Examples of the the word, attributable , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And mobile technologies. About a third of the sales from its Cables group is, attributable ,to inter-segment sales. Manufacturing is carried out in China, India,Malaysia
  2. Inflammation and discomfort are common in many human populations. While clearly, attributable ,to the presence of the opportunistic pathogens of the genus Candida
  3. Greenhouse effect. This increase in radiative forcing from human activity is, attributable ,mainly to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. CO2 is produced by
  4. SET studies in 1980,and since the 1990s,systematic search for radio signals, attributable ,to intelligent extraterrestrial life has been ongoing. Recent history The
  5. By Bedouins as a remedy for bacterial dysentery; its efficacy (probably, attributable ,to the antibiotic subtilizing from Bacillus subtitles) was confirmed by German
  6. Evolution accounts for biodiversity, evolution itself is cosmological, attributable ,to a Creator deity. When scientific research produces empirical evidence and
  7. Regulatory and legislative actions to limit the use of antibacterials, partly, attributable , to resistance against such regulation by industries using or selling
  8. Due to its alleged anti-Semitic lyrics. The album's commercial success was, attributable ,in part to" Bobby Brown ". Due to its explicit lyrics about a young man's
  9. And 14 % of Democrats opting for" neither ". The division of beliefs may be, attributable ,to the fact that Republicans are more likely to own guns, according to General
  10. Verified with certainty, as his autograph score is now lost, but it is likely, attributable ,to him, as it consists of only a few bars of introduction, followed by a
  11. Vick's Vapor Rub, NyQuil,and lozenges. Subjective effects The primary effects, attributable ,to MDMA consumption are predictable and fairly consistent among users. In
  12. Cannon-like booms heard in the surrounding area. Many of these booms may be, attributable ,to bird-scarers, automated cannon-like devices used by farmers to scare birds
  13. Philosophical explanatory schemes by reducing all perceived phenomena to being, attributable ,to the motion of an invisible sea of“ corpuscles ”. (Notably, he reserved
  14. Seen increased cases of damage to small engines, in particular, the carburetor, attributable ,to the increased water retention by ethanol in fuel. Alcoholic beverages
  15. Were completed using debit cards than cash. This popularity may be partially, attributable ,to two main factors: the convenience of not having to carry cash, and the
  16. Of other carnivorous mammals but displays several unusual features probably, attributable ,to cats' descent from desert-dwelling species. And can tolerate temperatures
  17. Hong Kong) with over US$123,000,000,000. Almost all of these sums are directly, attributable ,to investment through the Territory's offshore finance industry. Agriculture
  18. Minor surgical procedures. The loco motor enhancing properties of cocaine may be, attributable ,to its enhancement of dopaminergic transmission from the substantia nigra.
  19. Of ancient Ghana to numerous unrelated factors, only one of which can be likely, attributable ,to internal dynastic struggles that were instigated by Alkaloid influence and
  20. States that Fredigundis was a critical and popular failure, which may be partly, attributable ,to the fact that Fredigundis (Freehand),the widow of Chimeric I),is
  21. Real effects). However, Coriolis force is a consequence of inertia, and is not, attributable ,to an identifiable originating body, as is the case for electromagnetic or
  22. The observed variance in a particular variable is partitioned into components, attributable ,to different sources of variation. In its simplest form ANOVA provides a
  23. Charles apparently eventually conquered his physical infirmity, which may be, attributable ,to rickets In 1605,Charles was created Duke of York, which is customary in the
  24. Arms at one time. Armies were small by European standards of the era, largely, attributable , to limitations such as lack of powder and other logistical capabilities on the
  25. Stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is, attributable ,to human activities ". The 2007 Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) strengthened
  26. On climate change. Singer argues there is no evidence that global warming is, attributable ,to human-caused increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, and that humanity
  27. Never tested positive in tests performed in 2003,2004,and 2005,which may be, attributable ,to successful obfuscation of continued use as documented in the 2006 book Game
  28. Gang members in Honduras at 36,000. The increase in gang membership was partly, attributable ,to population movements between Honduras and the United States. During the
  29. Of air travel in recent years contributes to an increase in total pollution, attributable ,to aviation, offsetting some reductions achieved by automobiles. In the
  30. Partial eta-squared describes the" proportion of total variation, attributable ,to the factor, partialling out (excluding) other factors from the total
  31. Is an integral part of human and animal metabolism. While much of it is, attributable ,to diet, a substantial part is synthesized endogenously. Aspirin also has an
  32. Have tended to question this assessment. The only source of information not, attributable ,to Buddhist sources are the Ashoka edicts, and these do not explicitly state
  33. Radiation exposure. The higher value for alpha radiation is generally, attributable ,to the high linear energy transfer (LET) coefficient, which is about one
  34. Of the" phone keypad" and the VGA-style connector. Lack of titles was, attributable ,to two main factors: the Jaguar's questionable long-term prospects among
  35. Members of the Chilean elite, the bloodshed and chaos of the late 1820s were, attributable ,to the shortcomings of liberalism and federalism, which had been dominant over
  36. Pepper, and achieve. Chocolate was believed to fight fatigue, a belief probably, attributable ,to the theobromine and caffeine content. Chocolate was an important luxury good
  37. Of its remaining forests annually during the 1980s and early 1990s. The loss is, attributable ,to several factors. Squatters have consistently used land suitable only for
  38. Increased dramatically in the 1990s and early 2000s. This increase is largely, attributable ,to changes in diagnostic practices, referral patterns, availability of services
  39. Workplace, and company issues. The comic strip's popular success is, attributable ,to its workplace setting and themes, which are familiar to a large and
  40. Of the mass-energy density of the observable universe, with the remainder being, attributable ,to dark energy. From these figures, dark matter constitutes 83 %, ( 23/ (
  41. Consists in its low antibiotic susceptibility. This low susceptibility is, attributable ,to a concerted action of multidrug efflux pumps with chromosomally-encoded
  42. Mission, or the perceived endorsement of a religious message, is reasonably, attributable ,to the individual aid recipients not the government, whose role ends with the
  43. Actual number is closer to 100,with the 50 % decline over the last four years, attributable ,to the lack of ability within the FSC in administering insurance companies.
  44. Nations Population Fund, the abortion rate in developing countries is largely, attributable ,to lack of access to modern contraceptives; assuming no change in abortion laws
  45. The parameter \beta_1 measures the increase in the natural log of the wage, attributable ,to one more year of education. The term \epsilon is a random variable
  46. As Annette). Local was believed to fight fatigue, a belief that is probably, attributable ,to the theobromine content. Chocolate was also an important luxury good
  47. Of holy men and women attend, and the auspiciousness of the festival is in part, attributable ,to this. The sadhus are seen clad in saffron sheets with ashes and powder
  48. Professor of Ergonomics, argues that the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl is, attributable ,to plant designers not paying enough attention to human factors. " The
  49. History related to food. Books (not easily, attributable ,to an author) Four Pillars may refer to: *Four Pillars of Destiny, a Chinese
  50. Stated," Although most of the genetic material recovered from the scene was, attributable ,to the victims of the offenses, some of it cannot be attributed to either the

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