Examples of the the word, prestige , in a Sentence Context
The word ( prestige ), is the 8690 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Many in modern Sudan) since the Middle Kingdom. Egypt's far-reaching, prestige ,declined considerably towards the end of the Third Intermediate Period. Its
- And the Levant. Aramaic itself was replaced by Greek as Western Asia's, prestige ,language following the conquest of Alexander III of Macedon. Early history The
- To present Retired special awards Criticism Due to the positive exposure and, prestige ,of the Academy Awards, studios spend millions of dollars and hire publicists
- The US Embassy stands a monument to Massed. The family has a great deal of, prestige ,in the politics of Afghanistan. One of his six brothers, Ahmad Via Massed, was
- Final decades include" Bronchi" ( 1961),in which America's international, prestige ,is saved by Mammy Hokum," Daisy Mae Steps Out" ( 1966),a female-empowering
- In Classical Arabic. This has led researchers to postulate the existence of a, prestige ,Kline dialect in the one or two centuries immediately following the Arab
- The same thing happens every year. The current members want to preserve the, prestige ,as much as possible, and are unwilling to open the doors. " In 2007,the
- Based in the new capital city of Alexandria. The city showcased the power and, prestige ,of Greek rule, and became a seat of learning and culture, centered at the
- Germans felt Hitler had sacrificed one of his largest and finest armies for, prestige , The 6th Army was reconstituted in time for the Battle of Kursk, but was made
- Of account were not only precise, but accurate as well. Instead of gaining, prestige ,from numbers, double entry bookkeeping helped confer cultural authority on
- Ordered Mir Lumley II to invade Coach Bear and Assam and re-establish Mughal, prestige ,in eastern India. After having occupied Koch Bear had also declared its
- Over the world come to Anchorage each March to compete for cash, prizes,and, prestige , The" Serum Run" is another sled dog race that more accurately follows the
- Hospital and medical school can also be a significant factor in the perceived, prestige ,of its BME department/program. Graduate education is a particularly important
- In India welcomed him warmly, but some dissident members, sensing their loss of, prestige ,with the arrival of the Imam, wished to maintain control over communal
- Crystal is a generic term for cut lead-crystal beads, based on the location and, prestige ,of the Swarovski firm. Czech glass beads are made in the Czech Republic
- On astronomical and related scientific matters, and the office is of great, prestige , There was also formerly a Royal Astronomer of Ireland. Astronomers Royal *
- Barry Schwartz wrote in 2009 that Lincoln's image suffered" erosion, fading, prestige , benign ridicule," in the late 20th century. Donald in his 1996 biography
- Share than the winning team's. The Series brought the new American League, prestige ,and proved its best could beat the best of the National League, thus
- The British rapidly surrendered irreversibly altered Britain's standing and, prestige ,as an imperial power. Most damaging of all was the fall of Singapore, which had
- Languages from the Iranian languages subfamily. Persian has always been the, prestige ,language and as the main means of interethnic communication, maintaining its
- And fielding aircraft carriers because of the geopolitical and military, prestige ,they give by being able to project power at some distance from their national
- Taxes on livestock in regular censuses, and the size of a herd reflected the, prestige ,and importance of the estate or temple that owned them. In addition to cattle
- Or museum, which has allowed the more recent iBook to garner more publicity and, prestige , Among the notable names in the WBHF are Ricardo" Finite" Lopez, Gabriel "
- Beauty. Works Opera During his time in Vienna, Salieri acquired great, prestige ,as a composer and conductor, particularly of opera, but also of chamber and
- And missile defense. Using space exploration as a symbol of national, prestige , he warned of a" missile gap" between the two nations, pledging to make the
- The bank of the papacy, contributing considerably to the family's wealth and, prestige , John had his officials sell indulgences, a controversial practice that was
- Months the Atoms succeeded their lost possession and along with it their lost, prestige ,and glory, this was due to the determination and courage of Whom king
- Part of the Southern Peninsula (c. 900–700 BC). The bronze daggers lent, prestige ,and authority to the personages who wielded and were buried with them in
- Flag to be shot at anywhere on earth if we are to retain our respect and, prestige , ” *“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is
- Immensely wealthy" and purchased a presidential plane to reflect his personal, prestige , while landlocked Burkina Faso ranks as the third least developed country in
- Both in Hungary and in Persia terminated unfavorably for the empire, and its, prestige ,received its first check in the Treaty of Zsitvatorok, signed in 1606,whereby
- Movement that threatened to break the unity of the Roman Republic. Octavian's, prestige ,and, more importantly, the loyalty of his legions, had been initially boosted
- Citation for this belief. The late 20th century, however,saw a decrease in the, prestige ,of Columbus' legend as skepticism about Europeans' activities in the New
- Who did not become part of this extended family were deprived of power and, prestige , Name" Kazan, pg. 1479" /> This measure, which was intended to
- At obscuring any distinctions between the two groups, trading on the, prestige ,and network of the older organization. Black Hand members held important army
- The beginning of World War II in Europe, Einstein was persuaded to lend his, prestige ,by writing a letter with Szilard to President Franklin D. Roosevelt to alert
- Found in Cauchy a staunch and illustrious ally in this struggle. He lent his, prestige ,and knowledge to the Cole Normal Ecclesiastical, a school in Paris run by
- This tradition had weakened over time; and the title increased Abd-ar-Rahman's, prestige ,with his subjects, both in Iberia and Africa. He based his claim to the
- Lots being provided for luxury houses. Count Used Quell added to the, prestige ,of the development by moving in 1906 to live in Harvard House. Ultimately, only
- Over the many Roman legions in the East. As a personal challenge to Octavian's, prestige , Antony tried to get Caesarion accepted as a true heir of Julius Caesar, even
- Were falsely attributed to Albert us by their authors in order to increase the, prestige ,of the text through association. According to legend, Albertus Magnus is said
- Peru, Chile,and Argentina were anarcho-syndicalist in general outlook; the, prestige ,of the Spanish C. N. T. as a revolutionary organization was undoubtedly to a
- And urban areas of the Maghreb. It is pronounced as a glottal stop in several, prestige ,dialects, such as those spoken in Cairo, Beirut and Damascus. But it is
- Argued that they may have been the" stately homes" of their time, objects of, prestige ,and very visible demonstrations of superiority for important families (Admit
- The Senate's roster. The office of the tribune plebs began to lose its, prestige ,due to Augustus' amassing of tribunal powers, so he revived its importance by
- Then intellectualism per se; for example, to protect their positions and, prestige , academics may over-complicate problems and express them in obscure language (
- Britain's colonies in South-East Asia occupied by Japan, which damaged British, prestige ,and accelerated the decline of the empire, despite the eventual victory of
- Of the Austrian army as well as Head of the Council of War. Supported by the, prestige ,of being the only general who had proved capable of defeating the French, he
- Trade over long distances, intensified warfare, the linking of wealth and, prestige ,to horses and war, and the rise of large and powerful tribal confederacies. The
- Political, administrative and social pressure, partly based on the low social, prestige ,of the Dutch language in Belgium at the time. From 1880 on, more and more
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