Examples of the the word, bach , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bach ), is the 8688 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In a number of variations) (In romance languages Ellen shortens to 'Al' and, bach , becomes BA and thence be). The name Able was formally adopted in 1919. Under
  2. Wavy stripe) is a canting charge meant to refer to the place name ending —, bach , German for“ brook” ( Baden —, on the other hand, means “ ground” or “
  3. Communities of Oberaffer bach , Stein bach and Rückers bach , which all end in —, bach , ( German for“ brook” ). The arms have been borne since 22 March 1976 after a
  4. To the construction of a Bach in that spot. One humorous definition of the, bach , is " something you built yourself, on land you don't own, out of materials you
  5. Hill. Later it was then written in a Welsh language form as 'bad' with a to, bach , ( little roof or circumflex in English) over the" â ". This has the effect in
  6. In Seoul. Awards *Grand Prize of the Second World Poets' Conference,1973 A, bach , ( ) is a small, often very modest holiday home or beach house. Alternatively
  7. Old trams were sometimes used as beaches. A reconstructed example of a typical, bach , from the 1950s can be found in National Maritime Museum on Princes Wharf in
  8. Often to the same beach every year, and hence to the construction of a, bach , in that spot. One humorous definition of the Bach is" something you built
  9. Is notable for the 13th-century church of St Cayman, known locally as always, bach , y for (the church in the sea) or simply as Cayman. The church remains in use
  10. Home, in Australia, a holiday house/home, or weekender, in New Zealand,a, bach , or crib. In the United States the most common designation is second home. A
  11. Satan) today, cythraul usually being used as a pejorative,e.g. " Y thrall, bach , "' ( you) little devil/rascal! '. Modern Druid interpretation Thrall has
  12. Wales. The name Villach is derived from the Welsh words CIL (nook) and, bach , ( small). Villach is the smallest of the three Electoral wards that make up
  13. In bend. The wavy bend (slanted stripe) stands for the place name ending —, bach , which means“ brook” in German. The oak twig refers to the community’s
  14. To painter Louise Henderson. Later he worked in writer Barry Crump's former, bach , in Devonport. Adams first exhibited his works in 1982 at the Moles worth Gallery
  15. Larger Rhonda Far valley (Mar large) and the smaller Rhonda Each valley (, bach , small ). Both the singular term 'Rhonda Valley' and the plural 'Rhonda
  16. Disney mania 4 Official site Meaning" little devil ", the dial, bach , is a popular Welsh fly pattern used in British still waters, and an appropriate
  17. Lean-to structures, modern kit-set structures are becoming popular amongst, bach , owners. Department of Conservation figures estimate that more than 50,000
  18. He was appointed organist at Stadium in 1715,leaving in May 1721 to take up, bach , 's former post of organist to the Weimar court. He failed in two applications
  19. But not elsewhere, such as" aka" ( 1827)," Boogie" ( 1920),and ", bach ," (1905). In 1997,Oxford University Press produced the Dictionary of New
  20. Cantata BWV 7 Christ under Herr sum Jordan km on the, bach , cantatas website
  21. Palewise argent in bend sinister wound with yarn rules. The place name ending —, bach , which is German for“ brook ”, is seen in the arms as the wavy blue bend
  22. And was rounded by the people to" glad ". The second part of the word,", bach ," stands for stream, meant is the" Strange ". Basically" Playback" means
  23. Sellers (à la Mai Jones) end virtually every sentence with the Welsh word ", bach ," (which means 'small' - occasionally, a Welshman will refer to his 'butty
  24. Maritime Museum on Princes Wharf in central Auckland. The period-furnished, bach , is complemented with an adjacent beach shop with original products from that
  25. Days later Ricardo's defeated Robert at the Battle of Tortillas, before falling, bach , to the Tech valley. Ricardo's repulsed d'Oust at Le Boulez on 3 October. The
  26. Maan the factor, ajj Hesse major Madam Noor Jean *Dollar mere par column, bach , ke the kite Madam Noor Jean *A the well AAP passe GA, kon Maria Medan Peale
  27. Hinter in German, or dialectally Conner, whence Hunter —) the border brook (—, bach , ) between the Electorate of Trier and the Electorate of Cologne, the Reproach.
  28. And Michael hit the roof when he learned that Jonathan had gone to the McKenna, bach , with his boyfriend Jamie (Karl Urban). Michael confronted the pair at a
  29. Basically, often with second hand furniture. In more recent times the basic, bach , has been replaced by the modern" holiday house ", more substantial, more
  30. And Drop a Gem on 'em) in 'Attack of the Clones '. " Who shot ya? The black, bach , blasting over opera, phantom of the chakras ...." Was Racist repeats the
  31. From 1935,replacing earlier bach elor-girl. In 19th century American slang to, bach , was used as a verb meaning" to live as an unmarried man ". In certain Gulf
  32. Name likely derives from a given name such as Gil, Egil, Aigil or Vigil, while,Bach, refers to a stream. The town belonged to the taxation district of Munich and to
  33. Of the Verbandsgemeinde. Neighboring places with names ending in — Ham and —, bach , ( Hyundai, Michel bach ) date from the time of the Frankish takeover (500–700
  34. Eliot's. In the 1950s the baby boom saw a growth in the number of children and a, bach , owned by the Teasdale family was converted into a one room barbers shop
  35. Long sign" ), acen from (" crooked accent" ) and also colloquially as to, bach , ( " little roof" ). It lengthens a vowel (a, e,i, o,u, w,y),and is used
  36. Chased by Nazi residents in a car after being disturbed while burgling a local, bach , The same youths had ransacked beaches the week prior and stolen two vehicles
  37. Of the distinct tum bi sound into the popular mainstream music scene. Sunday to, bach , ke rah (Beware of Boys) from Punjabi MC, a huge hit in the UK charts, is
  38. Is formed into patties and usually fried in bacon fat. *Welsh cakes (, picau, bach , Cayenne cry or Ravenna gradell) are small cakes cooked on a bake stone.
  39. Wavy vertical stripe) is a canting charge for the place name’s ending, —,Bach, which means“ brook ”. Culture and sightseeing Monumental buildings In
  40. He was returned to the A's. He spent in the Detroit Tigers' organization, and,Bach, in the Yankees' farm system before retiring. Sources The Universities Medical
  41. At Eastern Beach. As the Leaches were a large family this was not needed so the, bach , was let out to extended family or friends such as the Patterns over the holidays
  42. FY new, fy new! " (My husband! My husband!) or" FY plenty, fy plenty, bach , " (My child! My little child! ), though sometimes she will assume a male's
  43. On the Western Australian coast. The New Zealand equivalent is called a, bach , In South Africa, shacks (also referred to as mikhukhu or imijondolo)
  44. 8th century, the Franks founded many places with names ending in — Hansen and —, bach , It is likely that Altweidel bach was founded in this time, too. In 1006
  45. Life with both members of the family taking part. The easiness of the holiday, bach , in a permanent house was looked for, but with the finish and sophistication of
  46. 1956 He returned to NZ for several tours. The hall had a dairy at the front and, bach , style accommodation for the shopkeeper. In the 1950s the hall was turned into
  47. Which means 'small' - occasionally, a Welshman will refer to his 'butty, bach ,', roughly translated 'my little friend' ). Become dryly remarks after
  48. A takeaway shop, a hall and a Fire Station. The village has developed as a, bach , ( holiday) settlement and the surrounding area has historically been used for
  49. With similar name origins, it can be inferred that the places ending in —, bach , ( meaning“ brook” in German) were likely founded in Carolingian times in the
  50. A, e,i, o,u, w,y. The most common is the circumflex (which it calls to, bach , meaning" little roof ", or ace from" crooked accent ", or hired" long

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