Examples of the the word, deadly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deadly ), is the 4856 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Some creatures it can still be toxic – for instance, carbon nanoparticles are a, deadly ,toxins to Drosophila. Carbon may also burn vigorously and brightly in the
  2. It has several advantages over use of a" live" edged weapon, it is still, deadly ,if used incorrectly, and any training with a broken/bout should be done with
  3. Ceased. For some people who are allergic to amoxicillin the side effects can be, deadly , Use of the amoxicillin/clavulanic acid combination for more than one week has
  4. The age of consent * attempts or causes bodily injury to another person with a, deadly ,weapon. Aggravated assault can also be charged in cases of harm against police
  5. Son Asclepius, yet Apollo was also seen as a god who could bring ill-health and, deadly ,plague. Amongst the god's custodial charges, Apollo became associated with
  6. You may ... fear that the chest pains a physical symptom of anxiety are a, deadly ,heart attack or that the shooting pains in your head another physical symptom
  7. An attempt on her life. She becomes a romantic interest for Bruce Wayne and a, deadly ,adversary for Batman. * Christopher Walken as Max Shrek: A powerful
  8. Battlecruiser force to give his damaged ships a respite from the accurate and, deadly ,fire of his foes. Since visibility and firepower now favored the Germans
  9. Alaric, again outwitted by an enemy's machinations, marched southward and in, deadly ,earnest, began his third siege of Rome. Apparently, defence was impossible;
  10. Argues that things imminently dangerous to life are poisons, explosives, deadly , weapons—things whose normal function it is to injure or destroy. But whatever
  11. Officials fear thousands of its soldiers may have come into contact with the, deadly ,defoliant in the late 1960s and early 1970s. According to one top government
  12. That the stench was enough to kill them, though it was the disease that was, deadly , At the siege of Thun-l'Revenue in 1340,during the Hundred Years' War, the
  13. For successive attacks. The right uppercut followed by a left hook is a, deadly ,combination employing the uppercut to lift the opponent's chin into a
  14. Remaining significant throughout the Napoleonic Wars. Massed infantry was, deadly ,to cavalry, but offered an excellent target for artillery. Once the bombardment
  15. R. McKenzie, who as late as 1980 denounced evolution as one of" the seven, deadly ,heresies" ( BYU Fireside, June 1,1980),and stated:" There are those who
  16. Evil will offer men a small, hopeful truth only in order to catch them in a, deadly ,trap. When Macbeth kills the king and takes the throne, Banquo—the only one
  17. Warned, Abner was compelled to slay him in self-defense. This originated a, deadly ,feud between the leaders of the opposite parties, for Job, as next of kin to
  18. Charles Martel saved and delivered the Christian nations of the West from the, deadly ,grasp of all-destroying Islam ", and Range points out, In 1922 and 1923
  19. And Naval bombings, the 2006 first Alaska Mosque bombing in Samara,the, deadly ,single-day series of bombings in which at least 215 people were killed in
  20. In a stricken field. But he fared even worse than before. Others dealt him a, deadly ,wound with a magic sword, named Mistletoe, which he had received from Miming
  21. As close combat with French cavalry, carbine fire, infantry musketry and – more, deadly ,than all of these – artillery fire steadily eroded the number of effective in
  22. A combination of barbed wire, machine guns and rapid fire rifles proved, deadly ,to horse mounted troops. For the remainder of the War on the Western Front
  23. One within the last five years. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the fifth most, deadly ,cancer in women. It affects about 16 per 100,000 women per year and kills about
  24. Organs, and other such crush injuries - in some ways a broken can be more, deadly ,as the injuries caused are often unseen. It is not a sparring weapon, but
  25. They argue was predominant in Abyss in the First dynasty of Egypt. Plague is a, deadly ,infectious disease that is caused by the Enterobacter Yersinia pests, named
  26. Drew fire from two of Beatty's battlecruisers, but still fired with, deadly ,accuracy during this time, putting nine shells into Tiger in the first 12
  27. Pieces those who have succumbed to gluttony, one of Roman Catholicism's seven, deadly ,sins. In the constellation Cerberus introduced by Johannes Helvetius in 1687
  28. Tornado: The western half of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan is struck by a, deadly ,F5 tornado. *1961 – The Leadbeater's Possum is rediscovered in Australia after
  29. With enemies and their projectiles (rocks, lasers,fireballs, etc.) is, deadly , resulting in the loss of a life. The game's music was written by Japanese
  30. Immigration must be" halted and reversed as it presents one of the most, deadly ,threats yet to the survival of our nation ". Furthermore, their policy is also
  31. Assault is, in some jurisdictions, a stronger form of assault, usually using a, deadly ,weapon. A person has committed an aggravated assault when that person: *
  32. Of food-price controls. Some of these shortages resulted in food riots and even, deadly ,stampedes. Natural gas is used because it is the cheapest currently available
  33. Entrenched enemy. It is alleged that Haber's role in the use of chlorine as a, deadly ,weapon drove his wife, Clara Interwar, to suicide. After its first use
  34. From rural to city areas. However, cities during those periods of time were, deadly ,places to live in, due to health problems resulting from contaminated water and
  35. The group studied. In their study they found that neither agent alone seemed, deadly , but a combination of the virus and Nosema Lebanese was always 100 % fatal.
  36. But even in small doses, effects are severe, and in larger doses can be, deadly ,; the cyanide must be removed before consumption. Culinary uses While the almond
  37. As Voltaire's magnum opus Historical and literary background A number of, deadly ,historical events inspired Voltaire to write Candide, most notably the Seven
  38. By Hautefeuille's dragoons. As the range closed to within, the French fired a, deadly ,volley. Rowe had ordered that there should be no firing from his men until he
  39. Injury to another; or, # negligently causing bodily injury to another with a, deadly ,weapon. Some states also define assault as an attempt to menace (or actual
  40. Many of which, like the infamous" flying wedge ", were sometimes literally, deadly ,). Even after the emergence of the professional National Football League (NFL
  41. Dense population and rich cities along the river make the floods more, deadly ,and costly. The most recent major floods were the 1998 Yangtze River Floods
  42. City more than fifty times between 1348 and 1517. During its initial, and most, deadly , waves, approximately 200,000 people were killed by the plague, and,by the
  43. As tangible progress made in human rights. Efforts in the past decade to combat, deadly ,natural disasters, such as the perennial Yangtze River floods, and work-related
  44. Between the ridges, with each ridge fortification supporting the other with, deadly ,crossfire. The Marines took increasingly high casualties as they slowly
  45. Side. Vulnerable to artillery or infantry, squares that stood their ground were, deadly ,to cavalry, because they could not be outflanked and because horses would not
  46. Her. Aphrodite was outraged at her success and told her to go to a field where, deadly ,golden sheep grazed and get some golden wool. Psyche went to the field and saw
  47. Packs and Siberian Tigers. In situations where the interspecies conflict turns, deadly , brown bears may also eat the competitor, despite it not being the primary
  48. As bees, despite numerous differences between them. Although a bee sting can be, deadly ,to those with allergies, virtually all bee species are non-aggressive if
  49. And military purposes. While Boomers are intended to serve mankind, they become, deadly ,instruments in the hands of ruthless individuals. The AD Police are tasked to
  50. By both sides as a chemical weapon, but it was soon replaced by the more, deadly ,phosgene and mustard gas. Iraq War Chlorine gas has also been used by

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