Examples of the the word, publicly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( publicly ), is the 3515 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The followers of the Galician and Boom heresies—one of his last acts was to, publicly ,burn at the stake Basil, a Boom leader, with whom he had engaged in a
  2. His final resting place in Springfield, Illinois,Lincoln was laid in state and, publicly ,mourned in cities and state capitols across the north. Religious and
  3. Saying" I cannot draw the sword in such a cause. " The Earl of Effing ham, publicly ,resigned his commission when his 22nd Regiment of foot was posted to America
  4. Of launch) as AS-201,AS-203,and AS-202. The only unmanned missions to be, publicly ,designated as" Apollo" followed by a sequence number were Apollo 4,Apollo 5
  5. Other than Islam, including Jews, are not permitted to practice their religion, publicly ,in Saudi Arabia. In 2001,Arab Radio and Television of Saudi Arabia produced a
  6. Were imperiled by the ill will of Alfonso XI of Castile, who was, at the time, publicly ,mistreating his wife. Alfonso IV was not happy to see his daughter abused, and
  7. That suited them both. " In March 1939,Dion Fortune and Plaster Crowley met, publicly ,for the first time. Fortune had already used Crowley as a model for the black
  8. The function of art may be simply to criticize some aspect of society. Led on, publicly ,viewable walls, buildings,buses, trains,and bridges, usually without
  9. In 1998 telling Muslims to kill Americans. * In the late 1990s there was a, publicly ,known Media Committee, which ran the now-defunct newspaper Nash rat all Akbar (
  10. As a troublemaker. For example, in 1965 Ginsberg was deported from Cuba for, publicly ,protesting persecution of homosexuals. The Cubans sent him to Czechoslovakia
  11. The plan quiet (not even mentioning it to his wife) and did not reveal it, publicly ,for several years. Aldrin was an elder at Webster Presbyterian Church in
  12. End of the Second World War (when such attitudes were more commonly expressed, publicly ,), and particularly in regard to Italians, Jews,and non-Europeans. For example
  13. Of 'Natural Selection' ", applying the theory to humankind. Darwin had not yet, publicly ,addressed the subject, although Thomas Huxley had in Evidence as to Man's
  14. Store where hardware and software products are sold., Apple is the largest, publicly ,traded company in the world by market capitalization and the largest technology
  15. Figure of 40 %. Ernst has been active politically on this issue as well, publicly ,requesting that Prince Charles recall two guides to alternative medicine
  16. In Polar Music during 1983. With this, the foursome did not come together, publicly ,until all four members were reunited at the Swedish premiere of Mamma Mia! On 4
  17. Earnings disclosure is published, publicly , no registration or renewal fees are charged and that the sale of business
  18. Soon after the event on 6 August 1945,he was one of the few French editors to, publicly ,express opposition to the United States' dropping the atomic bomb in Hiroshima
  19. Communism ". On the other hand, when Donald Mains, a New York City politician, publicly ,accused Ginsberg of being a member of the Communist Party, Ginsberg objected: "
  20. Referred to as teens in for. s 129 and 130),where Sappho performed, publicly ,with female choirs. Antaeus' reference to Sappho in terms more typical of a
  21. Prague Spring; on the same day, Nicolae Ceausescu, leader of Communist Romania, publicly ,condemns the Soviet maneuver, encouraging the Romanian population to arm itself
  22. Canadian provinces, Alberta provides for all citizens and residents through a, publicly ,funded health care system. Alberta became Canada's second province (after
  23. In particular, has caused bitter controversy within the discipline. Franz Boas, publicly ,objected to US participation in World War I, and after the war he published a
  24. Building. " In 1999,Schwarzenegger sued Dr. Will Heep, a German doctor who, publicly ,predicted his early death on the basis of a link between his steroid use and
  25. Well as other Sunnis and all Shi'a Muslims maintain that the second person to, publicly ,accept Muhammed as the messenger of Allah was Ali in Abi Tali, though to
  26. Duties of the office with great care and efficiency. During his tenure he, publicly ,defended the Dominicans against attacks by the secular and regular faculty of
  27. Releases files describing his idea for the World Wide Web. WWW debuts as a, publicly ,available service on the Internet. * 1991 – DOI Bamako, chair of the Social
  28. To have been composed in the first century by the apostles themselves and sung, publicly ,while on mission (see Old Roman Symbol). Articles of Nice The Nicene Creed
  29. 1964. Political and religious views Albert Einstein's political views emerged, publicly ,in the middle of the 20th century due to his fame and reputation for genius.
  30. To the public in late January. Prior to 2004,nomination results were announced, publicly ,in early February. Voters The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (
  31. Encounter. For many years Viva refused to allow it to be screened. It was, publicly ,screened in New York in 2005 for the first time in over thirty years. After his
  32. Or through imperial letters to the cities such as Ephesus (of which some were, publicly ,displayed). This style of government was highly praised by his contemporaries
  33. It is available in many encryption packages. AES is the first, publicly ,accessible and open cipher approved by the National Security Agency (NSA) for
  34. William Benjamin Carpenter and zoologist E. Ray Lank ester became openly and, publicly ,hostile to Wallace over the issue. Wallace and other scientists who defended
  35. The course of which the ex-tsaritsa Eudora was dragged from her monastery and, publicly ,tried for alleged adultery, while all who had in any way befriended Alexei were
  36. That foreseeing the future is nigh impossible. In the 1990s,his ideas were, publicly ,lauded by Newt Gingrich. The development Löffler believes may go down as this
  37. Schweitzer, however,writes:" The Jesus of Nazareth who came forward, publicly ,as the Messiah, who preached the ethic of the kingdom of God, who founded the
  38. For general purpose programming and not just defense-related work. ICHEICH, publicly ,stated that within ten years, only two programming languages would remain, Ada
  39. Anderson, tired of unwieldy names, started to refer to the group privately and, publicly ,as ABBA. At first, this was a play on words, as Abbey is also the name of a
  40. Become prevalent in colleges, high schools, and community centers as a way to, publicly ,exhibit anime as well as broadening Japanese cultural understanding. Viewers
  41. Written because I feared this would become known. " In the 1960s while he was, publicly ,known to be writing Cancer Ward, he was simultaneously writing The Gulag
  42. Per-housing-unit occupancy rates for housing, and government officials have, publicly ,stated that the country has an immediate shortfall of 1.5 million housing units
  43. His foreign policy on the Prussian alliance. The antagonism first appeared, publicly ,during the Franco-Prussian War, when the Tsar supported the cabinet of Berlin
  44. Require private health insurance to cover autism services, shifting costs from, publicly ,funded education programs to privately funded health insurance. After childhood
  45. Watch. Some still images from the video had previously been released and, publicly ,circulated, but this was the first official release of the full video of the
  46. Was extorted from Alexei which implicated most of his friends, and he then, publicly ,renounced the succession to the throne in favor of the baby grand-duke Peter
  47. The reality of the bloody postwar tribunals soon changed his mind: Camus, publicly ,reversed himself and became a lifelong opponent of capital punishment. Camus
  48. Him, although he refused to take any action against those who insulted him, publicly , He was tall and fairly handsome;" he had sparkling eyes of medium size; his
  49. New membership proposals are considered annually. The Academy does not, publicly ,disclose its membership, although as recently as 2007 press releases have
  50. On the surface of the moon after landing; he refrained from mentioning this, publicly ,for several years, and only obliquely referred to it at the time. Spacecraft

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