Examples of the the word, reaffirm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reaffirm ), is the 8691 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1943 have no particular geographical localization. The Three Governments, reaffirm ,their intention to bring these criminals to swift and sure justice. They hope
  2. Of the living. Articles of Chalcedony The articles of the Caledonian Creed, reaffirm ,belief in the dyophysitism of Christ: two natures, one co-substantial person.
  3. Christ World Conference, President Stephen M. Plaza ruled on a resolution to ", reaffirm ,the Book of Mormon as a divinely inspired record" out of order. In so doing he
  4. Castro made a public gesture to the USSR that caused the Soviet leadership to, reaffirm ,their support for him. Two days after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia to
  5. Of the West. “ He embodies something vital which a final synthesis must, reaffirm , But he makes an absolute claim which Shakespeare will not support. It is right
  6. The Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Central Council will, reaffirm ,the letter of 22 January 1998 from PLO Chairman Ya sir Arafat to President
  7. On the establishment of a just and lasting peace. I am also authorized to, reaffirm ,that we are willing to seek agreement with each Arab State on all matters
  8. And other denominations around 1910-1920. The movement's purpose was to, reaffirm ,key theological tenets and zealously defend them against the challenges of
  9. U. S. presidential election, the Republican Party platform proclaimed:" We, reaffirm ,our approval of the Monroe doctrine and believe in the achievement of the
  10. Was fairly clear: While Delius himself may have intended the edict as a way to, reaffirm ,his conservative vision of the Pax Romana and to reassure Rome's citizens that
  11. Switched sides. O'Connor, Kennedy,and Outer joined Black mun and Stevens to, reaffirm ,the central holding of Roe, saying," At the heart of liberty is the right to
  12. Focuses and meditates on God by reciting the Qur'an and engaging in dhikr to, reaffirm ,and strengthen the bond between Creator and creation, with the purpose of
  13. Is repeated five times, the verses from Sure Maryam 19:35–37,which strongly, reaffirm ,Jesus' prophethood to God, are quoted together with the prayer: Allahumma
  14. To Constantine, and elevate him to Augustan rank. In return, Constantine would, reaffirm ,the old family alliance between Magician and Constantius, and offer support to
  15. With only humans and tigers posing significant threats to them. Genetic studies, reaffirm ,that the gray wolf is the ancestor of the domestic dog. A number of other Cans
  16. Assassination operations on Rushdie. " Hardliners in Iran have continued to, reaffirm ,the death sentence. In early 2005,Khomeini's fatwa was reaffirm ed by Iran's
  17. Order. However, moving on to Brotherhood membership offers an opportunity" to, reaffirm ,one's belief in the high purposes of the Order. Before becoming a Brotherhood
  18. King Henry III of England meets with English nobles and church leaders to, reaffirm ,the validity of the Magna Carta. * 1254 – King Louis IX of France, having
  19. Communists, as well as Dinh's forces, would triumphantly re-enter Saigon to, reaffirm ,the Diem regime. NHS would then round up opposition figures. Dish was put in
  20. And the crew are able to resuscitate Lindsey using a defibrillator, and the two, reaffirm ,their lost love. The crew tracks the warhead, finding the remote vehicle has
  21. To them. " Thus, he said that prayer is" urgently needed ... It is time to, reaffirm ,the importance of prayer in the face of the activism and the growing secularism
  22. From chemical weapons. Three years after World War I, the Allies wanted to, reaffirm ,the Treaty of Versailles, and the United States introduced the Treaty of
  23. State of Gourmet was free to raid Han's Korean commanders; Han did not, reaffirm ,its control over the region until 30 CE. The Trunk Sisters of Vietnam rebelled
  24. Followers. Although the Jubilees have no religious significance, they serve to, reaffirm ,the Imamat's worldwide commitment to the improvement of the quality of human
  25. And Hung having an argument, so she leaves and is met by Superman. The two, reaffirm ,their love to each other and go to Chicago. There, Lois helps Superman arrest a
  26. Origin of the cosmos and about the gods that shaped it are a way for society to, reaffirm ,its native cultural traditions. Specifically, theogonies tend to affirm
  27. Augustan rank in Mauritius' secessionist regime. In return, Constantine would, reaffirm ,the old family alliance between Magician and Constantius, and support Mauritius
  28. The administration's role is not to run the investigation but to establish and, reaffirm ,the primary goal of catching the serial killer, as well as provide support for
  29. 20 – Duke Władysław Loiter becomes king of Poland. * April 6 – The Scots, reaffirm ,their independence by signing the Declaration of Approach. Date unknown *
  30. With conditions of near-anarchy in Chad, leading France's Socialist Party to, reaffirm ,its ideological stance against high-profile intervention in Africa. Hoping to
  31. From 1 January 1930 until 6 March 1931. The name was restored in order to, reaffirm ,the city's link with its glorious past, despite the fact that a 1928
  32. Of the Provisional Government. Furthermore, it instructed all IRA units to, reaffirm ,their allegiance to the Irish Republic on 2 April. The stage was set for civil
  33. Following the latter's death in February 1999. Abdullah moved quickly to, reaffirm ,Jordan's peace treaty with Israel and its relations with the United States.
  34. 49 governments attended the meeting in Oslo February 22–23, 2007 in order to, reaffirm ,their commitment to a new international ban on the weapon. During the meeting
  35. Not raise claims for Finnish territory seized by the USSR, and continues to, reaffirm ,the importance of good bilateral relations. Although the Karelia question in
  36. Sensitive political documents that he may have, and,when Carlos agrees, they, reaffirm , their friendship. Scene 2: In front of the Cathedral of Valladolid Preparations
  37. Principle of political independence and territorial integrity and was ready to, reaffirm ,it bilaterally and publicly in the Security Council resolution. The US believes
  38. Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Mission: *"The Parties to this Treaty, reaffirm ,their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations
  39. Castro made a public gesture to the USSR that caused the Soviet leadership to, reaffirm ,their support for him. Two days after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia to
  40. Capture King Louis IX of France in the Battle of Frisk. *1320 – The Scots, reaffirm ,their independence by signing the Declaration of Approach. *1327 – The poet
  41. Or justifying delay in administering the sacrament. Rather, as we want to, reaffirm ,in conclusion, they provide strong grounds for hope that God will save infants
  42. S wishes. Savoy was a traditional ally of the Dauphiné, and Louis wished to, reaffirm ,that alliance to stamp out rebels and robbers in the province. Louis was driven
  43. Conference, President Stephen M. Plaza ruled out of order a resolution to ", reaffirm ,the Book of Mormon as a divinely inspired record. " He stated that" while the
  44. In March 1781. Another royal visit from Joseph II in July, partially to, reaffirm ,the Franco-Austrian alliance and also a means of seeing his sister again, was
  45. For example, absent some arrangement by a debtor to surrender a car or ", reaffirm ," a debt, the creditor with a security interest in the debtor's car may
  46. Of the Delaware River. On June 21, 1654,the Indians met with the Swedes to, reaffirm ,the purchase. The Dutch, having learned of the fall of Fort Casimir, sent
  47. Heads of Ministries to a meeting to be addressed by President Clinton to, reaffirm ,their support for the peace process and the aforementioned decisions of the
  48. Which had ended the missile crisis. In August 1970,the Soviets asked Nixon to, reaffirm ,the agreement. Despite his hard line against Castro, Nixon agreed. The
  49. Central American counterparts, and the President of the Dominican Republic to, reaffirm ,support for strengthening democracy, good governance, and promoting prosperity
  50. King Henry III of England meets with English nobles and church leaders to, reaffirm ,the validity of the Magna Carta. * Pope Innocent IV returns to Rome, having

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