Examples of the the word, licence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( licence ), is the 1344 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Group was awarded the 12-year license to operate the second national DAB radio, licence , after having defeated its only rival, National Grid Wireless, in the
  2. a million over a six-year period. The money would have come from the television, licence , fee and would have been the first time that money from the license fee had been
  3. To $840 million in 2008–09. Until 1948,the ABC was funded directly by radio, licence , fees; amendments were also made to the Australian Broadcasting Act that meant
  4. Channel was unfair and illegal under EU law. The Commission ruled that the, licence , fee should be considered state aid but that such aid was justified due to the
  5. It also had limited finances (partially because the BBC did not increase its, licence , fee to fund the new station) and often, as in January 1975,suffered
  6. The whole country—for example his license to marry without the banns (marriage, licence , ). * Royal Peculiar,a few churches are more closely associated
  7. To export a lot of their manufactured output in order to get a Government, licence , to purchase the necessary raw materials. The company moved bicycle production
  8. An industry of production companies that did not have to rely on owning an ITV, licence , in order to see their programs air, though since Channel 4,external
  9. In April 2006 that Channel 4's digital switch-over costs would be paid for by, licence , fee revenues. On 28 March 2007,Channel 4 announced plans to launch a music
  10. And financial aid to keep them competitive. Each club was required to pay a, licence , fee which allowed the Victorian based clubs to survive. The league changed its
  11. Alberta Corporation announced August 27, 2007 that they had applied for a, licence , to build a new nuclear plant at Lac Cardinal (30 km west of the town of Peace
  12. Ownership Any transfer of more than 30 % of the ownership of a broadcasting, licence , ( including cable/satellite distribution licenses) requires advance approval
  13. Hermes what they had done," she related. " In this one suspects a festival of, licence , which is unleashed in the thirteenth month. " Ares remained screaming and
  14. Diabetic Research Foundation in Elizabeth for teaching medicine without a, licence , The Foundation closed its doors, causing the proceedings to be vacated, but
  15. Ise – for example, practice is a noun and practice is a verb; in addition, licence , is a noun and license is a verb. (Note that prophecy and prophesy are
  16. Bicycle (patent:15,342 of 1884). BSA was also producing tricycles and a, licence , was obtained in 1885 to manufacture ball bearings. BSA ceased bicycle
  17. That the Premier had received a favor in return for granting a gaming, licence , led to Clark's resignation as Premier. He was succeeded on an interim basis by
  18. Radio Cheshire, but those were shelved in 2007 after a lower than expected BBC, licence , fee settlement. Settlements and communications Settlements The county is home
  19. These titles are usually applied to retired bishops who are given a general, licence , to minister as episcopal pastors under a diocesan's oversight. The titles, in
  20. Slovenia (0.00 % for drivers in their first two years after gaining a drivers, licence , drivers under 21 and common drivers, such as buses, trucks ...) * Spain (
  21. Ancestor Entertainment is currently developing a reimagining under a limited, licence , from Gearbox under the name Duke Nuke 3D: Reloaded. The reimagining is set to
  22. Car parts clerk and assistant at the Meteorological Institute. He completed his, licence , de philosophies (BA) in 1935; in May 1936,he successfully presented his
  23. For example, the last Crusade to the Holy Land ended in 1291); this poetic, licence , would continue in the subsequent Black adders. The filming of the series was
  24. Mines in Jetsam for the Soviet Union or to a joint Soviet-Finnish company. The, licence , to mine the deposit had earlier been granted to a British-Canadian company and
  25. All drivers 18-21 and newly licensed drivers of any age for first two years of, licence , ; also, if the BAC exceeds 0.03 %, driving is illegal if the driver is showing
  26. Is an OSI-approved open source license as well as an FSF-approved free software, licence , The product ships with complete source code, build script, test suite, and
  27. Of the state where the minimum size is 132 mm. With a recreational abalone, licence , there is a bag limit of 10 per day, and a total possession limit of 20. Scuba
  28. For the sale of a telephone company, unless said company also owns a broadcast, licence , Controversial decisions Since 1987,the CRTC has been involved in several
  29. Foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov contacted the Finns and demanded a mining, licence , in the nickel mines in Jetsam for the Soviet Union or to a joint
  30. Oil bath chain guards. The original BSA 3 speed hub gear had been made under, licence , from the Three-Speed Gear Syndicate since 1907. The design was later to be
  31. Floated as a separate company). In July 2007 The group was awarded the 12 year, licence , to operate the second national DAB radio license after having defeated its only
  32. Controlling the Data Wallaby, another introduced animal pest in New Zealand. A, licence , is required to store, handle and use cyanide in New Zealand. Niche uses
  33. And was managed by licensee Ray Donn from 1970 to 1984 the club had a full club, licence , supplying food and drink to its members and guests during match days and live
  34. Associated with running a channel that only a minority could view from the, licence , fee. Sky News claimed that a number of British cable operators had been
  35. Media). The requirement to obtain all content externally is stipulated in its, licence , 4 Ventures/4Rights In 2001 http://www.channel4.com/4ventures/about/index.html
  36. In 2003-4 (during Fulham's exile to Loftus Road) the club applied for a, licence , to have a designated neutral area. Due to Fulham's past history of having no
  37. They will be able to guess approximately what some others, such as" driving, licence ,", mean. However, use of many other British words such as naff (slang but
  38. Henry IV of England banned the practice of Alchemy without first receiving a, licence , to practice it from the King. Alchemy was kept alive by men such as Nicolas
  39. By HMO has been scanned; the Ministry of Defense patent office has issued a, licence , to the Edinburgh Computer History project to allow them to put both the code
  40. Television license fee and would have been the first time that money from the, licence , fee had been given to any broadcaster other than the BBC. The plan was scrapped
  41. Far the more important. 51.8 % of the Government's revenue comes directly from, licence , fees for offshore companies, and considerable further sums are raised directly
  42. In war production. BSA operations were also dispersed to other companies under, licence , In 1941 BSA was approached to produce a new pedal cycle with a maximum weight
  43. Since 1971 for augmentative and alternative communication. BCI received a, licence , and copyright through legal agreements with Charles K. Bliss in 1975 and 1982.
  44. Kingdom. However, BSI makes standards available to these libraries only under, licence , restrictions which forbid loan, inter-library loan, open-shelf access, and
  45. There were also concerns over Yu's application to the government for a bank, licence , and lurid stories from flamboyant realtor Faye Lung of a party in the "
  46. Fox News: Until 2004,the CRTC's apparent reluctance to grant a digital, licence , to Fox News under the same policy which made it difficult for RAI to enter the
  47. Four elements (air, earth,fire, and water),but was forced to adopt artistic, licence , and create begins to represent certain elements (air and fire) to legitimize
  48. Had to scatter money so lavishly as to empty his treasury, and to allow such, licence , to the officers of the army as to leave the Empire practically defenceless. He
  49. Investment in infrastructure and technology. Digicel was finally granted a, licence , on 17 December 2007 and plans to start operations in the BVI sometime in 2008.
  50. Stage. The Centaur second stage would have either been built in the UK under, licence , or imported directly from the USA. Both the Centaur and Blue Streak had proved

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