Examples of the the word, tired , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tired ), is the 3523 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For his 1922 book The Coming of the Fairies. By now Elsie and Frances were, tired ,of the whole fairy business. Years later Elsie looked at a photograph of
  2. And other opiates. In May 2011,Love made public statements that she was ", tired ," of her reputation as a drug addict:" I've been maligned as this drug freak
  3. The safety of Calais however, and delaying battle would only further weaken his, tired ,army and allow more French troops to arrive. Battle Preparation for battle The
  4. Can be physically exhausting for the patient, who might already be very, tired ,from cancer-related fatigue. It may produce mild to severe anemia. Treatments
  5. People of the Grants were tired of the disputes with New York, and they were, tired ,of Allen's posturing and egotistic behavior, which the success at Ticonderoga
  6. Addict:" I've been maligned as this drug freak for years, and I'm getting, tired ,of it. That's not the way I live anymore. I try to work a good program. I do
  7. Over her left shoulder. Two cherubs are removing the weighty crown from her, tired ,head. Literature; Classical literature * Plato – The Republic (" Plato's
  8. Of 1840 was held. As the August election drew nearer, Rockingham residents grew, tired ,of the county seat cause, and the efforts of Davenports were difficult to
  9. Also relate to temporary conditions as well as inherent qualities:" I will be, tired ,after running. "" Will you be going to the play tomorrow? " But please note
  10. As Bill Ward explained:" The band started to become very fatigued and very, tired , We'd been on the road non-stop, year in and year out, constantly touring and
  11. An especially nice woman. The citizens of St. Mary Mead like her but are often, tired ,by her nosy nature and how she seems to expect the worst of everyone. In later
  12. Down his opponents until they collapsed in pain and exhaustion, or became too, tired ,to defend as Chávez shifted his attack to the head and went for a knockout.
  13. Seen Mickey Mouse, ask Donald what is wrong, but Donald replies he is just, tired , Later in the same story the Caballeros free several animals from a poacher and
  14. Sometimes unable to stand the hard work of it day in and day out. They become, tired ,and cannot reenergize themselves. ” While Beau stuck to her portraits of the
  15. Chains and a basket on a pole. He started designing the target because he was, tired ,of arguing over what counted as a scoring disc with his friends. Hendrick
  16. York. " The rejection likely had several causes. The people of the Grants were, tired ,of the disputes with New York, and they were tired of Allen's posturing and
  17. With a fuller head of hair. Koontz explained the change by claiming that he was, tired ,of looking like G. Gordon Lindy. Koontz does not to spend much time on partisan
  18. S important to show that the width of the gay world cannot be described by a, tired ,stereotype, but goes from leather gays on parade-wagons to suit-and-tie yuppies
  19. And sitting down, a user might hear a voice saying," sit down now,you're, tired ," and feel inclined to obey. White says that of all the reports of Plateau
  20. The Oilers. Model was tired of losing in the playoffs, and Schottenheimer was, tired ,of what he perceived as Modell's interference with his coaching personnel and
  21. Echoed the idea that the punk scene was no longer a safe haven for" your, tired , your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ". The album contains
  22. At the age of twelve, Grohl began learning to play guitar. He quickly grew, tired ,of lessons and instead taught himself, and began playing in bands with friends.
  23. Sky, now denuded of the attractions of the volcanic night. Almost lifeless,the, tired ,entertainers of the nightclubs and their friends straggle to their rooms
  24. Dutch troops being brought in to defend their monopoly. The Manganese soon grew, tired ,of the Dutch actions; the low prices, the useless trade items, and the
  25. To return to Britain, whilst the few regular regiments that were available were, tired ,and depleted from five years of fighting. British forces used airpower to shock
  26. Money during the crash, at one point about $10,000 a day. Warner quickly grew, tired ,of supporting Atari Inc., and started looking for buyers in 1984. Although not
  27. Of intelligence through scouts and spies. Leaving India Wellesley had grown, tired ,of his time in India, remarking " I have served as long in India as any man
  28. The remnants of the Axis forces in Stalingrad surrendered on 2 February; 91,000, tired , ill, wounded,and starving prisoners were taken, including 3,000 Romanians (
  29. Pulled a goal back for the Germans and Ramsey replaced the aging and, tired ,Charlton with Colin Bell who further tested the German keeper Maier and also
  30. Arthur Conan Doyle with Sherlock Holmes, Christie was to become increasingly, tired ,of her detective Poirot. In fact, by the end of the 1930s,Christie confided to
  31. 1978 with openers Van Halen. Reviewers called Black Sabbath's performance ", tired ,and uninspired ", a stark contrast to the" youthful" performance of Van Halen
  32. Been cut off from all his friends in the process). Instead of using Vermin's, tired ,characters, Abner inventively peopled the strip with hillbillies. A bighearted
  33. Mutual agreement with Model shortly after the loss to the Oilers. Model was, tired ,of losing in the playoffs, and Schottenheimer was tired of what he perceived as
  34. But advocated by Albert Einstein and Richard Holman) and Fritz Zwicky's, tired ,light hypothesis. After World War II, two distinct possibilities emerged. One
  35. Stative verbs (SV) with no need for a copula, e. g., in Mandarin," to be, tired ," (累 lei)," to be hungry" ( 饿 è)," to be located at" ( 在 CAI)," to be
  36. A pack hunter and they bump down the quarry with hindquarters when it has been, tired ,out. In role of a guard dog, if an Arawak senses danger it will bark to alert
  37. Jim Carrey was a gentleman, and Tommy Lee was threatened by him. I'm, tired ,of defending overpaid, overprivileged actors. I pray I don't work with them
  38. Promised some jobs in California, but these failed to materialize, and he got, tired ,of waiting. He returned to France in February 1947. After the quintet After
  39. 1708,and remained there until 1717. By this time Naples seems to have become, tired ,of his music; the Romans, however,appreciated it better, and it was at the
  40. Morals. ... I'd do it again. I thought the pictures were fine. And I was, tired ,of being compared to Debbie Gibson and all of this bubblegum pop all the time.
  41. Inclinations manifest as auditory hallucinations; rather than simply feeling, tired ,and sitting down, a user might hear a voice saying," sit down now,you're
  42. Only come with a UK or US hit. Official naming In early 1973,Sting Anderson, tired ,of unwieldy names, started to refer to the group privately and publicly as ABBA
  43. Euros, the largest of her fines to date. The prosecutor stated that she was, tired ,of charging Bar dot with offenses related to racial hatred. On 13 August 2010
  44. Group, which then went through another change in line-up when Claudia Barry –, tired ,of merely lip-synching – left in February 1976 to pursue a solo career as a
  45. Water Once you have finished exercising; it is often that the person will feel, tired ,and fatigued; to combat this problem In Sing says on page 388: Most
  46. On the Allied right. Tallard's squadrons, lacking infantry support, were, tired , and ragged but managed to push the Allied first line back to their infantry
  47. Cookie. He is a practicing idealist who, after years of attempted heroism, is, tired , of crusading and has come to the Cookie Jar to retire. Inspired by his record
  48. Alexander to comment that, in the work," it is clear that Bronte was becoming, tired ,of the gothic mode per se ". **A collection of childhood and young adult
  49. Then attempt an ambush on those troops, which significantly outnumbered his, tired ,company, Allen withdrew to the other side of the river, where the men collapsed
  50. With a mouse between its teeth. " Despite his success at the National, Hopkins, tired , of repeating the same roles nightly and yearned to be in films. He made his

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