Examples of the the word, defective , in a Sentence Context

The word ( defective ), is the 8692 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In an opinion by CULLEN, J., it was applied to a builder who constructed a, defective ,building; in Manner v. Otis Elevator Co. (96 Apps. Div. 169) to the
  2. Made for feminine plural -Na, and shortened vowels in the massive/imperative of, defective ,verbs,e.g. Irma! " Throw! ". ) *The entire indefinite noun endings -in -UN (
  3. Are mutations of the genes that code for sodium channel proteins; these, defective ,sodium channels stay open for too long, thus making the neuron hyper-excitable.
  4. Variants of a given gene are defective , the probability of a single copy being, defective ,is 5 %, but the probability that two copies are both defective is 0.05 × 0.05 =
  5. Society would fit into the class of mediocrity. Those who were considered to be, defective ,(mentally retarded, handicapped,etc.) had a negative effect on social
  6. Deafness, cancer,AIDS, developmental disorders, anemia,arthritis, corns, defective , speech,multiple sclerosis, skin rashes, total body paralysis, and various
  7. Presence can be detected in many cases because its omission left the meter, defective , For example, the words (king),found in the Iliad, which would originally
  8. 313). New gene therapy approach repairs errors in messenger RNA derived from, defective ,genes. This technique has the potential to treat the blood disorder
  9. Family with a severe, heritable language dysfunction was found to have a, defective ,copy of this gene. Mutations of the corresponding gene in mice (FOXP2 is
  10. Standards, to declare regulated products defective , and to order the recall of, defective ,or noncompliant products. CDRH also conducts limited amounts of direct product
  11. Rogers S for proposing" that exogenous 'good' " DNA be used to replace the, defective ,DNA in those who suffer from genetic defects. They also cite the first attempt
  12. S electrical properties. A common result is lowered conductivity through the, defective ,region of the tube. A defect in armchair-type tubes (which can conduct
  13. Transplantation. Gene therapy is the genetic engineering of humans by replacing, defective ,human genes with functional copies. This can occur in somatic tissue or
  14. Short vowels are pronounced: **shortened vowels in the massive/imperative of, defective ,verbs,e.g. Irma! " Throw! " **second-person singular feminine past-tense -ti
  15. Is because females have two X chromosomes while males have only one, so the, defective ,gene is guaranteed to manifest in any male who carries it. Because females have
  16. Line and in a mouse cell line infected by a human CJD agent. Transmission The, defective ,protein can be transmitted by contaminated harvested human brain products
  17. Ford had recalled all Pintos produced from 1971 to 1976 to repair their, defective ,gas tanks. The recall effort by Ford only came after it was revealed that more
  18. The Philadelphia Convention was convened," As the present Constitution is so, defective , why do not your great men call the people together and tell them so; that is
  19. New virus particles. Released virions are described as free, and,unless, defective , are capable of infecting a new bacterium. Budding is associated with certain
  20. Copy being defective is 5 %, but the probability that two copies are both, defective ,is 0.05 × 0.05 = 0.0025,or just 0.25 %. Other causes of color
  21. Constructive destruction," which includes the automatic destruction of, defective ,nanotubes on the wafer. This process, however,only gives control over the
  22. Diseases like cancer and AIDS by using normal genes to supplement or replace, defective ,genes or to bolster a normal function such as immunity. It can be used to
  23. Feature for a budget machine, socketed chips, which allow easy replacement of, defective ,chips. The CPU can be directly upgraded to a 68010 or to a 68020,68030,or
  24. APAF-1 KO mice have deformations of neural tissue and ADD and Case 8 KO showed, defective ,heart development, however in both types of KO others organs developed normally
  25. Target achieved so far: 75 % (right leg broken, left leg broken, right hand, defective ,). All I need to do now is wreck the left hand and then 100 % of my extremities
  26. Statutory right to determine if a legislative act or administrative decision is, defective ,for jurisdictional or other reasons (which may vary by jurisdiction). In most
  27. The compulsory sterilization of people deemed to be, as Bell called them, a ", defective ,variety of the human race ". By the late 1930s,about half the states in the U.
  28. In any case is not a disorder. Therefore, it cannot be treated as a, defective ,trait that is justifiably screened for as part of legitimate medical practice.
  29. States),the court held that a car owner could not recover for injuries from a, defective ,wheel, when the automobile owner had a contract only with the automobile dealer
  30. Exploding Coca-Cola bottle to articulate the doctrine of strict liability for, defective ,products. Traynor's concurring opinion in Escolar v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. is
  31. Increases performance. When one of the replicated devices is detected to be, defective , the other copy is still operational, and is being utilized to generate a new
  32. Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, a serious and painful disease in which, defective ,collagen prevents the formation of strong connective tissue. Gums deteriorate
  33. The early 1990s. In addition to its importance as a biological phenomenon, defective ,apoptotic processes have been implicated in an extensive variety of diseases.
  34. Panel. The issue at the heart of this particular action claims Seat is a, defective ,drug in that it has a propensity to cause a withdrawal reaction. Hugh James
  35. Chromosome that carries the mutation. If 5 % of variants of a given gene are, defective , the probability of a single copy being defective is 5 %, but the probability
  36. Processing during both regular operation (with often reduced performance) and, defective ,device replacement. Device mirroring and typical RAID are designed to handle a
  37. Meet mandatory safety performance standards, to declare regulated products, defective , and to order the recall of defective or noncompliant products. CDRH also
  38. Widely seen as a way of relieving society of the financial burdens imposed by, defective ,individuals. Although the eugenics excesses of Nazi Germany diminished the
  39. Injury to a player, interference by an external party, or a ball becoming, defective , This restart is uncommon in adult games. The referee may" call back" play
  40. Edition (W),Volumes 1–6 & 8,of a projected 30. The limited coverage, and, defective , editing and organization, of the Collected Papers led Max Fish and others in
  41. Ability of the protein to undergo digestion. Once the prion is transmitted,the, defective ,proteins invade the brain and are produced in a self-sustaining feedback loop.
  42. Displayed or printed underlined or when printed on a dot-matrix printer with a, defective ,pin or misaligned ribbon. Moreover, early compilers severely restricted the
  43. In this court without opinion,146 N. Y. 363) to a contractor who furnished a, defective ,rope with knowledge of the purpose for which the rope was to be used. We are
  44. A group of malfunctioning physical bits (not always the specific, defective ,bit is known; group definition depends on specific storage device) is
  45. Cells and biological tissues to treat disease. It is a technique for correcting, defective ,genes that are responsible for disease development. The most common form of
  46. Interestingly enough, this missile was returned from the flight line as, defective ,a day earlier. AMRAAM gained a second victory in January 1993 when an Iraqi
  47. Test a product as required by the rigorous government specifications or selling, defective ,products. The False Claims Act was amended in 1943 to, most notably, reduce the
  48. Make a wide variety of sounds, ranging from a buzzing sound like that made by a, defective ,faucet, to a very pure tone similar to the sound made by a glass harmonica.
  49. Note that there are N independent eigenvectors; a unitary matrix is never, defective , ) The problem of their multiplicity was solved by McClellan and Parks (1972)
  50. Some classical philologists, known as textual critics, seek to synthesize these, defective ,texts to find the most accurate version. Archaeology Classical archæology is

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