Examples of the the word, confident , in a Sentence Context

The word ( confident ), is the 3499 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Advocates of the Manchester School and writers in The Economist were, confident ,that their early victories would lead to a period of expanding economic and
  2. Penalty double, is one used to try to gain extra points when the defenders are, confident ,of setting (defeating) the contract. The most common example of a
  3. Have made a bid. The natural meaning of a double is that the player is, confident ,that the opponents cannot fulfil their contract, and the player is willing to
  4. Baldwin, president of marketing for Lidos Interactive, stated that they were, confident ,in that the adaptation would be a successful development for both the studios
  5. The more difficult rounds of dives begin it is important to lead off with a, confident ,dive to build momentum. They also tend to put a very confident dive in front of
  6. The 10th century, reflected by the" Guangdong" rime book. Linguists are more, confident ,of having reconstructed how Middle Chinese sounded. The evidence for the
  7. In the government and some on the Black Hand Executive Council were not as, confident ,of Russian aid. Russia had let them down recently. When word of the plot
  8. As effective as spraying with DDT ... So, politically correct or not, I am very, confident ,that what we are doing is the right strategy. " USAID's Kent R. Hill states
  9. Discredit the Whigs who had backed him, but Kidd refused to name names, naively, confident , his patrons would reward his loyalty by interceding on his behalf. There is
  10. Of the Arians, bishops Palladium of Bavaria and Secundianus of Singidunum, confident ,of numbers, prevailed upon Gratin to call a general council from all parts of
  11. For Alan Ball in the final game of the group against Czechoslovakia. Ramsey, confident ,of victory and progress to the quarter-final, wanted Charlton to rest. England
  12. That Gauss was the first mathematician to use complex numbers in 'a really, confident ,and scientific way' although mathematicians such as Niels Henrik Abel and Carl
  13. Music into one regional category. It was Jefferson's“ old-fashioned sound and, confident ,musicianship that made him easy to market. His skillful guitar playing and
  14. Laundry, diaper rash, cradle cap, etc.),while encouraging the baby to be more, confident , mobile, comfortable,healthy and therefore less prone to cry. (Babies sleep
  15. Outside and the flight data recorder was charred. But he said the FBI still was, confident ,the data can be recovered from both. Bridges said the recorders were found "
  16. When stopped by the Roman guards, they prayed to St Catherine to help them, confident ,that she would rather have her body (or at least part thereof) in Saint. When
  17. Figures. The masculine virility and discipline displayed by the men’s rigid and, confident ,stances is also severely contrasted to the slouching, swooning female softness
  18. Alien race! " * George Alec Effinger's short story" One" uses an expedition, confident ,in the Drake Equation as a backdrop to explore the psychological implications
  19. No financial worries and with a degree of support in Royal circles, felt more, confident ,than most naval officers in standing firm on requesting a posting nearer home.
  20. Not necessarily impatient; the poignant combination of a cry for help with a, confident ,expression of faith echo today in the song“ 40” by the rock group U2 and that
  21. An athletic dog and is deceptively powerful for its size. They have a graceful, confident ,gait like a trotting horse, and skim the ground in a double-suspension gallop
  22. The military government may have released Sub FYI because it felt it was in a, confident ,position to control her supporters after the election. He visited again in July
  23. Who couldn't be ransomed. ) French deployment By contrast, the French were, confident ,that they would prevail and were eager to fight. The French believed they would
  24. Basis, Butt-head is oblivious to subtlety of any sort and is usually 100 %, confident ,in everything he says and does no matter how ridiculous or frivolous it
  25. Black to 2 points, Black accepts then beavers the cube to 4 points; White, confident ,of a win, raccoons the cube to 8 points, whilst Black retains the cube. Such a
  26. The New Testament this same freedom of access to God is also emphasized. This, confident ,position should be understood in light of Christian belief in the unique
  27. 1960 T53" bowline" car, with input from his friend Tauranga. Graham was, confident ,he could do better than Cooper, and in late 1959 he asked Tauranga to come to
  28. Kingdom literature featured sophisticated themes and characters written in a, confident , eloquent style, The last great ruler of the Middle Kingdom, Amenemhat III
  29. Information that can be considered historically sound, we can be reasonably, confident ,that Siddhārtha Gautama did exist as a historical figure. Michael Carriers
  30. Infrastructure modification, particularly to attract the less experienced and, confident , Injuries Cycling suffers from a perception that it is unsafe although use of
  31. By the caretaker (s) the child will become autonomous, self-reliant,and, confident , If the caretaker is overprotective or disapproving of independent actions, the
  32. Babylon 5. Kaczyński has stated on numerous occasions that, even though he's, confident ,that Deep Space Nine producer/creators Rick Berman and Michael Miller did not
  33. It is therefore not unlikely that some Gnostic's used amulets, though the, confident ,assertions of modern writers to this effect rest on no authority. Isaac de
  34. Cultural and literary effort to strive for political freedom, establishing a, confident , politically aware nation. Theatre of the Czech Republic has rich
  35. Post-Aristotelian interpolations in the Politics, for example, but is generally, confident ,that the work has come down to us relatively intact. As the influence of the
  36. And south of Kharkov),these were not particularly threatening. Hitler was, confident ,that he could master the Red Army after the winter of 1941,based on the fact
  37. Do so despite Lord Rees-Mogg – know real life when they see it ... in the most, confident ,and accomplished soap opera television has ever seen ". Black and Asian
  38. While the crime rate is amongst the lowest. Property developers were also, confident ,enough to convert the former Robinson's warehouse on Moseley Road into
  39. A box of" voice pills ", a medicine temporarily improving his voice. He gets, confident ,enough in his newfound voice to prepare his marriage proposal for Daisy. But
  40. Lead off with a confident dive to build momentum. They also tend to put a very, confident ,dive in front of a very difficult dive to ensure that they will have a good
  41. On the final day of the season but the club's board kept faith in Curricula, confident ,that they could bounce back. And Curricula rewarded the chairman's loyalty
  42. Caesar's forces in both men and spirit. Now at full strength Caesar felt, confident ,to take the fight to Pompey. Pompey was camped in a strong position just south
  43. Away from Earnhardt. On the morning of the 2001 Daytona 500,Earnhardt appeared, confident ,and relaxed. When the race started, Earnhardt showed early promise, leading the
  44. Trial was illegal, explaining," Then for the law of this land, I am no less, confident , that no learned lawyer will affirm that an impeachment can lie against the
  45. Of the ancien régime, Fragonard,whose handling of color and expressive, confident ,brushwork influenced later painters. By age twenty, she had met and befriended
  46. Her; a government spokesman said that she was free to move" because we are, confident ,that we can trust each other ". Sung San Sub FYI proclaimed" a new dawn for
  47. Found and repaired by Lucca. He joins the group out of gratitude. The fiercely, confident ,Ayla dwells in 65,000,000 BC. Unmatched in raw strength, Ayla is the chief of
  48. And Gundobad's uncle, ( John Malala,374) The Burgundians, apparently, confident , in their growing power, negotiated in 456 a territorial expansion and power
  49. The Roman province of Asia, particularly the neighborhood of Ephesus. Note the, confident ,local allusion in 19:9 to" the school of Tyrannous" and in 19:33 to "
  50. From French rule without British assistance. At independence the Drupe, made, confident , by their successes, expected that Damascus would reward them for their many

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