Examples of the the word, revision , in a Sentence Context

The word ( revision ), is the 3529 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The weekly Beans. Now printed by BGP, The Beans is now in an A4 format. A mild, revision ,of style accompanies this with balloon font changed to CCTimeSaleLower, an
  2. All Anglican orders as valid. This conflict stems over the Anglican Church's, revision ,of its rite of ordination for its bishops during the 16th century. Most of
  3. Had appeared in their aircraft navigation systems' latest Represent database, revision ,with the ICAO airport identifier code of DATA and listed as" Homey Airport ".
  4. Lived till the reign of Hadrian, and that the treatise in its present form is a, revision ,prepared by a later Byzantine editor, whose name may have been Ammonium. In
  5. Author of most of Arrian's Tactics, and that the Tactile Theory is a later, revision ,of this original, but the theory is not generally accepted. Atomic absorption
  6. Of what is aesthetically appealing. Indeed, the reverse is often true, that the, revision ,of what is popularly conceived of as being aesthetically appealing allows for a
  7. Commentary on Ezra-Nehemiah, holding that it is a late 2nd/early 1st century BC, revision ,of Eras and Eras β, while others such as L. L. Grabbed believe it to be
  8. Bit CRC is used for both commands and data. Features introduced with each ATA, revision ,Speed of defined transfer modes Related standards, features,and proposals
  9. Using instead the very broadly defined order Lilies. APG system The 2009, revision , of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group system, APG III, places the order in the
  10. The Pontifical and the Ritual. The most significant changes came with the, revision ,of the Breviary by Pius X in 1910. Pius X modified the traditional psalm scheme
  11. Ada was originally targeted at embedded and real-time systems. The Ada 95, revision , designed by S. Tucker Taft of Intermetrics between 1992 and 1995,improved
  12. As the leading sign of the zodiac in the Neo-Babylonian (7th century BCE), revision , of the Babylonian zodiac, as Jamal (α ARI) came to be located close to the
  13. Into" wars of Yahweh" before being given the final Deuteronomistic, revision , In the 20th century the first part of the prologue (chapters 1:1-2:5) and
  14. With 173 species and 20 genera Although there has been considerable, revision ,of this phylum (the order Haemosporidia now has 17 genera rather than 9) it
  15. 1 MB of additional memory and a real-time clock into the machine, and a later, revision ,of the motherboard provided an expansion slot that could accept an Apple memory
  16. Charm and their historic worth. In the 17th and 18th centuries a movement of, revision ,took place in France, and succeeded in modifying about half the Breviaries of
  17. Administratively, Afonso V was a passive king. He chose not to pursue the, revision ,of laws or development of commerce, preferring instead to preserve the legacy
  18. Of Josiah's reforms in accordance with the laws of Deuteronomy, and the, revision ,of the narrative from Jeremiah concerning Judah's last days. Themes and genre
  19. Galatia),not later than about the middle of the 2nd century. Some believe the, revision ,in question was the work of a single reviser, who in his changes and additions
  20. Debates about social theology and ethics, the Communion has debated prayer book, revision ,and the acceptable grounds for achieving full communion with non-Anglican
  21. By the Scottish empiricist philosopher David Hume, published in 1748. It was a, revision ,of an earlier effort,Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature, published anonymously
  22. ISO standard object-oriented programming language. To help with the standard, revision ,and future acceptance, the US Air Force funded the development of the GNAT
  23. Appointed by the President of the Republic, which was created during the, revision ,of the constitution of 2004 (which, among other things, removed the older
  24. Box and was used for both electricity and the television signal. The 1983, revision , of the Atari 5200 has two controller ports instead of four, and a change back
  25. 2009. The 2010 NFL season introduced an updated AFC logo, with the most notable, revision ,being the removal of two stars (leaving four representing the four divisions
  26. Of the genus Xanthorrhoea. Based on phylogenetic research, the latest (2009), revision , of the APG classification groups together the former families Hemerocallidaceae
  27. Those before and after his reign. However, he did take a great interest in the, revision ,and practice of the law throughout the empire. Although he was not an innovator
  28. Of the word 'planet' until the discovery of Uranus in 1781 created a need for, revision , Although the modern IAU definition of planet does not include the Sun and the
  29. Editing. While Ezekiel himself may have been responsible for some of this, revision , there is general agreement that the book as we have it today is the product of
  30. Church parishes. Most Continuing churches in the United States reject the 1979, revision , of the Book of Common Prayer by the Episcopal Church and use the 1928 version
  31. Not tactical) anti-ballistic missiles. By the ABM treaty and a 1974, revision , each country was allowed to deploy a mere 100 ABMs to protect a single, small
  32. And the Alliance. Based on phylogenetic research, the latest (2009), revision , of the APG classification groups together these three families under the
  33. AS225 - Is the official Commodore TCP/IP stack API with hard-coded drivers in, revision ,1 (AS225r1) for the A2065 Ethernet and the A2060 Arc net interfaces. Were
  34. Atomic time scales. ) Errors in publication may be corrected by issuing a, revision ,of the faulty Circular T or by errata in a subsequent Circular T. Aside from
  35. Illustrations to Tolstoy's Resurrection were dispatched. After its final, revision , the novel was serialized in the journal Nova by the Petersburg publisher
  36. Game Pac-Man sold 7 million copies. In 1980,the VCS was given a minor, revision ,in which the left and right difficulty switches were moved to the back of the
  37. To make enough A500s before Christmas, Commodore used stocks of the new 8A, revision , motherboards destined for the A500+. Many users were unaware that they were
  38. Bridge Federation was founded to promote bridge world-wide, coordinate periodic, revision ,to the Laws and conduct world championships. Bidding boxes and bidding screens
  39. The Master password has been changed, or if it still the factory default. The, revision ,code is word 92 in the IDENTIFY response. Reportedly on some disks a value of
  40. Known as the Gallic an. The name is misleading, for it is simply the second, revision ,(A. D. 392) made by Jerome of the old Italy version originally used in Rome.
  41. Point for understanding the field. This picture, however,is undergoing, revision ,in light of emerging novel roles for RNA. *Chemical Biology seeks to develop
  42. Parts is on the advisory board of the center); he provided input on the, revision ,of the European Interoperability Framework; and he was keynote speaker at a
  43. The first edition of the standard was published during 1963,a major, revision ,during 1967,and the most recent update during 1986. Compared to earlier
  44. L2 Cache on February 10, 2003. Athlon 64,Operon and Phenom The K8 was a major, revision ,of the K7 architecture, with the most notable features being the addition of a
  45. 1740–1758),a special congregation collected many materials for an official, revision , but nothing was published. Subsequent changes have been very few and minute.
  46. Without repetition. Those assigned to the Sunday Office underwent the least, revision , although noticeably fewer psalms are recited at Matins, and both Lauds and
  47. The Republic of Upper Volta and a member of the Franco-African Community. A, revision ,in the organization of French Overseas Territories began with the passage of
  48. At different times. Based on phylogenetic research, the latest (2009), revision , of the APG classification supports the use of a single broadly defined family
  49. Was a first draft, while the Alexandrian version represents a more polished, revision ,by the same author. Adherents of this theory argue that even when the two
  50. The 50th anniversary of the original 1933 translation and provide much needed, revision , The final editing of this edition was done by E. P. Grunewald, A. H. van AYL

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