Examples of the the word, hint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hint ), is the 3533 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Architect James Gibbs was a transitional figure, many of his buildings having a, hint ,of Baroque, reflecting the time he spent in Rome in the early 18th century.
  2. Of Scripture. His writings, with those of Clement and Ignatius, are taken to, hint ,at papal primacy. Grenades is the earliest witness to recognition of the
  3. Scarcely a doubt about, but should have considered it most improper in me to, hint ,to you that I in any way suspected ". Lovelace did not blame the incestuous
  4. Each question that a gamer might have. The first answer would provide a subtle, hint , the second a less subtle hint , and so forth until the last one gave an
  5. Can be used to add similar texture to the drink. Green pearls have a small, hint ,of green tea flavor, and are chewier than the traditional tapioca balls. Jelly
  6. Of how posteriorly living people perceived these monuments, and not as a, hint ,on the intentions of the civilizations who constructed them. Dolmen sites
  7. Continued polishing his ideas until his release on April 29, 1832. The letters, hint ,that Mlle. Du Motel had confided some of her troubles with Galois, and this
  8. S, has no signs of staging such an encounter: its stage directions give not a, hint ,of visible combat. Despite the dramatic licenses taken,Shakespeare's version
  9. Flights of fancy. Many of his characters' names provide the reader with a, hint ,as to the roles played in advancing the storyline, such as Mr. Curbstone in the
  10. Format. The Solid Gold versions of those games include a built-in Invisible, hint ,system. Work made a cameo appearance as an Easter egg in Activision and
  11. Christians. Another indicator that the letter is early is that there is no, hint ,in the letter of a developed organization within the Christian community at
  12. Rand's extensive metaphor for the inherent flaws of communism),as well as a, hint ,of John Galt's true background. *Calvin Atwood is owner of Atwood Light and
  13. ALC/VOL (Limited Release),700mL *Bundaberg Rum 101 – Rich, dark and with a, hint ,of smoke. Released to commemorate the 1907 fire at the Bundaberg Distillery
  14. Would open up a screen of possible topics where they could then reveal one, hint ,at a time for each puzzle, just like the books. Interactive fiction Info com
  15. German 'plug ', clever; poss. Related to Polish & Russian 'klutz' ( a key,a, hint , a main point) 1. n. A Rube Goldberg (or Heath Robinson) device, whether in
  16. Platform for popes and Vatican officials to float ideas for discussion or, hint ,at future statements or positions. In the United States, America magazine has
  17. 6 are repeated in steps 11,12 and 13. Comparison with" Elegant" provides a, hint ,that these steps together with steps 2 and 3 can be eliminated. This reduces
  18. Of the natives to Christianity. The Washington Post reported that" The studies, hint ,that, among other things, crew members may have included free black Africans
  19. Combined in various ways, such as" TRANSL, TFTC! " Location description or, hint ,: * GRC – (Guardrail Cache) used in the description on where a cache may be
  20. Made throughout Ecclesiastes (3:14,5:6-7,7:18,8:12),though often with a, hint ,of doubt. Here, it is made quite emphatically, with the idea being that one
  21. Set, which was released posthumously as an album in 1994,may have provided a, hint ,of Cobain's future musical direction. The record has drawn comparisons to R.
  22. Or even waver in that regard, they would receive a sharp warning, with a strong, hint ,of war: The Union government never declared war, but conducted its military
  23. Of his own construction. He never deals with my ideas as such, but proceeds by, hint , innuendo, false attribution, and error. " Gould was also a harsh critic of
  24. Variants Scottish & Newcastle launched Foster's Twist, a beer with a, hint ,of citrus that is marketed as a refreshing alternative to other heavier beers
  25. Races of animals have been fairly developed into species. " Despite this, hint , Darwin mistook Wallace's conclusion for the progressive creationism of the
  26. The persecutions. Because Constantine was still largely untried and had a, hint ,of illegitimacy about him, he relied on his father's reputation in his early
  27. Encompasses topics related to playing interactive fiction games, such as, hint ,requests and game reviews. One of the most important early developments was the
  28. Have. The first answer would provide a subtle hint , the second a less subtle, hint , and so forth until the last one gave an explicit answer. Gamers could thus
  29. TYPE is the record type. It indicates the format of the data, and it gives a, hint ,of its intended use. For example, the A record is used to translate from a
  30. The efforts of the faithful servant to communicate with her, there is still a, hint ,of supernatural in her dream, inspired,it would be seemed, by the fact that she
  31. Deity of Jesus was not…clearly stated in words and the book of Acts gives no, hint ,that it was ”. This philosophy was known by the so-called“ Church Fathers ”
  32. Of Mark and the Gospel of John do not include a nativity narrative or any, hint ,that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and refer to him only as being from Nazareth.
  33. Being compressed. (This variation requires that a frequency table or other, hint ,as to the encoding must be stored with the compressed text; implementations
  34. Used successfully for years. In many cases, however,the cache description and, hint ,are never read by the seeker before hunting the cache. This means they are
  35. Usually dressed with Glacial (cheek bacon),peas, Parmigiano Region and a, hint ,of cream. * Grain con Alicia - typical Bologna short and small diameter
  36. The landed proprietors of other provinces might express a similar desire. The, hint ,was taken: in all provinces where serfdom existed, emancipation committees were
  37. Usually dressed with Glacial (cheek bacon),peas, Parmigiano Region and a, hint ,of cream. * Grain con Alicia - typical Bologna short and small diameter
  38. Staring, winking,etc. * Giggling, or laughing encouragingly at any slight, hint ,of intimacy in the other's behavior * Casual touches; such as a woman gently
  39. Of the device. The value that this option is set to gives the DHCP server a, hint ,about any required extra information that this client needs in a DHCP response.
  40. Of disunity coming from the tribes east of the Jordan, and there is even a, hint ,in chapter 22:19 that the land across the Jordan is unclean and the tribes who
  41. A power struggle within the Privy Council itself. # The various incidents that, hint ,at a relationship with the Privy Council (see above),and by the fact that
  42. Mobs beat other victims to death. At the peak of the terror, the slightest, hint ,of counter-revolutionary thoughts or activities (or, as in the case of Jacques
  43. Recounts her college years and her early adult life. None of the early movies, hint ,at the social activism that would become the hallmark of Keller's later life
  44. Would go to the Queen and have him removed, Kerr did not give Whitley any, hint ,of what was coming. He conferred (against Whitlam's advice) with High Court
  45. In IAU Circular 5725 on March 27, 1993. The discovery image gave the first, hint ,that comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 was an unusual comet, as it appeared to show
  46. Since the latter is valid over the entire cycle, this gave Clausius the, hint ,that at each stage of the cycle, work and heat would not be equal, but rather
  47. S kingdom had its own bishop or bishops and royal villas, this is the only, hint ,to the institutions of the kingdom. After Cor bridge, Ragnall enjoyed only a
  48. Recess baseball. It quickly became a staple of the comic afterwards. The only, hint ,at the true creation of the game ironically comes from the last Calvin ball
  49. To control the Red Sea entrance and was abandoned, and Albuquerque's, hint ,that Massage could be a good Portuguese base might have been influenced by
  50. Concert organized by Began in ELO's hometown of Birmingham on 15 March 1986. A, hint ,of Lynne's future was seen when George Harrison appeared onstage during the

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