Examples of the the word, awesome , in a Sentence Context

The word ( awesome ), is the 4648 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Solitude. 'I was solitary before, but now my solitude becomes complete and, awesome , '" But he was not afraid of this new solitude which was expected of him. He
  2. Wanted Kong hard and tough in the belief that his fall would be all the more, awesome ,and tragic. Cooper felt Creelman's final draft was slow-paced, too full of
  3. Of Faith says:“ Therefore, to swear vainly or rashly by the glorious and, awesome ,name of God…is sinful, and to be regarded with disgust and detestation. … For by
  4. Those shorts and let’s see how you look ”, he said. “ Christ, Ronnie,you look, awesome , terrifying. You look 7ft tall. ”“ Why not go the whole hog, boss? ” I
  5. she's rarely allowed to be anything more than pretty, instills her with an, awesome ,resoluteness and strength of character. " Jan Stuart of Noonday described Cruz
  6. K→ch) Some words only exist in an augmentative form – e.g. *relish" (, awesome ,) spectacle" ( from the old Slavic root" to see" ) *svlachishte" landslide
  7. Paycheck. He went on to say:" I'm totally destitute and broke. But I have an, awesome ,life, I have an awesome wife who cares about me. I'm totally broke. I had a
  8. Jonathan Cooper wrote an article entitled the" top ten reasons why Luigi is, awesome ,", listing such qualities as being significantly taller than most characters
  9. Of Kerala. Chettikulagara Bhagavan Temple, the famous temple dedicated to the, awesome ,Goddess Bhagavan is about 4 km from Mavelikkara. The important festival here
  10. They settled in southern Mesopotamia, which became known as Summer, and had an, awesome ,influence over the Semitic Akkadian peoples and their culture. The Sumerians
  11. D. Candidates until his death. At Berkeley, Tarski acquired a reputation as an, awesome ,and demanding teacher, a fact noted by many observers: His seminars at Berkeley
  12. Cover they are laboring unseen at such a rate within to give us the sudden, awesome ,beauty of spring flowering bulbs. While winter reigns the earth reposes but
  13. As" unlike anything else out there – a point-and-click adventure with an, awesome ,sense of humor and multiple solutions to almost every puzzle. " Nintendo Power
  14. With others through his poetry. The narrator would thereby be elevated to an, awesome , almost mythical status, as one who has experienced an Ethnic paradise
  15. Very happy with the emblem, saying," Your new emblem immediately conveys the, awesome ,beauty and power of China which are embodied in your heritage and your people.
  16. That tries to emulate the desk paradigm. Tiling window managers include, awesome , DWM, Ion,Lars, ratpoison, Stumpwm, wmii, xmonad, and WE. Compositing
  17. Day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the, awesome ,duties of this office--the Presidency of your country. Accordingly, I shall not
  18. Was about to wed the daughter of the king, when Agdistis-Cybele appeared in her, awesome ,glory, and he castrated himself. In Archaic Phrygia images of Cybele of the
  19. OS X and the possibilities of its Cocoa programming framework. He said it was ", awesome ,... ", which was also the last word he wrote on his site. Adams can also be
  20. In his stories. On the other hand, Ellsworth is also a bona fide genius with, awesome ,tech and scientific knowledge—the" Y" on his shirt in earlier stories stands
  21. Preservation, from the beautiful to the sublime, from the picturesque to the, awesome ," and" an unmatched flora" located in the" magnificent Iguana waterfalls ".
  22. Pushes him towards heroism ". " Wired. Com editor Chris Kohler called Bowler, awesome , adding that his segments are funnier than Mario and Luigi's. " Giant Bomb
  23. And hieratic manner typical for the Macedonian epoch and represented by the, awesome ,Christ Pantocrator image inside the dome, was metamorphosing into a more
  24. Leading up to the Mademoiselles. Although just under 30 inches high, Oviri has an, awesome ,presence, as befits a monument intended for Gauguin's grave. Picasso was very
  25. Existential metal and they've never needed the props .... Metallica are still, awesome ,.... What is new is streamlined attack, the focus and, yes,the tunes. "
  26. Something special to offer, be it the ultra cool intro to" Lucretia" and the, awesome ,riff age of" Tornado of Souls" and its ultra melodic feel. " When asked if
  27. Absorbed in temicxoch,'the flowery dream ', as the Nashua say in describing the, awesome ,experience that follows the ingestion of Sinicuichi (Hamid salicifolia). I
  28. Logic. His students, many of them now distinguished mathematicians, recall the, awesome ,energy with which he would coax and cajole their best work out of them, always
  29. Based in the disparity between her characters' limited perceptions and the, awesome ,fate awaiting them. Another source of humor is frequently found in the attempt
  30. Powerful metaphor for Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the destruction of a great and, awesome ,statue, and would have been understood by any 7th century monk as evidence for
  31. Say:" I'm totally destitute and broke. But I have an awesome life, I have an, awesome ,wife who cares about me. I'm totally broke. I had a lot of fun. It (losing
  32. Century made the big pike columns vulnerable to being shot down despite their, awesome ,close-combat power. The decline of the combat column of pike men was starkly
  33. Beside each" living creature" is a" wheel within a wheel," with" tall and, awesome ," rims full of eyes all around. Yahweh commissions Ezekiel to be a prophet and
  34. Pop audiences have been fed elaborate videos thick with jaw-dropping effects, awesome ,choreography, fabulous clothes, marvelous bodies. And the same level of
  35. Being surrounded by the ocean. He suggests that" we have to keep in mind the, awesome ,pace of change and realize how little time is left to act, and then each
  36. Power of the Orb, much like the sword of Rival Iron-grip carried by Marion. The, awesome ,power of the three defeats Naval and Morita, banishing them back to Hell, and
  37. But for the ten-year-old living inside us all, it is entertainment of the most, awesome ,sort. " Matt Patrick of Blog critics said the film is" far from perfect" and
  38. The character, who appeared as if from a blazing Inferno, as " formidable and, awesome ,in sight, with garments as given him by poets, but burdened with gold and
  39. Of a plot. " On the other hand, Martin Gottfried wrote:" 'Follies is truly, awesome ,and, if it is not consistently good, it is always great. " Time Magazine wrote
  40. Foreign affairs marked the end of predominant American isolationism. The, awesome ,threat of nuclear weapons inspired both optimism and fear. Nuclear weapons were
  41. Series painted in the early 1840s that depict man trying to survive amidst an, awesome ,and immense nature, from the cradle to the grave (see below). Voyage of Life
  42. Such as has never been known, a time of natural and man-made disasters on an, awesome ,scale. Jesus said that at the time of his coming," There will be great
  43. See Elah (Hebrew: אֵלָה),(plural" elm" ) is the Aramaic word for ", awesome ,". The origin of the word is uncertain, and it may be related to a root word
  44. See for years, perhaps for the rest of their lives. “ Before them stretched the, awesome , lonely void of the Indian and Southern Oceans, and beyond that lay nothing
  45. Label (Interscope) had taken place. Fred described the meeting to have 'went, awesome ,', and gave the official release date for Gold Cobra, that being June 28, 2011.
  46. Embankment to cross over Irondequoit Creek, spanned the Geneses River on an, awesome ,aqueduct, and carved a route for it out of the solid rock between Little Falls
  47. First, at 10pm. The main neighborhood falls are burnt closer to midnight. The, awesome ,falls in the city center often take longer. For example, in 2005,the fire
  48. In a fun house but is thwarted by Variant," a man from the future possessing, awesome ,powers ". *Apollonian appears as a fictional character in the 1996 short story
  49. Dave Markham listed Character as a video game creature who would make an ", awesome ,pet ", stating that it could serve as a makeshift campfire. IGN called
  50. Weapon which will kill only Asians. They devise other uses for the, awesome ,forces they have discovered, but how can a handful of men overthrow an

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