Examples of the the word, italic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( italic ), is the 9520 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Blackletter type, a tradition that survived long after the switch to roman and, italic ,text for other printed works. The phrase definitely refers to a distillation of
  2. Small-caps glyphs. Cyrillic fonts, as well as Latin ones, have roman and, italic ,type (practically all popular modern fonts include parallel sets of Latin and
  3. To singles play unless otherwise stated. Players who retired have been put in, italic , List Metaphilosophy, also called philosophy of philosophy, is the study of the
  4. Characters. Historically, the APL font has been distinctive, with uppercase, italic ,alphabetic characters and upright numerals and symbols. Most vendors continue
  5. Book of Renaissance, and established modern punctuation, the page format and, italic ,type, and the first printed work of Aristotle. In the sixteenth century
  6. Vectors are usually denoted in lowercase boldface, as a or lowercase, italic ,boldface, as a. (Uppercase letters are typically used to represent matrices. )
  7. Upright type")—compare with Normalschrift (" regular type" ) in German * An, italic ,type is called cursive (" cursive" ) or cursively shrift (" cursive
  8. Of a Latin alphabet, are highlighted. Note: in some fonts or styles lowercase, italic ,Cyrillic ‹ д › (‹ д ›) may look like Latin ‹ g › and lowercase italic
  9. Purposes (" ink text" supported word wrap, could be formatted to be bold, italic , etc.). At any time a user could also direct their Newton device to recognize
  10. Using the attributes of either the content (point size, color,bold or, italic ,) or the cell (border thickness, background shading, color ). To aid the
  11. Languages (for example, in Russian) does not use the words" roman" and ", italic ," in this sense. Instead, the nomenclature follows German naming patterns: * A
  12. Cyrillic lowercase ‹ б › has a slightly different design both in the roman and, italic ,types, which is similar to the lowercase Greek letter Delta, ‹ δ ›. The
  13. Letters, are usually printed in roman (upright) type, though sometimes can be, italic , Symbols for elementary functions (circular trigonometric, hyperbolic
  14. Regular upright type (roman type) is found to be more legible than, italic ,type. * Contrast, without dazzling brightness, has also been found to be
  15. The LP label for Movement says" B Music" in large letters, though using an, italic ,ß for the letter B). All four members of the band used the name for production
  16. Numbers The numbers from 1 to 10 in several Finno-Ugric languages. Forms in, italic ,do not descend from the reconstructed forms. The number '2' descends in Uric
  17. Perigees, Lycophron (edition princes) *1514 Virgil (the first of the, italic ,type pocket octavo editions) *1528 Alasdair Castiglione, The Book of the
  18. In italic rather than upright roman typeface while the quantity is also in, italic , For example CP or isobaric is heat capacity at constant pressure.: Note the
  19. Not exist for all font families. In Serbian, as well as in Macedonian, some, italic , and cursive letters are different from those used in other languages. These
  20. Used to mean force, its magnitude (a scalar quantity),often denoted by an, italic ,letter W, is the product of the mass m of the object and the magnitude of the
  21. Written in upright roman typeface rather than italic while the quantity is in, italic , For instance EK or Kinetic is usually used to denote kinetic energy and EP or
  22. Or cursively shrift (" cursive type")—from the German word Cursive, meaning, italic , typefaces and not cursive writing * Cursive handwriting is rukopisniy shrift (
  23. So that we can say, for example, that the lowercase h in a particular old style, italic ,is not legible in small sizes because its in-turned leg makes it look like the
  24. Shapes which are out of use since the beginning of the 20th century. A bold, italic ,combination (bold slanted) does not exist for all font families. In Serbian
  25. K and p are abbreviations of the words kinetic and potential, whereas p (, italic ,) is the symbol for the physical quantity pressure rather than an abbreviation
  26. And lowercase italic Cyrillic ‹ т › (‹ т ›) may look exactly like a capital, italic ,‹ T › (‹ T ›),only small. Cyrillic alphabets Image: Cyrillic alphabet world
  27. macOS. Implement allows editing including text formatting (underline, italic , bold, etc.),fonts, and sizes. It can be considered similar to Windows '
  28. Incunables, with the notable exception of the small format books printed in, italic ,type introduced by ALUs Mantis in 1501. The term post-incunable is sometimes
  29. In the English language (after ‹ t ›). Mathematics In mathematics,the, italic ,form (n) is the common symbol for a variable quantity, especially one which
  30. Inwards. The left and right upper-corners of the shield are formed by two, italic ,lines, whereas the bottom sides are rounded arches that end with a peak in the
  31. Without having the fonts on their machines.: ** Tints is a serif font. Regular, italic , bold and bold italic styles.: ** Arms is a sans-serif font. Regular, italic
  32. Bible Typography * Roman type, an upright typeface style, contrasted to, italic ,or a synonym for serif or antique fonts * Roman (typeface),a raster font
  33. Specify a particular characteristic of the text (in this case, the use of an, italic ,typeface) without specifying the reason for that appearance. The Text Encoding
  34. Elements within the publication, and makes consistent use of type sizes, italic , boldface, large and small capital letters, colors,and other typographic
  35. Shall be required for public acts and transactions only as provided by law ", italic ,added. Hawaii Creole English (locally referred to as 'Pidgin' ) is the native
  36. Designed by Scott Baker, in 1987. Baker stated" The new logo, in Helvetica, italic ,typeface, has a slash between the o and s to emphasize the" soft" part of the
  37. Word, to specify what measurement/s they refer to, and tend to be written in, italic ,rather than upright roman typeface while the quantity is also in italic . For
  38. Beyond what is defined in the character set. They enable functions like bold, italic , fonts, columns,tables, etc. These and other common page formatting symbols
  39. Lowercase glyphs do not coincide in Latin and Cyrillic fonts: for example, italic ,Cyrillic ‹
  40. Italic Cyrillic ‹ д › (‹ д ›) may look like Latin ‹ g › and lowercase, italic ,Cyrillic ‹ т › (‹ т ›) may look exactly like a capital italic ‹ T › (‹ T ›)
  41. And modest information documents. These documents at minimum support bold, italic , and underline text formatting. Also, typically supported are left-, center-
  42. Laufschrift, both meaning literally ‘ running type’ Similarly to Latin fonts, italic ,and cursive types of many Cyrillic letters (typically lowercase; uppercase
  43. Roman) type (m for metres’s for seconds),to differentiate from the, italic ,type used for variables (m for mass’s for displacement). By consensus of
  44. Function. Roman colonies first appeared when the Romans conquered neighboring, italic ,peoples. These were small farming settlements that appeared when the Romans had
  45. With" I love you" instead of the regular Mar mite logo, and is decorated with, italic ,writing and cherubs. The lid has also been made a golden color to match the
  46. Devices that read the text aloud) should do. In the case of both bold and, italic , there are other elements that may have equivalent visual renderings but which
  47. Delta, ‹ δ ›. The following table shows the differences between the upright and, italic ,Cyrillic letters of the Russian alphabet. Italic forms significantly different
  48. Oblique type (naklonniy shrift—"sloped," or" slanted type" ) instead of, italic , A boldfaced type is called poluzhirniy shrift (" semi-bold type" ), because
  49. Chosen to be a single letter of the Latin or Greek alphabet, and are printed in, italic ,type. Vectors: Symbols for physical quantities that are vectors are in bold
  50. They refer to, and tend to be written in upright roman typeface rather than, italic ,while the quantity is in italic . For instance EK or Kinetic is usually used to

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