very strange and, terrible ,things are happening now: they've begun to pick people up. I'm afraid the
  6. Enduring tortures inflicted by sword, rope,fire and water and suffering, terrible , tyrannical, unheard-of deaths and martyrdom, all of which they could easily
  7. Mayo, the Honorable Denis Browne’M. P., brother of Lord Lamont, wreaked a, terrible ,vengeance - thus earning for himself the nickname which has survived in
  8. As a state, the Kingdom of Saratoga. 1862 — Peruvian slave traders took a, terrible ,toll on the islands of Person, Rakahanga and Pukka in 1862 and 1863. 1888 —
  9. Have different levels. Janna possesses 8 gates while Johanna possess 7 deep, terrible ,layers. Individuals will arrive at both everlasting homes during Judgment Day
  10. A pretext to lay their hands on the Jews' property, were falsely attributing, terrible ,crimes to them, in particular that of killing children and drinking their blood
  11. The whole song stands so near the events that one feels everywhere as if the, terrible ,pictures of the destruction stand still immediately before the eyes of the one
  12. Thing, it is still a foolish thing. " *" The people who have no weaknesses are, terrible ,: there is no way of taking advantage of them. " (The Crime of Sylvester
  13. Of South Slavic tribes, Bulgars and Thracian tribes). Also known for their, terrible ,sense of humor. * A citizen of Bulgaria. See also Demographics of Bulgaria and
  14. These Judea rebels ultimately decided that it was better to live under a, terrible ,Jewish king than backtrack to a Seleucid ruler. After 6,000 Jews returned to
  15. Force people to face the truth about their life" In Paneloux's view, even the, terrible ,suffering caused by the plague works ultimately for good. The divine light can
  16. Fail to reflect on their situation, and act in a way that brings about, terrible ,results, could be said to be acting in a morally justifiable way. Acting in a
  17. Every year. The world must know these facts about the Zionist entity and its, terrible ,corrupt creed. The world should know this. " Views of the Catholic Church The
  18. Britain, whose critique of British government emphasized that corruption was a, terrible ,reality in Britain. Americans feared the corruption was crossing the Atlantic;
  19. This character out a window has nothing to do with him being gay. ... He's, terrible ,to his son, to everybody. " Gibson defended his depiction of Prince Edward as
  20. Louis season, the Browns finished second. Although the Browns usually fielded, terrible ,or mediocre teams (they had only four winning seasons from 1902 to 1922)
  21. Passages in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, which speak of a time of, terrible ,tribulation such as has never been known, a time of natural and man-made
  22. The monster. The exhaustion which visibly pervades his whole frame proves the, terrible ,nature of the conflict in which he has been engaged. Simplicity and natural
  23. Still hit, he could do little else. He couldn't run, and his fielding was so, terrible ,that three of the Braves' pitchers threatened to go on strike if Ruth were in
  24. It came nigh enough to strike, and thereby secure us from that most sudden and, terrible ,Mischief! " Following a series of experiments on Franklin's own house
  25. Had arrived and departed before his escape, but both of them were, he risked a, terrible ,fate if captured. He hid himself from these crews. At one point, his Spanish
  26. Of all other priestly lines (such as Torah, Dathan and Abram, who meet, terrible ,fates in Numbers 16-17 for challenging Aaron, but also the lines of David's
  27. Motivation need not be the pursuit of the aesthetic. Also, art often depicts, terrible ,images made for social, moral,or thought-provoking reasons. For example
  28. Carpaccio and Carlo Selling. The Caravaggio movement there ended with a, terrible ,outbreak of plague in 1656,but the Spanish connection – Naples was a
  29. And of death with his arrows,similarly with the function of the Vedic, terrible ,god of diseases Audra. He sends a terrible plague (λοιμός) to the Achaeans.
  30. Not remembered as a man of peace. John of For dun says of him: He manifested the, terrible ,aspect of his character in his reprisals in the Mormaerdom of Moray. Andrew of
  31. Real, in Christian Science evil and its manifestations are instead, terrible ,lies about God and His creation. This, it contends, is what Jesus meant when he
  32. That grip today. Brutal Peruvian slave traders, known as black birders, took a, terrible ,toll on the islands of the Northern Group in 1862 and 1863. At first the
  33. Way with the function of the Vedic terrible god of diseases Audra. He sends a, terrible ,plague (λοιμός) to the Achaeans. The god who sends a disease can also prevent
  34. Achievements, creates time travel to ensure its own existence. This can lead to, terrible ,moral dilemmas. In Defend Est, the interference of time-travelling outlaws
  35. The claims and credentials of the regime, not to mention its style of rule. The, terrible ,shortages of food and fuel, and the depredations of the Red Terror, made life
  36. Tasted wine before, they all drank too much and woke up the next morning with, terrible ,hangovers; and they made the mistaken assumption that Icarus had tried to
  37. Recognising the sand trout on Leto's body. Let greets his father. It is a, terrible ,moment for Paul Atreides, facing a son who had the bravery to do what he would
  38. S" History ":: Of his final death or disappearance (738 A. D.) many, terrible ,and conflicting things are told. He is said by CBN Millikan (12th cent.
  39. The land between Egypt and Canaan of the first Exodus was a" great and, terrible ,wilderness, an arid wasteland" ( Debut 8:15),but in this new Exodus, the land
  40. That ignoring the second offer and returning to the first put Khrushchev in a, terrible ,position. Military preparations continued, and all active duty Air Force
  41. Our dragoons," wrote John Dean," pushing into the village … made, terrible ,slaughter of the enemy. " Far to the south, the remnants of de la Colonies’s
  42. Writer Justus Becker suggested that a mistranslation of the Latin aura more (, terrible , or black, death ) had occurred in Scandinavia when he described the
  43. Bloody ocean, seething like a pot on a hot fire. Never did the sky look more, terrible ,; for one whole day and night it blazed like a furnace, and the lightning broke
  44. In Ireland remained desperate however and industrialization in England led to, terrible ,condition for the working class. Mass migrations following the Irish Famine and
  45. Following years. In the Netherlands, the Arena has earned a reputation for a, terrible ,grass pitch caused by the removable roof that, even when open, takes away too
  46. In the stomach with a flare gun. As he was dying" quite conscious and in, terrible ,pain ", he gave his boots which he inherited from Kemmerich to Paul. Stanislaus
  47. And became a sailor, eventually participating in the slave trade. One night a, terrible ,storm battered his vessel so severely that he became frightened enough to call
  48. To strike terror into their hearts. I must be a creature of the night, black, terrible , ..." As if responding to his desires, a bat suddenly flies through the window
  49. Lost Paul it was like someone pulled the rug out from underneath everything,a, terrible ,jolt out of the dark blue. He was the best drummer I had ever played with and
  50. To the consternation of the French, the Gens d'Arms were pushed back in, terrible ,confusion, pursued well beyond the Malabar stream that flows through Blenheim

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