Examples of the the word, ambassador , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ambassador ), is the 4180 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Alexander Sondra, Deputy Prime Minister for European affairs, used to be an, ambassador ,to the USA. More problematic is that between 2004 and 2006 he was an executive
  2. Preamble were not agreed to within 48 hours, Austria-Hungary would recall its, ambassador ,from Serbia. The letter became known as the July Ultimatum. Serbia accepted all
  3. Figure in the newly formed Burmese government. She was appointed Burmese, ambassador ,to India and Nepal in 1960,and Sung San Sub FYI followed her there, she
  4. Of mission of the United States to the Soviet Union from 1944 to 1946,under, ambassador ,W. Averell Harriman. * shift from defensive to active containment and advocated
  5. Served from 1990 to 1993. Between 1993 and 1994,Schwarzenegger was a Red Cross, ambassador ,(a ceremonial role fulfilled by celebrities),recording several
  6. Bolivian songwriter (b. 1927) *2005 – Paul Omani, Tanzanian politician and, ambassador ,(b 1925) * 2005 – Alexander Brett, Canadian violinist and composer (b. 1915
  7. Foreign Ministry announced at the same time that it was recalling its own, ambassador ,to the US. This was followed by the expulsion of ten other U. S. embassy staff
  8. To three years. Canola had obtained letters of introduction to the Venetian, ambassador , the Cavaliere Julian, and enlightened and generous protector of the arts, and
  9. Caroline married Lieutenant Colonel Jacques Au pick, who later became a French, ambassador ,to various noble courts. Biographers have often seen this as a crucial moment
  10. School and was a cheerleader * Shirley Temple Black, actress and former U. S., ambassador , resident * Steve Bye, MLB player for the Minnesota Twins, Milwaukee Brewers
  11. Technology and have also held talks for military cooperation. In March 2008, ambassador , Gustavo Machine Gomez met General Tariq Majid, the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of
  12. For remarks, he made about Mickey Mouse which led Mexico to recall its, ambassador ,from Havana. He said he intended no offense when he said earlier that Mexican
  13. Identified as an Antipope *Astrid or Saint Anastasios of Pannonhalma –, ambassador ,of Stephen I of Hungary (d. 1030) *Anastasios of Hungary (954-1044)
  14. Within the inter-American system (e.g., it was intimated by the outgoing, ambassador ,of Mexico in 1998) but most observers did not see it as a serious possibility
  15. States, and various international organizations. Libya supplies aid and has an, ambassador ,resident in N'Djamena. Traditionally strong ties with the Western community
  16. Responsibility for its own foreign and military affairs in the 1920s. Its first, ambassador ,to the United States, Vincent Massey, was named in 1927. Canada became an
  17. Navy were also ill-equipped to handle such a conflict. Former, ambassador ,and foreign minister Count Alois Orenthal had assumed that any future war
  18. Sending their first ambassador on that date and Chile sending their first, ambassador ,on 16 June 1952. India Pakistan United States Chile-United States relations
  19. Have compromised its sovereignty. In response, Austria-Hungary recalled its, ambassador , Austria-Hungary authorized the mobilization and the declaration of war against
  20. Ismail I, who had sent ambassador s to Gujarat, Ormuz and Dimapur. The shah's, ambassador ,to Dimapur visited Albuquerque inviting him to send back an envoy to Persia.
  21. Since the end of the civil war in 2002. João Manuel Bernardo, the current, ambassador ,of Angola to China, visited the PRC in November 2007. In February 2006,Angola
  22. Not alter either country's basic legal position. Paul Gallucci, the American, ambassador ,to Canada, in 2005 suggested to Washington that it should recognize the straits
  23. Congratulated by Bush for his victory in February 2006,Harper rebuked U. S., ambassador ,to Canada David Wilkins for criticizing the Conservatives' plans to assert
  24. On defeating the Mameluke sultan. Having returned with rich presents and an, ambassador , on the journey back in March 1515 they were met by Albuquerque at Hormuz, where
  25. The German government delivered a memorandum on the incident via the American, ambassador ,in Berlin, who received it on 6 December 1915. In it, they cited six US
  26. Throughout 2008 costing about $800 million. On January 12, 2009,the Russian, ambassador ,was invited to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs and asked about this
  27. French movements,Nelson's ships stopped at Elba and Naples, where the British, ambassador ,Sir William Hamilton reported that the French fleet had passed Sicily in the
  28. Invited the commission to his house in Paris, where he was acting as Spanish, ambassador ,and he became an active supporter of the struggle of the fledgling Colonies
  29. Trade volume between the two countries amounted to $400 million. The Israeli, ambassador ,to Angola is Abraham Benjamin.1 In 2005,President José Eduardo dos Santos
  30. And last days,1515 In 1513 at Bangalore Albuquerque was visited by a Persian, ambassador ,from shah Ismail I, who had sent ambassador s to Gujarat, Ormuz and Dimapur. The
  31. Established diplomatic relation on 16 May 1950,with Israel sending their first, ambassador ,on that date and Chile sending their first ambassador on 16 June 1952. India
  32. Poland and Belarus escalated further as Poland responded by recalling its, ambassador ,from Belarus for indefinite consultations, and called on the European Union to
  33. And have an undefined Maritime border. On 5 November 2009 Thailand recalled its, ambassador ,from Cambodia in protest of the Cambodian government's appointment of Thai
  34. For the unpunished crime ". Sir Edward Grey replied through the American, ambassador ,that the incident could be grouped together with the Germans' sinking of the
  35. Study in Cuba. It may also provide training for Fiji doctors. Indeed,Fiji's, ambassador ,to the United Nations, Berenado Unibody, has stated that his country may seek
  36. The current ambassador of Burkina Faso to Mexico is Jonathan Hodgson The former, ambassador ,of Burkina Faso to the United States was Terminus Congo, he left his post when
  37. Of Israel, a mostly ceremonial post. The offer was presented by Israel's, ambassador ,in Washington, Abba Ban, who explained that the offer" embodies the deepest
  38. Valletta. * Malta is represented in the Czech Republic through a non-resident, ambassador ,based in the Foreign Ministry at Valletta. * Both countries are full members of
  39. The tenets of Islam by holding innocent people. Abdul Rajah Azzarouq, former, ambassador , to the Philippines, criticised the kidnappers for holding people who have
  40. Are serving in Nauru. New Zealand Regarding relations with New Zealand, Cuban, ambassador , Jose Luis Robin Garcia said his country had" admiration for New Zealand's
  41. Switzerland ". From here the AAR flows northeast for a long distance, past the, ambassador ,town Southern name CODE /> (below which the Gross Emma flows in on the
  42. Much of its Roman Sculpture, in 1805. In 1806,Thomas Bruce,7th Earl of Elgin, ambassador ,to the Ottoman Empire from 1799 to 1803 removed the large collection of marble
  43. Is unpopular. ”’ ’ She recently turned down an offer to be Britain's next, ambassador ,to the Holy See, being prevented from accepting by suffering a detached retina.
  44. It at the Hotel Metro pole in Brussels in honor of Perl Mesa, then U. S., ambassador ,to Luxembourg. The cocktail owes its name to the use of vodka, a stereotypical
  45. WHO, WFTU, WHO,WIPO, WMO, WToO, WTrO International Relationships The current, ambassador ,of Burkina Faso to Canada is Juliette Bonkoungou. The current ambassador of
  46. Or even with personal religious items in their possession. The Jordanian, ambassador ,to Israel replied to a complaint by a religious Jew denied entry that security
  47. Whose duties were soon recognized to be virtually identical to those of an, ambassador , The first such British High Commissioner was appointed to Ottawa in 1928. The
  48. Powers of Syria. In reply to this the French sovereign dispatched Andrew as his, ambassador ,to Guy Khan; with Longjumeau went his brother William (also a Dominican)
  49. Connie Stevens, American singer and actress *1939 – Alexander Watson, American, ambassador , and diplomat * 1939 – Phil Bagsley, baritone singer with The Stapler Brothers
  50. Ambassador of Burkina Faso to Canada is Juliette Bonkoungou. The current, ambassador ,of Burkina Faso to Mexico is Jonathan Hodgson The former ambassador of Burning

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