Examples of the the word, appeal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( appeal ), is the 1322 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Particularly in the criminal context. The first is the traditional" direct ", appeal ,in which the appellant files an appeal with the next higher court of review.
  2. Usually petition the highest state court to review the decision. This, appeal ,is known as a direct appeal . The highest state court, generally known as the
  3. Appeal. In criminal matters, however,the state or prosecution generally has no, appeal ,as of right. And due to the double jeopardy principle, in the United States the
  4. Or legal principle. The appellate court cannot refuse to listen to the, appeal , An appeal by leave or permission requires the appellant to obtain leave to
  5. In the United States) or defender (under Scots law). A cross- appeal is an, appeal ,brought by the respondent. For example, suppose at trial the judge found for
  6. Recognize these prerogative writs. Direct Appeal After exhausting the first, appeal ,as of right, defendants usually petition the highest state court to review the
  7. Varies significantly internationally. All parties must present grounds to, appeal , or it will not be heard. By convention in some law reports, the appellant is
  8. The parties' names always stay in the same order as the lower court when an, appeal ,is taken to the circuit courts of appeal s, and are re-ordered only if the
  9. Noah Brooks reported," No man ever before made such an impression on his first, appeal ,to a New York audience. " Donald described the speech as a" superb political
  10. For a writ of habeas corpus in the federal courts. Generally speaking," direct, appeal ,statutes afford defendants the opportunity to challenge the merits of a
  11. Court may have the discretion to grant or refuse the appellant's demand to, appeal ,the lower court's decision. A good example of this is the U. S. Supreme Court
  12. Damages and he had not been fully decompensated. An appeal ed is the party to an, appeal ,in which the lower court judgment was in its favor. The appeal ed is required to
  13. Posture that the lower court's decision should be affirmed. Ability to, appeal ,An appeal as of right is one that is guaranteed by statute or some underlying
  14. Legal principle. The appellate court cannot refuse to listen to the appeal . An, appeal ,by leave or permission requires the appellant to obtain leave to appeal ; in
  15. Verdict of acquittal. But in some jurisdictions, the state or prosecution may, appeal ,as of right from a trial court's dismissal of an indictment in whole or in
  16. Missouri, and Arkansas) listened to, but initially rejected, the secessionist, appeal , President Buchanan and President-elect Lincoln refused to recognize the
  17. The trial court and/or the appellate court. The ability of the prosecution to, appeal ,a decision in favor of a defendant varies significantly internationally. All
  18. Specific procedures for appeal ing, including even whether there is a right of, appeal ,from a particular type of decision, can vary greatly from country to country.
  19. Highest state court to review the decision. This appeal is known as a direct, appeal , The highest state court, generally known as the Supreme Court, exercises
  20. Innocence based on new evidence. These proceedings are separate from the direct, appeal , As such, the conviction is considered final. An appeal from the post
  21. Halogen-rich alkanes, like chloroform, can be carcinogenic as well. An, appeal ,is a petition for review of a case that has been decided by a court of law. The
  22. Final. An appeal from the post conviction court proceeds just as a direct, appeal , That is, it goes to the intermediate appellate court, followed by the highest
  23. Equity, or other civil matters either party to a previous case may file an, appeal , In criminal matters, however,the state or prosecution generally has no appeal
  24. Of the final judgment. Generally, an appeal of the judgment will also allow, appeal ,of all other orders or rulings made by the trial court in the course of the
  25. That the lower court's decision should be affirmed. Ability to appeal An, appeal ,as of right is one that is guaranteed by statute or some underlying
  26. Plaintiff and ordered the defendant to pay $50,000. If the defendant files an, appeal ,arguing that he should not have to pay any money, then the plaintiff might file
  27. Court judge erred in the application of law, but it may also be possible to, appeal ,on the basis of court misconduct, or that a finding of fact was entirely
  28. Court exercises its discretion and grants a writ of certiorari. In contrast, appeal ,as of rights to the Supreme Court of Canada are available, for example, in
  29. Appellate review is by filing an appeal of the final judgment. Generally,an, appeal ,of the judgment will also allow appeal of all other orders or rulings made by
  30. Cases where there is dissent on a point of law in a provincial court of, appeal , In tort, equity,or other civil matters either party to a previous case may
  31. Courts, or supreme courts. Access to appellant status A party who files an, appeal ,is called an appellant, plaintiff in error, petitioner or pursuer, and a party
  32. Jeopardy principle, in the United States the state or prosecution may never, appeal ,a jury or bench verdict of acquittal. But in some jurisdictions, the state or
  33. From the direct appeal . As such, the conviction is considered final. An, appeal ,from the post conviction court proceeds just as a direct appeal . That is, it
  34. Type of decision, can vary greatly from country to country. The nature of an, appeal ,can vary greatly depending on the type of case and the rules of the court in
  35. By the incompetent loan applicant. When Narragansett's ruling was reversed on, appeal , he retired and joined the strike. At the end of the novel, he is seen editing
  36. An appeal by leave or permission requires the appellant to obtain leave to, appeal ,; in such a situation either or both of the lower court and the appellate court
  37. Imagery and language reflected his own personal beliefs or was a device to, appeal ,to his audiences, who were mostly evangelical Protestants. Though he never
  38. A criminal defendant may be convicted in state court, and lose on direct, appeal ,to higher state appellate courts, and if unsuccessful, mount a collateral
  39. The normal and preferred way of seeking appellate review is by filing an, appeal ,of the final judgment. Generally, an appeal of the judgment will also allow
  40. The first is the traditional" direct" appeal in which the appellant files an, appeal ,with the next higher court of review. The second is the collateral appeal or
  41. Is taken to the circuit courts of appeal s, and are re-ordered only if the, appeal ,reaches the United States Supreme Court. In Canada, criminal cases, including
  42. Court, exercises discretion over whether it will review the case. On direct, appeal , a prisoner challenges the grounds of the conviction based on an error that
  43. Abolish slavery in the Southern states: The President ended his address with an, appeal ,to the people of the South:" We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be
  44. Appeal or post-conviction petition, in which the petitioner-appellant files the, appeal ,in a court of first instance—usually the court that tried the case. The key
  45. Novo and abuse of discretion. An appellate court is a court that hears cases on, appeal ,from another court. Depending on the particular legal rules that apply to each
  46. Be ordered. Habeas Corpus See Habeas corpus in the United States Notice of, appeal ,A notice of appeal is a form or document that in many cases is required to
  47. An appeal with the next higher court of review. The second is the collateral, appeal ,or post-conviction petition, in which the petitioner-appellant files the appeal
  48. Motion. Likewise, in some jurisdictions, the state or prosecution may, appeal ,an issue of law by leave from the trial court and/or the appellate court. The
  49. In unusual cases the appellant can be the victor in the court below, but still, appeal , For example, in Doyle v Colby (Ironmongers) Ltd 1969 2 QB 158,the claimant
  50. In criminal cases in Canada also are appeal able, so the style of a criminal, appeal ,is always the same whether the appellant is the defendant or prosecution.

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