Examples of the the word, genuine , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The number of his children. Some scholars contend that the most ancient and, genuine ,story told of only four sons of Aeolus: Sisyphus, Athamas, Cretheus, and
  2. Room. The results can range from violent or angry confrontations to, genuine ,and tender connections (often including romantic interludes),providing
  3. Happened several centuries prior to their writing. The possible existence of a, genuine ,Atlantis was discussed throughout classical antiquity, but it was usually
  4. With the Byzantine text believe it is authentic and correctly transmits the, genuine ,Word of God, preserved by the Lord himself. A third theory assumes common
  5. History Museum in London for verification. They determined that it was a, genuine ,skull from a young male leopard, but also found that the cat had not died in
  6. It as among Kurosawa's best, while others insist that it lacks complexity and, genuine ,narrative power, with still others claiming that it represents a retreat from
  7. Before the 11th century, but the documents on which this claim is based are not, genuine ,(J. Braun, Liturgische Demanding, p. 453). The first undoubted instance is
  8. To Edward Cushing, responded with" a demonstration of enthusiasm impressively, genuine ,in contrast to the conventional applause which new music, good and bad
  9. Between the IQ distributions in the black and white populations. The only, genuine ,consensus among well-informed scientists on this topic is that the cause of the
  10. Reclassified as either genuine , experimental,or questionable. Here he defines, genuine ,as being methods that have sound evidence for safety and effectiveness
  11. Was made into a Communist puppet group until 1989,when it reorganized as a, genuine ,party. Czechoslovakia In Czechoslovakia the Republican Party of Agricultural
  12. In place of the state. Egoist anarchists claim that egoism will foster, genuine ,and spontaneous union between individuals. " Egoism" has inspired many
  13. Counterpart Immortal becomes an alternate version of himself. However, some are, genuine ,alternate histories, with ). In 2009,Bryan Talbot created Granville, a
  14. Scripture differently, as many Protestants maintain. All Christians who have a, genuine ,relationship with God through and in Christ are part of the" True Church,"
  15. Augustine's contemporaries often believed astrology to be an exact and, genuine ,science. Its practitioners were regarded as true men of learning and called
  16. Of Burma to release Sub FYI in order to" create the necessary conditions for a, genuine ,dialogue with DAW Sung San Sub FYI and all concerned parties and ethnic groups
  17. Solution to the problem is the despotism of the wise and noble members of a, genuine ,aristocracy, a genuine nobility, achieved by mating the most magnanimous men
  18. That does exist points more towards a hoax or delusion than to sightings of a, genuine ,creature. In addition to the lack of evidence, scientists cite the fact that
  19. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the, genuine ,conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason
  20. Post-Persian works and probable forgeries, but that some features suggest a, genuine ,Persian correspondence behind some of them. The Book of Daniel (Hebrew: דניאל
  21. Tenses that do not affect the sense. Within the Byzantine text family, a clear, genuine ,reading emerges throughout the New Testament by comparing different manuscripts
  22. Influence in general, and German influence in particular, so the adoption of, genuine ,national principles was off in all spheres of official activity, with a view to
  23. In scholarship. Yet Wanda (2010) considers the connection with" foam ", genuine , identifying the myth of Aphrodite rising out of the waters after Cronus
  24. To the death of William Garner in 1592. The Garner family had passed on" a, genuine ,oral tradition ", teaching their children the folk tales about The Edge, which
  25. Deep into the meaning of religion in order to fully appreciate it and make it a, genuine ,part of one's life. Elite believed in the concepts of divine providence
  26. That all dogs capable of running down a stag should have one foot mutilated. If, genuine , these laws would confirm that beagle-type dogs were present in England before
  27. Autobiographies of the non-famous Until recent years, few people without some, genuine ,claim to fame wrote or published autobiographies for the public. With
  28. Position for fabricating data in his research. Snappy, nonetheless,was a, genuine ,clone, and thus the first cloned dog in history. In the BBC Three Sitcom
  29. Alumni in destroying Christian sanctuaries and plundering churches while the, genuine ,Franks were respectful towards those sanctuaries. Agatha expresses his hope
  30. Are realities beyond the generally accepted" five senses" and that there is, genuine ,meaning for humans beyond both sensual satisfactions and sentimentalities.
  31. Possibility of apostasy – Wesley fully accepted the Arminian view that, genuine ,Christians could apostatize and lose their salvation, as his famous sermon" A
  32. Have discussed related concepts for centuries, in the early 1970s the only, genuine ,physical theory yielding a multiverse of sorts was the many worlds
  33. Office" < k-t-b" write "," kitchen" < box" cook" ). The only three, genuine ,suffixes are as follows: *The feminine suffix -ah; variously derives terms from
  34. Argues that practices labeled" alternative" should be reclassified as either, genuine , experimental, or questionable. Here he defines genuine as being methods that
  35. Mistranslated as" mathematicians ". ) According to Augustine, they were not, genuine ,students of Hipparchus or Eratosthenes but" common swindlers ": Baptism
  36. As" The Good Tsar" in Finland. These reforms could be seen as results of a, genuine ,belief that reforms were easier to test in an underpopulated, homogeneous
  37. Is the despotism of the wise and noble members of a genuine aristocracy,a, genuine ,nobility, achieved by mating the most magnanimous men with the cleverest and
  38. In, respectively,film and episodic sitcoms. Carrie became a hit, the first, genuine ,box-office success for De Palma. It garnered Space and Piper Laurie Oscar
  39. Colony Tubilderborst and Parole Merry body. They admit that these are not, genuine ,names. (Further red-bearded dwarfs, to the number of forty-one, appear in
  40. Next comes a layer of plenty of soil, thus turning the whole arrangement into a, genuine ,pressure oven. Wisps of smoke start billowing out of the ground when the
  41. They were predominantly Christian. The intervening 7th century was a period of, genuine ,syncretism during which Christian symbolism and doctrine gradually grew in
  42. The sacraments while the latter is the invisible body of the elect, made up of, genuine ,believers from all ages, and who are known only to God. The visible church will
  43. Humanity would need to be able to recognize the Spirit of Love in all its, genuine ,forms, regardless of what name would be used to describe this being. He also
  44. Experience, Ayer first said that it" slightly weakened my conviction that my, genuine ,death ... will be the end of me, though I continue to hope that it will be. "
  45. Has been contentious, some scholars accepting at least some of them as, genuine , others rejecting them, either in whole or in part. L. L. Grabbed surveys six
  46. Of their play. Alexander determined to recognize the make-believe baptisms as, genuine , and decided that Athanasius and his playfellows should go into training in
  47. That most major developers tested their software on a Laser as well as on, genuine ,Apple machines. Because it was frequently sold via mail order and mass-market
  48. Of his life, he remained convinced that at least some séance phenomena were, genuine , no matter how many accusations of fraud skeptics made or how much evidence of
  49. I’ll never know ". Ambiguity can also be used as a comic device through a, genuine ,intention to confuse, as does Magic: The Gathering's Unhinged © Ambiguity
  50. Visible Speech 1989) and J. Marshall Unger (Ideogram 2004) have argued that, genuine ,ideographic writing systems with the same capacities as natural languages do

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