Examples of the the word, ç , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ç ), is the 432 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Must be used: *In macOS," Ç" can be typed by using shift + option + c and ", ç ," can be typed using option + c *The HTML character entity reference for" Ç "
  2. Vowel). C is always pronounced in front of the soft vowels e, i,and y, thus, ç , is never found in front of soft vowels. *** The circumflex does not affect the
  3. But have characters like Ö (German, Swedish ), Ø (Danish, Norwegian ), ç ,(French) and Ñ (Spanish) on the code point 0x5C,with a similar confusion
  4. There were several ways of writing the sounds peculiar to Albanian, namely c, ç , DH, ë,GJ, ll,NJ, q,RR, sh,TH, x,oh, y,z and ZH. c, ç ,k, and q The
  5. Beach' ). Other digraphs are ‹ RR › and ‹ SS ›. Catalan spelling utilizes ‹, ç ,› (called CE Grenada, literally 'broken-c' ) when ‹ c › takes the soft sound
  6. U ", with additional feminine" o" (" ө" ) and with additional consonants ", ç ," for" ch "," ş" for" sh" and ƶ for" ZH ", it successfully served in
  7. The cedilla (la cedilla) ç (e.g. gar ç on—boy) means that the letter, ç ,is pronounced in front of the hard vowels a, o and u (c is otherwise before a
  8. System Basque is written using the Latin script including ñ and sometimes, ç ,and ü. Basque does not use Cc, Qq, Vv, Ww, Yy for words that have some
  9. Sounds when not before these letters (e.g. Italian ‹ CI GI ›, Portuguese ‹, ç ,j ›). Furthermore, in Spanish, Catalan,Occitan and Brazilian Portuguese, the
  10. Alt-GR the combination is Alt-GR +" = ", then C or c respectively for Ç or, ç , In electrical engineering, the maximum power transfer theorem states that, too
  11. Preceding one, not combined, and is not a schwa. *** The cedilla (la cedilla), ç , ( e.g. gar ç on—boy) means that the letter ç is pronounced in front of the hard
  12. Simpler interface to work with. (From the French" fa ç ade" () wherein the ", ç ," diacritical and the" a" (" CA" pronounced" so" ) has been replaced
  13. e.g. French accented characters on Canadian IIC such as“ á,”“ é,” “, ç ,” etc., or the British Pound“ £” symbol on the UK IIC) while other times
  14. Preceding vowel and assimilating any subsequent vowel. The letters ‹ ş › and ‹, ç ,› represent and, respectively. A circumflex is written over back vowels
  15. Albanian, namely c, ç ,DH, ë,GJ, ll,NJ, q,RR, sh,TH, x,oh, y,z and ZH. c, ç , k, and q The earliest Albanian sources were written by people educated in
  16. Pronunciation. Only in foreign words Galician may use of another diacritics as, ç ,(widely used in the Middle Age) ê or à. * German uses the three so-called
  17. Zz. It was first written as c in 1879 by Fraser but also in 1908 by Perez., ç ,was also written as TZ (Leave 1814),ts (with an over lined s, Reinhold 1855)
  18. Are many extensions of Braille for additional letters with diacritics, such as, ç , ô, é. When Braille is adapted to languages that do not use the Latin alphabet
  19. Microsoft Word," Ç" can be typed using CTRL + "," and then pressing C, and ", ç ," can be typed using CTRL + "," and then pressing c. *In the X Window System
  20. Windows," Ç" can be produced by typing" ALT+0199" or" ALT+128 ", and ", ç ," can be produced by typing" ALT+0231 ", or " ALT+135 ". *In Microsoft Word,"
  21. I" ( in this case," c" denotes the unvoiced /s/). *In English and Basque, ç ,(called c-cedilla in English and he Hausa in Basque) is used in loanwords
  22. Now it is extinct or near extinction. Siberian Tatar Siberian Tatars pronounce, ç ,as, c as and sometimes b as’d as, f as p, y and j as ch, t as d, z as s and h
  23. As Catalan, French,Occitan, and Portuguese. In Occitan, Friulian and Catalan, ç ,can also be found at the beginning of a word (Cuban, ç o) or at the end (
  24. Some historical palatalization are indicated with the cedilla (, ç ,) in French, Catalan,Occitan and Portuguese. In Spanish and several others
  25. In dictionaries. * Occitan has the following composite characters: á, à, ç , é, è,í, ï,ó, ò,ú, ü,n·h, s·h. The acute and the grave accent indicate
  26. The Akbar or Dakar of ক. * Catalan has the following composite characters: à, ç , é, è,í, ï,ó, ò,ú, ü,l·l. The acute and the grave accent indicate stress
  27. LaTeX, \c is used for adding the cedilla accent to a letter, so \c produces ", ç ,". *In Microsoft Windows," Ç" can be produced by typing" ALT+0199" or "
  28. e.g. French accented characters on Canadian Die such as" á "," é ",", ç ,", etc., or the British Pound" £" symbol on the UK Die) while other times
  29. Characters Modern Albanian - Albanian written in the alphabet a آ b ب c تس, ç ,چ d د DH ذ e َا ë f ف g غ GJ ﻚ h ﻫ i ِ ا j ى k ڧ l لل ll LA ل m م n ن NJ نى o p
  30. Alphabet as the / ç / sound. Computer Input On French AZERTY keyboards,", ç ," is directly available as a separate key; however, on most other keyboards
  31. Consoles, the compose key combination for" Ç" is COMPOSE ","" C" and for ", ç ," is COMPOSE ","" c" pressed sequentially. Using Alt-GR the combination is
  32. Italian alphabet. The present-day c was written with a z, and the present-day, ç ,was written as c as late as 1895. Conversely, the present-day k was written as
  33. The voiceless palatal fricative. In transliteration of the India scripts, ç ,represents the aspirated voiceless postalveolar affricate:. Usage as a letter
  34. http://atilf.atilf.fr/academie9.htm dictionary also gives CA and. Also, the ", ç ," is used only in front of a, o and u letters. It is not needed in front of e
  35. Personal names, ‹ ü › and ‹ è › and others are also used. For foreign names, ‹, ç , ›,‹ ë ›, ‹ í ›, ‹ õ ›, ‹ ñ › and many others might be used, but are usually
  36. Facciata, or face); a fake persona, as in" putting on a fa ç ade" ( the, ç ,is pronounced like an s);: lit. Accomplished fact; something that has already
  37. Kristoforidis 1872),TC (Dozen 1878),č (by Aims) and ch (by Sashimi)., ç ,itself was first used by Fraser (1879). The present-day q was variously
  38. By s or SS, while sh was represented by SC, ſc, overlined s (Reinhold 1855), ç , ( Dozen 1878) and š. sh was first used by Radar in 1866. X Fraser first used
  39. C *The HTML character entity reference for" Ç" is Ç; and ç ; for ", ç ,". *In TeX and LaTeX, \c is used for adding the cedilla accent to a letter, so
  40. Were, respectively,*HK, *OK, *CK (), *SK (), and CK (where ‘ x’ and ‘, ç ,’ are arbitrary symbols, not attempts to guess the phonetic value of the
  41. And one for circumflex (`, ´ and ^). Other letters occur less often, like, ç , in loan words from French or Portuguese, or ñ in loan words from Spanish.
  42. Been Romanized in Aaron, Juǀʼhõasi, and! Sung, where have been transcribed TC, ç , and QC, respectively. There are a few less well attested articulations, such
  43. Characters Modern Albanian: Albanian written in Cyrillic script a а b б c ц, ç ,ч d д DH e е ë ъ f ф g г GJ гї, гj, ђ h х i ї, и j ѣ, j k к l л, љ ll л LA лї
  44. It resembles the current alphabet with the differences being the use of ch for, ç , c for q, ts for c, é for e, e for ë, gh for GJ, gn for NJ, and z/ZH have
  45. Knowledge of pronunciation of a given word.: * Manx uses the single diacritic, ç ,combined with h to give the digraph (pronounced /to/) to mark the distinction
  46. And sh/s·h. * Portuguese has the following composite characters: à, á,â, ã, ç , é, ê,í, ó,ô, õ,ú. The acute and the circumflex accent indicate stress and
  47. N, o,A, N,O is generated by Altar and #, then the letter; * cedilla (e.g., ç ,) under c, C is generated by Altar and the letter. These combinations are
  48. Acute accents are used on a very small number of words, mostly loanwords. The, ç ,also appears in some loanwords. * Faeroese. Non-famous accented letters are not
  49. Accent, acute accent, grave accent, diaeresis ) and the cedilla appearing in ‹, ç ,›. There are two ligatures, ‹ œ › and ‹ æ ›. Orthography French spelling, like
  50. Of the cedilla with the letter C The most frequent character with cedilla is ", ç ," (" c" with cedilla, as in fa ç ade). It was first used for the sound of the

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