Examples of the the word, asthma , in a Sentence Context

The word ( asthma ), is the 5286 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Control has been linked to neurological problems (i.e. Parkinson's) and, asthma , Carcinogenicity DDT is suspected to cause cancer. The NTP classifies it as "
  2. Onions were used regularly to promote good health and were thought to relieve, asthma ,symptoms. Ancient Egyptian surgeons stitched wounds, set broken bones, and
  3. Was mixed. No difference from placebo was found for adenoid vegetation, asthma , or upper respiratory tract infection. Evidence was not sufficient to recommend
  4. Allergy Foundation of America to name Atlanta as the worst American city for, asthma ,sufferers to live in. The city was recognized in 2005 by Environmental
  5. Age of six he suffered frequent grand mal epileptic seizures, and bronchitis, asthma , and in later life, partial blindness. Lear experienced his first seizure at a
  6. Among the conditions purportedly treated against are arthritis, allergies, asthma , some coronary difficulties, eye trouble, ulcers,migraine headaches, sex
  7. Inhaling particulate matter have been studied in humans and animals and include, asthma , lung cancer, cardiovascular issues, and premature death. There are, however
  8. Heading 'psychosomatic illness. " These include tension headaches and migraine;, asthma ,; gastrointestinal complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome; warts; and
  9. An extent that he went abroad to Portugal in 1754 in search of a cure. Gout, asthma ,and other afflictions made him use crutches. He died in Lisbon
  10. Jo Bruce (son of Cream bass player Jack Bruce),died suddenly of an, asthma ,attack. The band was devastated, and the album was put on hold. Then Irish pop
  11. Pulmonary and systemic eosinophilic, chest pain, lung trauma, sore throat, asthma , hoarse voice, dyspnea (shortness of breath),and an aching, flu-like
  12. Response to the administered allergen. It is also used as a bronchodilator for, asthma ,if specific β2 agonists are unavailable or ineffective. Because of various
  13. Relocate to Fort son, Georgia,to live with his father because of a near-fatal, asthma ,condition, Atkins was a sensitive youth who made music his obsession. Because
  14. Music, particularly the Weavers' 1955 recording At Carnegie Hall. Childhood, asthma ,meant that McLean missed long periods of school, and although he slipped back
  15. Di petty (" tightness of the chest" ), have been interpreted as a form of, asthma , He was ordained in 1703,aged 25. He was soon nicknamed IL Pete Ross," The
  16. To her. Indeed, after her death in 1960,he began to again suffer serious, asthma ,attacks. Despite this, as many coven members slept over at his cottage due to
  17. Chronic pain, ..." *"Randomized trials have shown hypnosis to be of value in, asthma ,and in irritable bowel syndrome ..." *"Some practitioners also claim that
  18. And poor quality of the research, and that further research is needed: chronic, asthma , Bell's palsy, cocaine dependence, depression,primary dysmenorrhoea (
  19. High prenatal exposure to PAH is associated with lower IQ and childhood, asthma , The Center for Children's Environmental Health reports studies that
  20. And beyond. William III cared little for London, the smoke of which gave him, asthma , and after the first fire at Whitehall Palace (1691) he purchased Nottingham
  21. Mind and the arthritis vanishes, myopia gets better, heart illness decreases, asthma ,disappears, stomachs function properly and the whole catalog of ills goes away
  22. House in Essex. Although his time there was marked by variable health from, asthma ,attacks, he nevertheless became an intellectual hero of the Whigs. During this
  23. A heart attack, although an autopsy showed his death to be caused by a severe, asthma ,attack. Books Christian Barnard wrote two autobiographies. His first book, One
  24. Acquired following repeated sublethal exposure, such as hypersensitivity, asthma , or bronchitis. Mrs may be revised after sufficient data accumulates (
  25. Claims that Diabetics had cured" aberrations" including manic depression, asthma , arthritis, colitis and" overt homosexuality," and that after Diabetic
  26. E142) is prohibited in many countries, for it is known to cause hyperactivity, asthma , urticaria, and insomnia. To create green sparks, fireworks use barium salts
  27. Road Primary School, but failed the eleven-plus exam after extended bouts of, asthma , and so took a secretarial course at Clark's College in Leicester from 1945 to
  28. Effort by writing scripts for the government. He suffered from bronchitis and, asthma , Thomas's formal education began at Mrs. Hole's Dame school, a private school
  29. School. Alexander had a very wheezy voice growing up, primarily because of his, asthma , He attended Boston University but left the summer before his senior year
  30. Himself with any character until the ending of the novel. *Asthma Patient: The, asthma ,patient receives regular visits from Dr. Room. He is a seventy-five-year-old
  31. In which the system responds inappropriately to harmless compounds (, asthma ,and other allergies) or responds too intensely. The most well-known disease
  32. Of the knee. "" The reactive mind can give a man arthritis, bursitis, asthma , allergies, sinusitis,coronary trouble, high blood pressure ... And it is the
  33. Developed a drug addiction after a London doctor prescribed heroin for his, asthma ,and bronchitis. His life as an addict influenced his 1922 novel, Diary of a
  34. Conditions. Other reviews have found no evidence of significant benefit for, asthma , baby colic, bedwetting, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia,gastrointestinal
  35. And stamina in general, advocates also claim that athletes, people with, asthma , tuberculosis, and panic attacks have also found improvements. It has also been
  36. He had become addicted to heroin after being prescribed morphine for his, asthma ,and bronchitis many years earlier. He and his last doctor died within 24 hours
  37. S wife Donna died, and Gardner himself once again began to suffer badly from, asthma , The following year he, along with Shah and Lois Bourne, travelled to the
  38. Was employed to take care of the young Gerald. Gardner had been suffering from, asthma ,at the time, bearing the illness from a young age, and his nursemaid had
  39. Matter in the air do contribute to heart and lung problems including, asthma ,and bronchitis. Other adverse effects Acid rain can also damage buildings and
  40. Common. Some humans who are allergic to cats—typically manifested by hay fever, asthma , or a skin rash—quickly acclimate themselves to a particular animal and live
  41. Drug intolerance to NSAIDs, and caution should be exercised in those with, asthma ,or NSAID-precipitated bronchospasm. Owing to its effect on the stomach lining
  42. The QT time) and provide (Oral). Theophylline, which is used mostly in, asthma , is also contraindicated. Erythromycin is not recommended when using
  43. From childhood asthma and credits the harmonica for helping him manage his, asthma ,through adulthood. Competitions The World Harmonica Festival is held in the
  44. To cats in general. Whether the risk of developing allergic diseases such as, asthma ,is increased or decreased by cat ownership is uncertain. Some owners cope with
  45. Regard to the claims made for reducing the need for medication in patients with, asthma , Dennis concluded that additional" robust, well-designed randomized controlled
  46. Occur throughout his work. Zappa was often sick as a child, suffering from, asthma , earaches and sinus problems. A doctor treated his sinusitis by inserting a
  47. That a variety of common symptoms such as fatigue, PMS,sexual dysfunction, asthma , psoriasis, digestive and urinary problems, multiple sclerosis, and muscle pain
  48. With the fungus Aspergillus fumigates during ripening, which can trigger, asthma ,and other respiratory problems in susceptible individuals. Vegans and some
  49. 4 %): Relaxes smooth muscles of the bronchi, and is used to treat, asthma , The therapeutic dose of theophylline, however,is many times greater than the
  50. Incorporate the harmonica. Harmonics Frédéric Bonnet suffered from childhood, asthma ,and credits the harmonica for helping him manage his asthma through adulthood.

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