Examples of the the word, rear , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rear ), is the 3527 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Been used mostly by mortars. These projectiles use fins in the airflow at their, rear ,to maintain correct orientation. The primary benefit over rifled barrels is
  2. Or softcover (paperback); the spine is the binding that joins the front and, rear ,covers where the pages hinge. * Flyleaf: The blank leaf or leaves following the
  3. Nomenclature on X & Z vehicles by using 'drive' or 'xDrive' ( simply meaning, rear ,or all-wheel drive, respectively ) followed by two numbers which vaguely
  4. Foxes. Young from a previous year's litter may stay with the parents to help, rear ,younger siblings. The kits are initially brownish; as they become older they
  5. And Senior) where significant course alterations have to be made,the, rear ,and forward sights are totally blocked prior to and during the course
  6. At the 2010 Detroit Motor Show. Power is provided by two electric motors at the, rear ,axle. This concept is also considered to be the direction for a future
  7. Thrust through the pass, which could attack his brigade from the flank or the, rear , Sharon asked for permission to attack the pass several times, but his requests
  8. In had its rear window smashed, and the car with Tin OO and U FYI Mung had its, rear ,window and two backdoor windows shattered. It is believed the offenders were
  9. Motion to the front of use, and a version is applied with motion towards the, rear ,of use, usually by incorporating a turning or pivoting motion. Finally, most
  10. The wheels are not covered, and the cars often have airfoil wings front and, rear ,to produce downforce and enhance adhesion to the track. In Europe and Asia
  11. Scientist associated with the Agricultural Research Service have found a way to, rear ,saltwater fish using RAS in low-salinity waters. Although saltwater fish are
  12. Lifts it from its raceway, withdrawing it out of the bolt carrier and to the, rear , The operator must then pull the carrier assembly all the way to the rear , lift
  13. And creating spacious aisles along the walls. There is a shrine carved on the, rear ,wall to house an impressive seated image of the Buddha, his hands being in the
  14. 520ST,but moved the power supply and a double-sided floppy drive into the, rear ,of the housing of the computer, as opposed to being external. This added to the
  15. In the dharmachakrapravartana Audra. There are four cells on each of the left, rear , and the right walls. The walls are covered with paintings in a fair state of
  16. Uses front-projected images with live actors instead of the traditional, rear ,projection that Harryhausen and others used. Intro vision blended components
  17. SSA. When the Thessalian awoke the next day, they found Alexander in their, rear , and promptly surrendered, adding their cavalry to Alexander's force, as he
  18. Same length as the B2 and B4 but has increased space because it uses the A310, rear , fuselage and tail. It has higher power CF6-80 or Pratt & Whitney PW4000 engines
  19. Mines in the kill zone to initiate firing. Against vehicles, the lead and, rear ,vehicles are the primary targets; this traps the remaining vehicles in the kill
  20. Port connections The 520ST featured many ports mounted at the, rear ,of the machine. The basic port layout would remain largely unchanged over the
  21. Wedge shaped, featuring bold angular lines and a series of grilles cut into the, rear ,for airflow. The keyboard had soft tactile feedback and rhomboid-shaped
  22. When it detects movement nearby,to misdirect predators to strike at its, rear , rather than at its actual head. Ximenes () of Damascus (c. 380 – 320 BC
  23. Combat with his army, the hidden ambush force attacked the legionnaires in the, rear , The result was slaughter and defeat for the Romans. Nevertheless, the battle
  24. 40 years depending on the conditions to which it has been exposed. The notched, rear ,tangent iron sight is adjustable, and is calibrated in hundreds of meters. The
  25. Was fitted with a four-stroke engine and a facelift for the car's front and, rear , Volkswagen dumped the DKW brand because of its associations with two-stroke
  26. Vanes and thin sheetlike spin vanes are used. They are attached near the rock (, rear ,) end of the arrow with thin double-sided tape, glue,or, traditionally,sinew.
  27. An alternative open. The accord also had the advantage of protecting Alboin's, rear , as an Avar-occupied Antonia would make it difficult for the Byzantines to
  28. See the so-called Newman projection. The hydrogen atoms on both the front and, rear ,carbon atoms have an angle of 120° between them, resulting from the projection
  29. Weapon is unloaded. The operator presses forward on the retainer button at the, rear ,of the receiver cover while simultaneously lifting on the rear of the cover
  30. For the most part vicars: monasteries with a sanctuary in the structure's, rear ,center. Each of cave temples seem to be patronized by influential authority
  31. The flight, the hijackers stormed the cockpit and forced the passengers to the, rear ,of the aircraft. Hand Hangout, one of the hijackers who was trained as a pilot
  32. Atom attached to the front carbon and a given hydrogen atom attached to the, rear ,carbon can vary freely between 0° and 360°. This is a consequence of the free
  33. Is a three-storey building in yellow brick with neo-classicistic interiors. Its, rear ,facade faces directly onto Horse Guards Parade. The architect was Samuel Pepys
  34. To prevent any enemies from escaping. Another group will cover the front and, rear ,of the ambush position (blocking force),and thus provide all round defense.
  35. Preaching pose flanked by Bodhisattva's and celestial nymphs hovering above. The, rear ,wall of the verandah contains the panel of Litany of Avalokiteśvara" Cave five
  36. Have both" necks" of equal size so that it cannot be determined which is the, rear ,head. Many descriptions of the amphisbaena say its eyes glow like candles or
  37. Blocks were terraced to allow the tallest sections to compose the pueblo's, rear ,edifice. Rooms were often organized into suites, with front rooms larger than
  38. Took the form of horizontal hold and vertical hold controls, usually on the, rear ,of the television set. Loss of horizontal synchronization usually resulted in
  39. Magazine catch and removing the magazine. The charging handle is pulled to the, rear ,and the operator inspects the chamber to verify the weapon is unloaded. The
  40. Edifice. Rooms were often organized into suites, with front rooms larger than, rear , interior, and storage rooms or areas. Ceremonial structures known as Rivas
  41. As a pin or optical with magnification. They usually also have a peep sight (, rear ,sight) built into the string which aids in a consistent anchor point. Modern
  42. Exceeded" and that the center of gravity was positioned beyond its, rear ,limit. Aaliyah's funeral was held on August 31, 2001,at the Saint Ignatius
  43. Batons, stones and other weapons. The car that Sung San Sub FYI was in had its, rear ,window smashed, and the car with Tin OO and U FYI Mung had its rear window and
  44. Stories of the Buddha's life in former existences as Bodhisattva. The porch's, rear ,wall has a doorway in the center, which allows entrance to the hall. On either
  45. It, and then pull it away. The operator removes the bolt by pushing it to the, rear ,of the bolt carrier; rotating the bolt so the camping lug clears the raceway on
  46. Button at the rear of the receiver cover while simultaneously lifting on the, rear ,of the cover to remove it. The operator then pushes the spring assembly forward
  47. Tanners, curriers, fullers,smiths and goldsmiths, with their dwellings in the, rear , On this side we also find the farm buildings, the large granary and
  48. The rear . The operator must then pull the carrier assembly all the way to the, rear , lift it, and then pull it away. The operator removes the bolt by pushing it to
  49. Numbers which vaguely represent the vehicle's engine (e.g. Z4 sDrive35i is a, rear ,wheel drive Z4 roadster with a 3.0 L twin-turbo fuel-injected engine). BMW
  50. Which have capitals and bases. There extensions at the end of the front and the, rear ,aisles to enable pilgrims to circumambulate the Buddha's throne. There is a

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